Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Clues—Sun. 21 August, 2022

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: p  a  e  h  m  t  y

  • Total Answers: 34
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. AP6 — a lack of emotion or emotional expressiveness; lack of interest or concern synonyms—affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility


  1. AT7 — an effort to do or accomplish something; the act or action of setting upon with force or violence synonyms—assay, bash, bid, crack, endeavor sounds like—tempt


  1. EM6 — one who experiences the emotions of others : a person who has **y for others sounds like—impasse, math, path
  2. EM7 — the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions synonyms—pity, sympathy, understanding, charity, clemency sounds like—apathy, sympathy
  3. EM5 — lacking contents that could or should be present; feeling a desire or need for food; having no meaning synonyms—bare, blank, clean, devoid, stark


  1. EP4 — a fencing or dueling sword having a bowl-shaped guard and a rigid blade of triangular section with no cutting edge that tapers to a sharp point blunted for fencing; the art or sport of fencing with the épée sounds like—easy, pea


  1. HA5 — coming or happening by good luck especially unexpectedly; experiencing pleasure, satisfaction, or delight; feeling that one's needs or desires have been met synonyms—fluky, fortuitous, fortunate, heaven-sent, lucky sounds like—hippie


  1. HE4 — a considerable amount; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another synonyms—abundance, barrel, basketful, boatload, bucket sounds like—beep, c**, deep, hip
  2. HE4 — a North American dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum) with milky juice, tough fibrous bark, and an emetic and cathartic root; ** sounds like—hump, temp


  1. HY4 — of the very best kind synonyms—A-OK, A1, awesome, bang-up, banner sounds like—heap, height, hide, high, higher


  1. PA5 — a broad area of level or rolling treeless country synonyms—campo, champaign, down(s), grassland, heath
  2. PA4 — a male human parent synonyms—dad, daddy, father, old man, pa sounds like—pop, poppy
  3. PA6 — a tropical American tree (Carica ** of the family Caricaceae, the ** family) having an oblong to globose yellow edible fruit with numerous black seeds in a central cavity; also : its fruit sounds like—pecan, pup, puppet, puppy, upon
  4. PA5 — papa sounds like—happy, peppy, poppy, puppy
  5. PA4 — the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth synonyms—bean, block, dome, head, mazard sounds like—ate, bait, date, eight, fate
  6. PA4 — the direction along which something or someone moves; a rough course or way formed by or as if by repeated footsteps; an established course for traveling from one place to another synonyms—course, line, **way, route, routeway sounds like—bath, math
  7. PA5 — a small usually rounded mass of minced food that has been fried synonyms—cake, croquette, cutlet, fritter, galette sounds like—catty, chatty, fatty, natty
  8. PA5 — one to whom money is or is to be paid


  1. PE4 — a bold lively woman sounds like—beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
  2. PE5 — a bold lively woman sounds like—meaty, patty, pity, potty, putty
  3. PE4 — an instance of looking especially briefly synonyms—cast, eye, gander, glance, glimpse sounds like—beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  4. PE5 — having active strength of body or mind; having much high-spirited energy and movement synonyms—dynamic, energetic, flush, gingery, lusty sounds like—parry, poppy, preppie, preppy, puppy
  5. PE5 — not broad or open in views or opinions; so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attention synonyms—illiberal, insular, Lilliputian, little, narrow sounds like—jetty, parry, patty, pity, potty


  1. PH4 — of the very best kind synonyms—A-OK, A1, awesome, bang-up, banner sounds like—bat, cat, chat, fact, fad


  1. TA4 — to drive in or down by a succession of light or medium blows; to put a check on : reduce, lessen sounds like—camp, champ, damp, lamp, ramp
  2. TA4 — a coarse cloth made in the Pacific islands from the pounded bark especially of the paper mulberry and usually decorated with geometric patterns sounds like—top, topper, topple
  3. TA4 — a recording (as of a movie) for playback on a TV synonyms recording, vid, video, video sounds like—ape, cape, rape, shape


  1. TE6 — a conical tent usually consisting of skins and used especially by American Indians of the Great Plains sounds like—beady, beefy, beep, beeper, cheap
  2. TE4 — as in orary synonymsorary, associate, colleague, coworker, nine-to-fiver
  3. TE6 — an Asian food prepared by fermenting soybeans with a rhizopus
  4. TE5 — to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage; to take a chance on synonyms—allure, bait, beguile, betray, decoy sounds like—at*
  5. TE5 — a conical tent usually consisting of skins and used especially by American Indians of the Great Plains sounds like—guppy, puppy, touchy, tummy, yuppie


  1. TY4 — a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in common; one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristic synonyms—breed, class, description, feather, genre sounds like—hype, pipe, ripe, tap, tape


  1. YA5sounds like—happy, yuppie

apathy, attempt, empath, empathy, empty, epee, happy, heap, hemp, hype, pampa, papa, papaya, pappy, pate, path, patty, payee, peat, peaty, peep, peppy, petty, phat, tamp, tapa, tape, teepee, temp, tempeh, tempt, tepee, type, yappy