Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Tue. 11 April, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: m  a  c  d  e  i  y

  • Total Answers: 48
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC7 β€” a place or establishment for teaching and learning; academy; school; seminary
  2. AC8 β€” sounds like anemia
  3. AC8 β€” of or relating to schooling or learning especially at an advanced level; very learned or educated but inexperienced in practical matters; existing only as an assumption or speculation; educational; intellectual sounds like epidemic
  4. AC7 β€” a place or establishment for teaching and learning; academe; school; seminary sounds like anatomy
  5. AC4 β€” the highest part or point; the most perfect type or example; apex; apogee; capstone sounds like axe


  1. AI5 β€” to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal; to have in mind as a purpose or goal; to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal; bent; cast sounds like aged, famed, m*, named


  1. AM4 β€” in or into the middle of; in the course of; among; mid; midst


  1. CA4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advanced; approached sounds like aim, claim, comb
  2. CA4 β€” sounds like balmy, cocky, coffee, collie, comma


  1. DA4 β€” a dignified usually elderly woman of some rank or authority; a woman of high birth or social position; a dignified usually elderly woman of some rank or authority; dowager; grande dame sounds like aim, came, deem
  2. DA6 β€” as in blocked, clogged; to prevent passage through by filling with something; to close up so that no empty spaces remain; blocked; choked sounds like domed, doomed, jammed


  1. DE4 β€” to have as an opinion; allow; believe; conceive; consider sounds like beam, dam, dame, damn, dim
  2. DE6 β€” to have as an opinion; to have as an opinion; allowed; believed; conceived sounds like dammed, damned, domed, doomed, themed


  1. DI6 β€” a decorative band or wreath worn about the head as a symbol of victory or honor; chaplet; coronal; coronet; crown sounds like cadet, condemn
  2. DI4 β€” a very small sum of money; costing little; as in department store, chain store; chicken feed; chump change sounds like chime, dam, dame, damn, deem
  3. DI6 β€” being without light or without much light; to make dark, dim, or indistinct; to make dark, dim, or indistinct; black; caliginous sounds like dammed, damned, demur, domed, doomed


  1. ED7 β€” sounds like dam, damage, dammed, damn, damned
  2. ED5 β€” sounds like deem, demon, diva, idea, idiom


  1. EM5 β€” a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy
  2. EM6 β€” sounds like encode, envied, impede, keyed


  1. IM4 β€” sounds like mom
  2. IM9 β€” the state or condition of being near; adjacency; closeness; contiguity; nearness sounds like idiocy


  1. MA7 β€” sounds like academy, accustom, buxom, cuddle, minimum
  2. MA9 β€” sounds like academia
  3. MA4 β€” as in blackjack, knobkerrie; blackjack; knobkerrie; bastinado; bat sounds like ace, base, case, chase, face
  4. MA5 β€” sounds like cast, caste, fast, last
  5. MA5 β€” the female partner in a marriage; helpmate; helpmeet; lady; missus sounds like modem
  6. MA6 β€” as in madam; madam; bawd; call girl; cocotte sounds like dada, model, modem, modern, mom
  7. MA4 β€” to bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materials; to obtain (as a goal) through effort; to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind); fabricated; fashioned sounds like aid, aide, bade, fade, jade
  8. MA4 β€” a female domestic servant; a young unmarried woman; as in lady-in-waiting, abigail; biddy; char sounds like aid, aide, bade, fade, jade
  9. MA4 β€” to cause severe or permanent injury to; cripple; disable; incapacitate; lame sounds like aim, came, dame, fame, game
  10. MA6 β€” as in disabled, crippled; to cause severe or permanent injury to; to cause severe or permanent injury to; challenged; crippled sounds like famed, named
  11. MA4 β€” a female human parent; as in boy, kid; as in boys, kids; ma; mammy sounds like comma, mom
  12. MA5 β€” a female human parent; ma; mammy; mater; mom sounds like comma, mom
  13. MA6 β€” sounds like heyday, melee, payday


  1. ME4 β€” as in wine, sake; sake; wine; alcohol; aqua vitae sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
  2. ME5 β€” a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; axis; base; capital; center sounds like mica
  3. ME5 β€” a middle point between extremes; something used to achieve an end; the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surrounded; golden means; means
  4. ME5 β€” a person specially trained in healing human medical disorders; croaker; doc; doctor; medico
  5. ME4 β€” sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
  6. ME5 β€” sounds like famed, made, maid, mailed, named


  1. MI4 β€” sounds like mecca
  2. MI4 β€” as in cowards, pussies; as in icebergs, cold fishes; cowards; milquetoasts; nebbishes sounds like dice, ice, lice, mass, mess
  3. MI6 β€” the middle of the day; high noon; lunch time; noon; noonday
  4. MI4 β€” sounds like beady, mealy, meaty, moody, muddy
  5. MI4 β€” an actor in a story performed silently and entirely by body movements; a movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea or feeling; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; mimic; mummer sounds like chime, dime, lime, mom, mum
  6. MI5 β€” to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; aped; copied; copycatted sounds like maimed, rimmed
  7. MI5 β€” to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materials; burlesque; caricature sounds like gimmick, mythic

academe, academia, academic, academy, acme, aimed, amid, came, cami, dame, dammed, deem, deemed, diadem, dime, dimmed, edamame, edema, emcee, emceed, imam, immediacy, macadam, macadamia, mace, maced, madam, madame, made, maid, maim, maimed, mama, mamma, mayday, mead, mecca, media, medic, meme, memed, mica, mice, midday, midi, mime, mimed, mimic