Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Thu. 14 September, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: w  b  d  e  f  l  o

  • Total Answers: 48
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. BE5 β€” to make or become slightly or moderately wet; damp; dampen; moisten sounds like bud, buddy
  2. BE7 β€” to make or become slightly or moderately wet; to make or become slightly or moderately wet; damped; dampened; moistened sounds like allude, baboon, balloon, bassoon, bloodied
  3. BE9 β€” someone associated with another to give assistance or moral support; abettor; ally; backer; confederate sounds like airflow, buffalo, fellow
  4. BE6 β€” to make a long loud deep noise or cry; to speak so as to be heard at a distance; as in howl, roar; boom; growl sounds like billow, blow, fellow, mellow, yellow
  5. BE8 β€” to make a long loud deep noise or cry; to speak so as to be heard at a distance; to make a long loud deep noise or cry; boomed; growled
  6. BE5 β€” in a lower position than; subsequent to in time or order; in or to a lower place; beneath; neath sounds like bilk, bill, billed, blow, build


  1. BL4 β€” to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty; to use up carelessly; to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure; gasped; heaved sounds like boo, brew, clue, flew, flu
  2. BL4 β€” to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty; to use up carelessly; to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure; gasp; heave sounds like beau, bellow, below, billow, bio


  1. BO5 β€” bending downward or forward; directed down; to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control); bowing; declined sounds like bad, bade, bead, bed, bid
  2. BO5 β€” sounds like dowel, towel, vowel
  3. BO4 β€” a large usually roofless building for sporting events with tiers of seats for spectators; to move or proceed smoothly and readily; to proceed or move quickly; circus; coliseum sounds like bail, bale, ball, bawl, beau
  4. BO6 β€” to move or proceed smoothly and readily; to proceed or move quickly; a large usually roofless building for sporting events with tiers of seats for spectators; breezed; brushed sounds like bald, billed, build
  5. BO6 β€” loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound; babel; blare; bluster; brawl sounds like barrow, beau, bellow, below, billow


  1. DO5 β€” sounds like bowel, dial, dual, duel, dull


  1. DW5 β€” as in nerd; nerd; snob; snoot; snot sounds like daub, deal, dean, deed, deem
  2. DW5 β€” to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time; to have a home; to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely; abide; hang around sounds like dell, quell, swell, well
  3. DW7 β€” to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time; to have a home; to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time; abided; hung around sounds like swelled, weld


  1. EL5 β€” to force one's way; the active use of energy in producing a result; an extent or area available for or used up by some activity or thing; bore; bull sounds like also, although, beau, bellow, blow
  2. EL7 β€” to force one's way; to force one's way; bored; bulldozed; bulled


  1. FE6 β€” a male romantic companion; a person frequently seen in the company of another; an adult male human being; beau; boy sounds like bellow, fallow, faro, flow, follow


  1. FL4 β€” to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to proceed or move quickly; aviated; glided sounds like blew, blue, clue, few
  2. FL4 β€” to move in a stream; to move or proceed smoothly and readily; as in flood, overflow; pour; roll sounds like blow, fallow, fellow
  3. FL6 β€” to move in a stream; to move or proceed smoothly and readily; to move in a stream; poured; ran sounds like followed, load


  1. FO6 β€” to come after in time; to go after or on the track of; to act according to the commands of; postdate; succeed sounds like fallow, fellow, flow, furlough, hollow
  2. FO8 β€” to come after in time; to go after or on the track of; to act according to the commands of; postdated; succeeded
  3. FO4 β€” a member of the human race; baby; being; bird; bod sounds like fail, fall, feel, fell, file


  1. LE4 β€” depicting or referring to sexual matters in a way that is unacceptable in polite society; having a strong sexual desire; hinting at or intended to call to mind matters regarded as indecent; bawdy; blue sounds like allude, elude, food, lad, lade


  1. LO5 β€” sounds like bode, code, goad, lad, lade


  1. OW4 β€” not yet paid; outstanding; overdue; owing; payable sounds like add, aid, aide, awed, bode


  1. WE6 β€” something that catches and holds; a device or scheme for capturing another by surprise; entanglement; mesh(es); morass sounds like bed, deathbed, embed
  2. WE6 β€” of or relating to marriage; to give in marriage; to perform the ceremony of marriage for; conjugal; connubial sounds like added, dud, edit, ended, faded
  3. WE4 β€” as in comb (out); comb (out); check off; disregard; deter sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
  4. WE6 β€” as in winnowed (out), picked over; as in combed (out); culled; picked over; screened sounds like needed
  5. WE4 β€” as in combine, fuse; cement; coalesce; combine; fuse sounds like felled, held, meld, shelled, swelled
  6. WE6 β€” as in combined, fused; cemented; coalesced; combined; fused
  7. WE4 β€” in a satisfactory way; in a generous manner; in a skillful or expert manner; acceptably; adequately sounds like bell, cell, dell, d**, fell
  8. WE6 β€” as in ran over, boiled over; boiled over; ran over; spilled; overfilled sounds like felled, held, meld, shelled, s**


  1. WO6 β€” to make a series of small irregular or violent movements; to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions; to show uncertainty about the right course of action; agitate; bucket sounds like cobble, gobble, hobble, waffle, wattle
  2. WO7 β€” to make a series of small irregular or violent movements; to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions; to show uncertainty about the right course of action; agitated; bucketed
  3. WO4 β€” a man given to seducing women; a person who habitually preys upon others; to swallow or eat greedily; Casanova; Don Juan
  4. WO6 β€” to swallow or eat greedily; to swallow or eat greedily; bolted; crammed; devoured
  5. WO4 β€” tree logs as prepared for human use; a dense growth of trees and shrubs covering a large area; a mythical goddess represented as a young girl and said to live outdoors; lumber; timber sounds like could, good, hood, should, wad
  6. WO6 β€”
  7. WO5 β€” to act so as to make (something) more likely; to act so as to make (something) more likely; asked (for); courted; flirted (with) sounds like food, lewd, mood, nude, rude
  8. WO4 β€” an immaterial thing upon which something else rests; base; basis; bedrock; bottom sounds like goof, hoof, poof, roof, waif
  9. WO6 β€” sounds like waft
  10. WO4 β€” the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thick; being such by habit and not likely to change; to cause to believe what is untrue; coat; fleece sounds like bull, full, pull, wail, wale
  11. WO5 β€” sounds like bowed, loud, wad, wade, wed

bedew, bedewed, bedfellow, bellow, bellowed, below, blew, blow, bowed, bowel, bowl, bowled, bowwow, dowel, dweeb, dwell, dwelled, elbow, elbowed, fellow, flew, flow, flowed, follow, followed, fowl, lewd, lowed, owed, webbed, wedded, weed, weeded, weld, welded, well, welled, wobble, wobbled, wolf, wolfed, wood, wooded, wooed, woof, woofed, wool, wowed