Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sun. 1 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  a  e  m  n  p  t

  • Total Answers: 39
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC6 β€” a special notice or importance given to something; to indicate the importance of by centering attention on; accentuation; emphasis; stress sounds like ascent, assent
  2. AC6 β€” to agree to receive whether willingly or reluctantly; to have a favorable opinion of; to regard as right or true; have; take sounds like except
  3. AC10 β€” a readiness or willingness to accept or adapt to a given circumstance; permission given to do something; acquiescence; biddability; compliance sounds like exception, sentence
  4. AC7 β€” sounds like agitate, annotate
  5. AC4 β€” the highest part or point; the most perfect type or example; apex; apogee; capstone sounds like axe
  6. AC4 β€” sounds like abbey, agony, algae, alley, and


  1. AP5 β€” with great speed; briskly; chop-chop; double-quick; fast sounds like pace, space


  1. CA4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advanced; approached sounds like aim, claim, comb
  2. CA4 β€” a place where a group of people live for a short time in tents or cabins; a small, simply constructed, and often temporary dwelling; an often small house for recreational or seasonal use; bivouac; campground sounds like champ, clamp, cramp, damp, lamp
  3. CA6 β€” as in appetizer, hors d'oeuvre; appetizer; hors d'oeuvre; bite; morsel sounds like atop, banal, collage, concur, confer
  4. CA6 β€” sounds like common, concave, condom
  5. CA4 β€” a heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment; as in strap, leather; bastinado; bat; baton sounds like arraign, bane, chain
  6. CA5 β€” sounds like manna
  7. CA4 β€” the degree to which something rises up from a position level with the horizon; the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have; the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field; diagonal; grade sounds like ant, aunt
  8. CA7 β€” as in hymn, anthem; anthem; canticle; carol; chorale
  9. CA7 β€” as in camp, club; as in pitcher, jug; as in locker, compartment; camp; club sounds like ante, antique
  10. CA4 β€” a sleeveless garment worn so as to hang over the shoulders, arms, and back; an area of land that juts out into a body of water; capote; cloak; frock sounds like ape, coop
  11. CA6 β€” a short sleep; to be in a state of sleep; to sleep lightly or briefly; doze; drowse sounds like kidnap


  1. CE6 β€” a substance used to stick things together; a uniting or binding force or influence; as in combine, weld; adhesive; bond sounds like dement, lament
  2. CE4 β€” of or relating to money, banking, or investments; financial; fiscal; monetary; pecuniary sounds like as**, assent, bent, dent, lent
  3. CE8 β€” sounds like citation, citizen, petition, solution, station


  1. EM5 β€” a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy


  1. EN5 β€” to put into effect through legislative or authoritative action; constitute; lay down; legislate; make sounds like intact
  2. EN9 β€” a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislature; the doing of an action; act; bill; constitution
  3. EN6 β€” to live in a camp or the outdoors; to provide with living quarters or shelter; bivouac; camp (out); accommodate sounds like camp, decamp, income
  4. EN10 β€” a place where a group of people live for a short time in tents or cabins; bivouac; camp; campground; campsite


  1. MA4 β€” as in blackjack, knobkerrie; blackjack; knobkerrie; bastinado; bat sounds like ace, base, case, chase, face


  1. ME5 β€” a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; axis; base; capital; center sounds like mica
  2. ME6 β€” something that may cause injury or harm; to place in danger; to remain poised to inflict harm, danger, or distress on; danger; hazard sounds like minus, tennis


  1. PA4 β€” as in rate, tempo; to move along with a steady regular step especially in a group; to move forward along a course; clip; gait sounds like ace, a**, base, case, chase
  2. PA4 β€” a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples; an arrangement about action to be taken; accord; alliance; compact sounds like act, backed, fact
  3. PA7 β€” something that cures all ills or problems; catholicon; cure-all; elixir; nostrum sounds like anaesthesia, anise, antsy, canister, canopy
  4. PA8 β€” sounds like ancestor, antenna, asset, handset, inset


  1. PE5 β€” a state without war; freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; a state of freedom from storm or disturbance; peacefulness; calm sounds like apiece, cease, eyepiece, lease, niece
  2. PE5 β€” sounds like baton, cocoon, con, icon, panache
  3. PE7 β€”
  4. PE5 β€” sounds like dense, fence, hence, pounce, sense


  1. TA5 β€” sounds like facet
  2. TA4 β€” the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact

accent, accept, acceptance, acetate, acme, acne, apace, came, camp, canape, cancan, cane, canna, cant, cantata, canteen, cape, catnap, cement, cent, cetacean, emcee, enact, enactment, encamp, encampment, mace, mecca, menace, pace, pact, panacea, pancetta, peace, pecan, penance, pence, tacet, tact