NYT π CluesβFri. 7 April, 2023
Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: p a g i k l n
- Total Answers: 53
- Pangrams: 2
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- AP5 β sounds like alien, paean
- AP5 β to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; copycatting; copying; emulating sounds like aching, aging, ailing, g*, ping
- AP6 β to cause an unpleasant surprise for; floor; jolt; shake up; shock
- AP9 β causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment; extremely disturbing or repellent; to cause an unpleasant surprise for; abhorrent; abominable
- GA9 β sounds like plank
- GA6 β as in wide, yawning; to look long and hard in wonder or surprise; to look long and hard in wonder or surprise; wide; yawning
- KA5 β sounds like cap
- KI7 β one of high position or importance within a group; the person (as an employer or supervisor) who tells people and especially workers what to do; big; big boy; big cheese sounds like begin, bidden, campaign, carping, clipping
- KI5 β sounds like cap, cape, caper, capo, chip
- LA7 β a partial covering of one thing by an adjoining member; to flow along or against; to flow in a broken irregular stream; imbrication; overlap sounds like f***, leaping, lopping, s***
- LI7 β to flow along or against; to flow along or against; bathing; lapping; laving sounds like c***, f***, leaping, lopping, whipping
- NA6 β as in towel, tissue; serviette; tissue; towel; handkerchief sounds like aspirin, captain, caption, captive, chaperone
- NA7 β being in a state of suspended consciousness; a natural periodic loss of consciousness during which the body restores itself; to sleep lightly or briefly; asleep; dormant
- NI7 β having a low or subnormal temperature; uncomfortably cool; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; algid; arctic sounds like whipping
- PA5 β a person who does not worship the God of the Bible; as in godless, atheistic; as in polytheist; gentile; heathen sounds like bacon, bagel, basin, begun, cajun
- PA7 β sounds like national, original, rational, regional
- PA6 β as in ringing, buzzing; buzzing; knelling; ringing; whistling sounds like aging, raging
- PA4 β a round container that is open at the top and outfitted with a handle; bucket sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
- PA4 β a sharp unpleasant sensation usually felt in some specific part of the body; a state of great suffering of body or mind; strict attentiveness to what one is doing; ache; pang sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
- PA7 β to feel or cause physical pain; to feel or cause physical pain; aching; hurting; smarting sounds like caning
- PA11 β something (as a drug) that relieves pain; analgesic; anesthetic; anodyne sounds like inkling, killing
- PA6 β sounds like plaza, plop
- PA6 β as in bar, pale; to make white or whiter by removing color; to make white or whiter by removing color; bar; pale sounds like piling, polling
- PA4 β a boxlike container for holding a dead body; an overspreading element that produces an atmosphere of gloom; something that covers or conceals like a piece of cloth; bier; box sounds like doll, loll, peal, pearl, peel
- PA7 β as in vapid, humdrum; to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually; to come or be together as friends; arid; boring sounds like piling, polling
- PA4 β as in palpate; palpate; feel; touch; brush sounds like pulp
- PA4 β a sharp unpleasant sensation usually felt in some specific part of the body; as in hurt, stab; as in contraction, pains; ache; pain sounds like bang, dang, fang, gang, hang
- PA6 β sounds like bikini, canine, dainty, faintly, genie
- PA7 β to express one's unfavorable opinion of the worth or quality of; to express one's unfavorable opinion of the worth or quality of; to come to be; blaming; censuring sounds like tanning
- PA4 β a male human parent; dad; daddy; father; old man sounds like pop, poppy
- PA5 β as in priestly, apostolic; apostolic; canonical; clerical; episcopal sounds like maple, people, purple
- PA7 β
- PI7 β to eat greedily or to excess; to eat greedily or to excess; gorging; gormandizing; overeating sounds like rigging
- PI6 β as in pile; to lay or throw on top of one another; to gather into a closely packed group; pile; needle sounds like filing, polling
- PI4 β a small mass containing medicine to be taken orally; a person whose behavior is offensive to others; cap; capsule; lozenge sounds like bill, chill, dill, fill, hill
- PI9 β as in plundering, looting; to search through with the intent of committing robbery; to search through with the intent of committing robbery; depredation; despoilment sounds like imaging, packaging
- PI7 β sounds like billing, chilling, killing, polling, schilling
- PI4 β as in ring, chime; as in ding, clang; chime; ding-dong; knell sounds like king, owing, pang, paying, peer
- PI7 β as in dinging, clanging; chinking; clanging; clanking; clashing sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, spinning, winning
- PI6 β a strong wish for something; as in longing, hankering; as in longing, yearning; appetency; appetite sounds like dining, fining, shining
- PI4 β as in warm, pinkish; individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class; to penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object; bloomy; blowsy sounds like ink, jink, link, mink, punk
- PI7 β to penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object; to penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object; goring; harpooning; impaling sounds like plinking, sinking, thinking
- PI7 β as in mounting, hooking; as in choosing, determining; as in charging, fathering (on); hooking; mounting sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, s***, winning
- PI6 β having a high musical pitch or range; as in pipeline, pipage; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; high-pitched; screeching
- PI6 β something very good of its kind; beaut; beauty; bee's knees; cat's meow sounds like begin, bidden, herein, kingpin, poplin
- PL5 β free from all additions or embellishment; free from added matter; free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions; bald; bare sounds like lain, lane, pain, pane
- PL4 β a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective; something that one hopes or intends to accomplish; to work out the details of (something) in advance; arrangement; blueprint sounds like clan, pan
- PL7 β to make free from breaks, curves, or bumps; to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; to make free from breaks, curves, or bumps; evening; flattening
- PL5 β to throw or set down clumsily or casually; to go on foot; to refuse to work in order to force an employer to meet demands; flop; flump sounds like blank, clank, flank, prank
- PL8 β to throw or set down clumsily or casually; to throw or set down clumsily or casually; flopping; flumping; plopping
- PL8 β to work out the details of (something) in advance; to have in mind as a purpose or goal; to work out the details of (something) in advance; arranging; blueprinting sounds like clanging, clannish, cleaning, clowning, flagging
- PL5 β as in peal, chime; as in plunk, clink; as in snipe, potshot; chime; ding-dong sounds like blink, link, pink
- PL8 β as in plunking, clinking; as in sniping, potshotting; chinking; clanging; clanking sounds like blinking