Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sun. 30 July, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: e  a  h  n  o  p  y

  • Total Answers: 38
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AE4 β€” a long or seemingly long period of time; age; blue moon; coon's age; cycle sounds like neon


  1. AN6 β€” as in anybody; anybody; all; everybody; everyone sounds like engine, entwine, everyone, uneven


  1. AP5 β€” sounds like acne, mania


  1. EP4 β€” sounds like easy, pea


  1. HA6 β€” to take place; to come upon unexpectedly or by chance; to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face; be; befall sounds like apple, ashen, aspen, baron, barren


  1. HE4 β€” a considerable amount; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; to give readily and in large quantities; abundance; barrel sounds like beep, c**, deep, hip
  2. HE5 β€”


  1. HO4 β€” to make sharp or sharper; to make smooth by friction; as in set, home (in on); edge; grind sounds like bone, cone, hen
  2. HO5 β€” a lovely woman; something very good of its kind; a person with whom one is in love; babe; beauty sounds like bunny, funny, gunny, hubby, hunch
  3. HO5 β€” language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense; applesauce; balderdash; baloney; beans sounds like buoy, gooey, hurry, suey, who
  4. HO4 β€” as in wish, dream; as in optimism, hopefulness; as in confidence, faith; dream; wish sounds like cope, dope, heap, hip


  1. HY5 β€” sounds like arena, china, highness, hind, marina
  2. HY4 β€” of the very best kind; a person who regularly uses drugs especially illegally; a slender hollow instrument by which material is put into or taken from the body through the skin; A-OK; A1 sounds like heap, height, hide, high, higher
  3. HY6 β€” sounds like heighten, siphon


  1. NA4 β€” sounds like ape, cape, nip, rape, shape


  1. NE4 β€” sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  2. NE4 β€” sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, knead
  3. NE4 β€” sounds like bean, con, dean, don, eon


  1. NO4 β€” certainly not; not in any degree, way, or under any condition; no person; hardly; ill sounds like bun, done, dun, eon, fun
  2. NO4 β€” sounds like cope, dope, gnome, hope, knoll


  1. OP4 β€” to change from a closed to an open position; to make passage through (something) possible by removing obstructions; to arrange the parts of (something) over a wider area; unclose; clear sounds like ocean, omen, pun, spun


  1. PA5 β€” a formal expression of praise; accolade; citation; commendation; dithyramb sounds like eon, peony, pun
  2. PA4 β€” sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
  3. PA5 β€”
  4. PA8 β€” sounds like earphone, peso, phone, prone


  1. PE6 β€” sounds like paean
  2. PE4 β€” sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
  3. PE4 β€” an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  4. PE5 β€” sounds like den, hen, pain, pair, pan
  5. PE5 β€” a mean grasping person who is usually stingy with money; giving or sharing as little as possible; careful management of material resources; cheapskate; churl sounds like any, many, parry, pony
  6. PE4 β€” a person who does very hard or dull work; dogsbody; drone; drudge; drudger sounds like neon, paean
  7. PE5 β€” sounds like paean
  8. PE5 β€” having active strength of body or mind; having much high-spirited energy and movement; dynamic; energetic; flush sounds like parry, poppy, preppie, preppy, puppy


  1. PH5 β€” to make a telephone call to; call; dial; ring (up); telephone sounds like bone, cone, fan, fawn, feign
  2. PH6 β€” used to express disgust; faugh; fie; phew; rats sounds like buoy, fee, flea, flee, food


  1. PO4 β€” sounds like bony, penny, phoney, phony, tony
  2. PO4 β€” as in bishop, archbishop; abbot; archbishop; archpriest; bishop sounds like cope, dope, hope, lope, pap


  1. YE4 β€” used to express agreement; all right; alright; aye; exactly sounds like you

aeon, anyone, apnea, epee, happen, heap, henna, hone, honey, hooey, hope, hyena, hype, hyphen, nape, neap, nene, neon, none, nope, open, paean, pane, payee, payphone, peahen, peen, peep, penne, penny, peon, peony, peppy, phone, phooey, pone, pope, yeah