Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sat. 21 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: o  d  g  i  n  x  z

  • Total Answers: 31
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. DI5 β€” sounds like bingo, lingo
  2. DI4 β€” sounds like dean, depot, keno, wino
  3. DI6 β€”


  1. DO7 β€” the act or a means of getting or keeping away from something undesirable; to move suddenly aside or to and fro; to avoid having to comply with (something) especially through cleverness; avoidance; cop-out sounds like lodging
  2. DO4 β€” a person with old-fashioned ideas; a stupid person; antediluvian; Colonel Blimp; fogy sounds like bode, coco, cocoa, code, dad
  3. DO7 β€” the act of going after or in the tracks of another; to go after or on the track of; to subject (someone) to constant scoldings and sharp reminders; chase; chasing sounds like logging
  4. DO5 β€”
  5. DO5 β€” something done by someone; to be fitting or proper; to be enough; act; action sounds like chewing, dyeing, dying
  6. DO4 β€” a person who lacks good sense or judgment; as in ding, clang; berk; booby; charlie sounds like dang, daub, dawn, dung, long
  7. DO7 β€” to place on one's person; to place on one's person; putting on; slipping (on or into); throwing (on) sounds like dining
  8. DO6 β€” sounds like boxing
  9. DO4 β€”
  10. DO7 β€” sounds like boxing, coaxing
  11. DO6 β€” being in a state of suspended consciousness; a natural periodic loss of consciousness during which the body restores itself; to be in a state of sleep; asleep; dormant


  1. GO5 β€” accepted, used, or practiced by most people; being in effective operation; having attained a desired end or state of good fortune; conventional; current sounds like glowing, growing, knowing, owing, rowing
  2. GO4 β€” as in ding, clang; chink; clang; clank; clash sounds like gall, gang, gauze, long, pong
  3. GO7 β€” as in dinging, clanging; chinking; clanging; clanking; clashing
  4. GO5 β€” sounds like condo
  5. GO4 β€” based on sound reasoning or information; conforming to a high standard of morality or virtue; according to the rules of logic; commonsense; commonsensible sounds like could, gird, guide, hood, should
  6. GO4 β€” to take place; to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a point; a stupid person; be; befall sounds like boon, dune, gain, gun


  1. IN6 β€” as in diamondback rattlesnake, sea snake; as in diamondback rattlesnakes, sea snakes; adder; anaconda; asp sounds like undergo


  1. IO8 β€” sounds like abiding, agonizing, amazing, appeasing, budding
  2. IO8 β€” sounds like agonizing


  1. NO7 β€” bending downward or forward; to make short up-and-down movements; to make short up-and-down movements; bowed; bowing sounds like rodding
  2. NO6 β€” the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth; bean; block; dome; head sounds like begin, jogging, knotted, nagging, nine
  3. NO4 β€” the middle of the day; the highest part or point; as in daily, diurnal; high noon; lunch time sounds like boon, dune, goon, knew, known


  1. ON7 β€” being in progress or development; existing or in progress right now; having an existence or validity that does not change or diminish; afoot; proceeding sounds like going, knowing, outgoing
  2. ON5 β€” sounds like undone


  1. OO6 β€” to flow forth slowly through small openings; to move slowly; to flow forth slowly through small openings; bleeding; exuding sounds like easing, losing


  1. OX9 β€” to combine chemically with oxygen; to combine chemically with oxygen; corroding; reacting; rusting


  1. ZO6 β€” as in goofing (off), hanging (around or out); bumming; dallying; dawdling; dillydallying sounds like burning, caning, choking, coating, coding

dingo, dino, dioxin, dodging, dodo, dogging, doggo, doing, dong, donning, doxing, doxx, doxxing, dozing, going, gong, gonging, gonzo, good, goon, indigo, iodizing, ionizing, nodding, noggin, noon, ongoing, onion, oozing, oxidizing, zoning