Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Clues—Wed. 10 August, 2022

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: i  d  e  m  n  o  z

  • Total Answers: 47
  • Pangrams: 2
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. DE9 — a social sphere that exists outside of the mainstream synonyms—demiworld, half-world, netherworld, underbelly, underworld sounds like—armament, diamond, dominance, dominant
  2. DE8 — an evil spirit; a source of persistent emotional distress synonyms—cacodemon, devil, fiend, ghost, ghoul sounds like—dominoes, womanize
  3. DE9 — an evil spirit; a source of persistent emotional distress synonyms—cacodemon, devil, fiend, ghost, ghoul sounds like—mechanized
  4. DE6 — as in rejected, refused synonyms—disallowed, refused, rejected, vetoed, objectionable sounds like—any, bend, buried, dairy
  5. DE5 — a firm durable twilled usually cotton fabric woven with colored warp and white filling threads; a similar fabric woven in colored stripes; overalls or trousers usually of blue * sounds like—venom
  6. DE7 — someone who regularly spends time in a particular place; one who lives permanently in a place synonyms—familiar, frequenter, habitué, haunter, rat sounds like—dozen, venison


  1. DI4 — to stop living; to come to an end; to stop functioning synonyms—checked out, conked (out), croaked, deceased, demised sounds like—bide, chide, dad, dead, deed
  2. DI4 — a very small sum of money synonyms—chicken feed, chump change, hay, mite, peanuts sounds like—chime, dam, dame, damn, deem
  3. DI6 — being without light or without much light synonyms—black, caliginous, dark, darkened, darkish sounds like—dammed, damned, demur, domed, doomed
  4. DI4 — to take a meal; to entertain with a fancy meal synonyms—eat, fare, feed, partake, refresh sounds like—dawn, dean, den
  5. DI5 — to take a meal; to entertain with a fancy meal synonyms—ate, fared, fed, partook, refreshed sounds like—denude, deny
  6. DI4** 1895—1988 Conte di Mordano Italian Fascist politician sounds like—dean, depot, keno, wino
  7. DI5 — a silicon semiconductor device used especially as a voltage regulator sounds like—abode, anode, bide, bind, bio
  8. DI7 — to make dizzy or giddy; bewilder sounds like—decease, deceive, decide, detailed, exceed


  1. DO8 — controlling power or influence over others; the right or means to command or control others synonyms—ascendance, ascendancy, dominance, domination, hegemony sounds like—minion, opinion
  2. DO6 — as in mask, veil; as in poncho, pelisse synonyms—mask, veil, visor, vizard, camouflage sounds like—almond, common, commoner, commons, demon
  3. DO6 — something very good of its kind synonyms—beaut, beauty, bee's knees, cat's meow, corker sounds like—choosy, daisy, dizzy, duly, duty


  1. ED6 — as in swirled, purled synonyms—purled, swirled, bubbled, dribbled, guggled sounds like—deed, readied


  1. ID5 — a sequence of words having a specific meaning synonyms—expression, phrase sounds like—indium


  1. IN6 — without any question; not merely this but also; to tell the truth synonyms—all right, alright, assuredly, certainly, clearly sounds like—bandied, bodied, deed, endear, ended
  2. IN5 — one that is independent; especially : an unaffiliated record or motion-picture production company; something (such as a record or film) produced by an * sounds like—windy
  3. IN5 — a navel that is concave sounds like—any, eerie, guinea, iffy, itchy


  1. IO6 — a light bulb consisting of a quartz bulb and a tungsten filament with the bulb containing ** which reacts with the vaporized tungsten to prevent excessive blackening of the bulb
  2. IO6 — to treat with iodine or an iodide
  3. IO7 — to treat with iodine or an iodide
  4. IO6 — to convert wholly or partly into ions; to become **d sounds like—l**
  5. IO7 — to convert wholly or partly into ions; to become ***


  1. MI4 — a dress, skirt, or coat that usually extends to the mid-calf sounds like—beady, mealy, meaty, moody, muddy
  2. MI4 — the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a quality synonyms—appearance, aspect, dress, figure, garb sounds like—bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
  3. MI4 — an actor in a story performed silently and entirely by body movements; a movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea or feeling synonyms—mimic, mummer, panto**, pantomimist, gesticulation sounds like—chime, dime, lime, mom, mum
  4. MI5 — to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior synonyms—aped, copied, copycatted, emulated, imitated sounds like—maimed, rimmed
  5. MI5sounds like—bimbo, cameo, demean, jimmied, jimmy
  6. MI4 — the part of a person that feels, thinks, perceives, wills, and especially reasons; the normal or healthy condition of the mental abilities; an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledge synonyms—brain, cerebrum, head, psyche, thinker sounds like—bind, find, hind, kind, lined
  7. MI6 — having a desire or inclination (as for a specified course of action) synonyms—amenable, disposed, fain, game, glad sounds like—bonded, bounded, candid, ended, founded
  8. MI4 — an abundant source; a usually concealed explosive device designed to go off when disturbed synonyms—argosy, cornucopia, gold **, mother lode, treasure trove sounds like—dine, fine, line, main, man
  9. MI5 — to place hidden explosive devices in or under synonyms—booby-trapped sounds like—bind, find, hind, kind, lined
  10. MI4 — a very small automobile synonyms—compact, coupe, intermediate, limousine, **car sounds like—genie, many, mealy, mean, meaner
  11. MI5 — as in tiny, minuscule synonyms—bitty, inappreciable, infinitesimal, little bitty, micro
  12. MI8 — to express scornfully one's low opinion of synonyms—bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, decry, denigrate
  13. MI9 — as in tiny, teeny synonyms—bantam, bitty, dinky, mini, miniature
  14. MI6 — a person or thing that is preferred over others synonyms—darling, fave, favorite, pet, preference
  15. MI6 — a fore-and-aft sail set on the **mast; **mast sounds like—arisen, risen


  1. MO6 — having goods, property, or money in abundance synonyms—affluent, deep-pocketed, fat, fat-cat, flush sounds like—muddied


  1. NI4 — as in last word, hot ticket synonyms—buzz, chic, craze, dernier cri, enthusiasm sounds like—been, bin, chin, din, fin


  1. NO7 — one who has been chosen by some authority for a specific position or duty synonyms—appointee, designee, selectee sounds like—almond, anomaly, botany, colony, comedy


  1. ON5 — a Mediterranean bulbous herb (Urginea maritima) of the lily family —called also sea *; the dried sliced bulb scales of a squill used especially formerly as an expectorant, cardiac stimulant, and diuretic; red squill sounds like—undone


  1. ZI4 — a publication that appears at regular intervals synonyms—book, bulletin, diurnal, gazette, journal sounds like—dine, fine, line, mine, pine

demimonde, demonize, demonized, denied, denim, denizen, died, dime, dimmed, dine, dined, dino, diode, dizzied, dominion, domino, doozie, eddied, idiom, indeed, indie, innie, iodine, iodize, iodized, ionize, ionized, midi, mien, mime, mimed, mimeo, mind, minded, mine, mined, mini, minim, minimize, minimized, minion, mizzen, monied, nine, nominee, onion, zine