NYT π CluesβMon. 13 February, 2023
Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: d a c i n o r
- Total Answers: 66
- Pangrams: 3
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- AC6 β to be in agreement on every point; to give the ownership or benefit of (something) formally or publicly; a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples; agree; answer sounds like aboard, afford, award, chord, cord
- AC9 β sounds like cordon
- AC4 β causing or characterized by the one of the four basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids; having or showing a habitually bad temper; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; acidic; acidulous sounds like added, arid, avid
- AC6 β causing or characterized by the one of the four basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; acid; acidulous; sour sounds like ascetic, civic, cynic, pacific
- AC5 β having or showing deep-seated resentment; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; acrimonious; bitter; embittered sounds like arid
- AD5 β to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; array; beautify; bedeck; bedizen
- AN8 β as in python, boa; adder; asp; black racer; blacksnake sounds like avocado
- AN7 β sounds like abdomen, adman, admiral, endurance, enlighten
- AN7 β sounds like added, addled, address, adroit, arid
- AR7 β as in Eden, Camelot; Camelot; Cockaigne; Eden; Elysium
- AR8 β free from disturbing noise or uproar; calm; hushed; peaceful; placid sounds like guardian, radial, radiance, radiant, radiate
- AR5 β depth of feeling; urgent desire or interest; intense sexual desire; ardency; emotion sounds like harder, larder, order
- AR4 β causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest; marked by little or no precipitation or humidity; boring; colorless; drab sounds like acid, added, avid
- CA6 β a rumor or report of a personal or sensational nature; story; tale; whisper sounds like concede, confide, country, regard, unarmed
- CA6 β free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions; marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias; direct; forthcoming; forthright
- CA6 β the free expression of one's true feelings and opinions; the quality or state of having or giving off light; bluntness; candidness; directness sounds like gander, hander, kinder, pander, sander
- CA5 β sounds like conned
- CA4 β a list of foods served at or available for a meal; a person (as a writer) noted for or specializing in humor; as in note, file; menu; comedian sounds like bard, charred, chord, cod, conned
- CA7 β sounds like crack, creak, creek, guardian, hardier
- CA6 β sounds like audio, barrio, condo, hardier, hardy
- CA8 β
- CI6 β sounds like acacia, arcade, became, decade, decayed
- CI9 β sounds like meridian, stadium
- CO4 β as in epilogue, postlude; epilogue; postlude; addendum; afterword sounds like soda
- CO5 β
- CO7 β peaceful coexistence; chime; comity; compatibility; harmony sounds like encore, onboard
- CO5 β as in condominium, penthouse; bed-sitter; cohousing; condominium; duplex
- CO6 β sounds like candor, fonder, kinder, ponder, wander
- CO4 β a length of braided, flexible material that is used for tying or connecting things; a uniting or binding force or influence; as in strap, wire; cable; lace sounds like ac**, board, bored, called, card
- CO6 β a line of people or objects that are placed around or in front of a person or place to keep people away; as in close in, fence (in); barricade; buffer; bumper sounds like warden
- CO7 β sounds like carried, chord, creed
- CO8 β a broad geographical area; a typically long narrow way connecting parts of a building; belt; land; neck
- DA4 β the smallest amount or part imaginable; to close up with a series of interlacing stitches; deserving of one's condemnation or displeasure; beans; bubkes sounds like barn, don, yarn
- DI5 β sounds like defer, demur, deny, deter
- DI4 β sounds like dean, depot, keno, wino
- DO4 β a person with old-fashioned ideas; a stupid person; antediluvian; Colonel Blimp; fogy sounds like bode, coco, cocoa, code, dad
- DO5 β one that helps another with gifts or money; angel; benefactor; donator; fairy godmother sounds like diner, dinner, loner, owner, toner
- DO6 β a small article the actual name of which one either does not know or cannot remember; a small object displayed for its attractiveness or interest; something that decorates or beautifies; dingus; doohickey sounds like dad
- DO4 β a barrier by which an entry is closed and opened; the opening through which one can enter or leave a structure; the means or right of entering or participating in; gate; hatch sounds like adore, boar, bore, chore, core
- DO6 β sounds like board, border, bored, chord, cord
- DR9 β unnecessarily strict or severe; draconic; hardhanded; harsh; heavy-handed sounds like breakeven, erroneous, trachea
- DR8 β as in harsh, draconian; draconian; hardhanded; harsh; heavy-handed
- DR5 β to remove (liquid) gradually or completely; to make complete use of; to use up all the physical energy of; bleed; draft sounds like brain, crane, grain, rain, reign
- DR5 β
- IN6 β sounds like syndicate
- IN7 β
- IN6 β as in internal, interior; the lowest part, place, or point; the lowest part, place, or point; inner; inside
- IN6 β a sudden attack on and entrance into hostile territory; descent; foray; incursion; invasion sounds like erode
- NA4 β sounds like nod
- NA5 β the lowest point or level; the lowest part, place, or point; bedrock; bottom; depth sounds like neighbor, raider
- NA5 β a mythical goddess represented as a young girl and said to live outdoors; a young wingless often wormlike form (as a grub or caterpillar) that hatches from the egg of many insects; dryad; hamadryad; nymph sounds like acid, added, arid, avid, blood
- OD4 β a special quality or impression associated with something; the quality of a thing that makes it perceptible to the sense organs in the nose; overall quality as seen or judged by people in general; air; ambience sounds like loader, ochre, older, over, owner
- OR6 β to determine the fate of in advance; to request the doing of by virtue of one's authority; to put into effect through legislative or authoritative action; destine; doom sounds like arcane, brain, cordon, crane, drain
- RA5 β
- RA6 β
- RA5 β as in diameters; diameters; equators; perimeters; peripheries sounds like audio, bodied, body, oddly, readied
- RA5 β sounds like rodeo
- RA5 β
- RA4 β a sudden attack on and entrance into hostile territory; the act or action of setting upon with force or violence; to enter for conquest or plunder; descent; foray sounds like aid, aide, bade, b**, fade
- RA6 β causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment; abhorrent; abominable; appalling; awful sounds like branded, rinsing
- RA4 β sounds like and, band, b, canned, g
- RA5 β sounds like and, band, bandy, banjo, brand
- RI4 β sounds like bind, find, g**, hind, kind
- RO4 β a passage cleared for public vehicular travel; a roadway overlaid with parallel steel rails over which trains travel; a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective; arterial; artery sounds like bode, code, erode, goad, load
- RO5 β sounds like condo
- RO4 β sounds like could, good, hood, raid, read