Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 29 September, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: o  a  b  c  j  k  t

  • Total Answers: 34
  • Pangrams: 2
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AB5 β€” as in bishop, archbishop; archbishop; archpriest; bishop; dean sounds like agate, but, butt, habit, rabbit


  1. BA6 β€” sounds like blob, blobby, bobby, bombast, buyback


  1. BO4 β€” a small buoyant structure for travel on water; a large craft for travel by water; to travel on water in a vessel; bottom; craft sounds like bait, bat, beat, beau, beet
  2. BO4 β€”
  3. BO6 β€” sounds like angst, backed, baked, banked, bark
  4. BO4 β€” sounds like back, bake, balk, balm, bar
  5. BO4 β€” an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; to make a mistake; an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; blunder; bobble sounds like babe, bib, buoy
  6. BO6 β€” an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; blunder; bobble; boob; brick
  7. BO4 β€” a set of printed sheets of paper bound together between covers and forming a work of fiction or nonfiction; a book made up of the writings accepted by Christians as coming from God; a publication that appears at regular intervals; tome; volume sounds like back, bake, balk, beak, bike
  8. BO4 β€” a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelings; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to drive or force out; bang; charge sounds like bait, bat, beat, beet, bet
  9. BO8 β€”


  1. CA5 β€” sounds like cocaine, coco, cocoa, cocoon, cuckoo


  1. CO4 β€” the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thick; to form a layer over; a special group of pictures that belong to a person, family, or group of people and that are shown on a shield; fleece; fur sounds like boat, cat, caught
  2. CO4 β€”
  3. CO4 β€” a fixture for controlling the flow of a liquid; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; the act of positioning or an instance of being positioned at an angle; faucet; gate sounds like cake, calm, car, caught, cause
  4. CO8 β€” sounds like docket, pocket, rocket, socket
  5. CO5 β€”
  6. CO4 β€” to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of; to take place; a person who prepares food by some manner of heating; bend; color sounds like book, cake, crook, hook, kick
  7. CO8 β€” sounds like checkbook, kickback
  8. CO4 β€” as in geezer; geezer; bohemian; maverick; nonconformist sounds like boot, cat, caught, chute


  1. JA5 β€” sounds like abbot, habit, rabbit
  2. JA8 β€”


  1. JO4 β€” as in DJ, disc jockey; disc jockey; DJ; veejay; VJ sounds like chalk, cock, dock, hock, jack
  2. JO6 β€” sounds like adobe, ayatollah, cajole, fajita, judge


  1. KA5 β€” sounds like cabin


  1. KO4 β€” a person of odd or whimsical habits; character; codger; crack; crackbrain sounds like cake, cock, coke, cook, cool


  1. TA5 β€” as in no-no; as in anathema, abomination; that may not be permitted; no-no; ban
  2. TA4 β€” sounds like borrow, box, capo, chalk, cock
  3. TA6 β€”


  1. TO7 β€” sounds like tableau
  2. TO7 β€” sounds like boycott, caught, cockatoo, comma, cot
  3. TO4 β€” sounds like chalk, cock, dock, hock, jock
  4. TO4 β€” to reach for and take hold of by embracing with the fingers or arms; to agree to receive whether willingly or reluctantly; to become affected with (a disease or disorder); clasped; grasped sounds like book, cook, hook, look, nook
  5. TO4 β€” a bout of prolonged or excessive drinking; bender; binge; bust; carousal sounds like boot, chute, hoot, jute, loot

abbot, baobab, boat, boba, bobcat, bock, boob, booboo, book, boot, bootjack, cacao, coat, coca, cock, cockatoo, cocoa, cook, cookbook, coot, jabot, jackboot, jock, jojoba, kabob, kook, taboo, taco, tattoo, tobacco, toccata, tock, took, toot