Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Wed. 13 September, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: a  e  h  m  p  t  y

  • Total Answers: 48
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AH4 β€” sounds like gem, hem, them


  1. AP6 β€” a lack of emotion or emotional expressiveness; lack of interest or concern; affectlessness; emotionlessness; impassiveness


  1. AT7 β€” an effort to do or accomplish something; the act or action of setting upon with force or violence; to make an effort to do; assay; bash sounds like tempt


  1. EM6 β€” sounds like impasse, math, path
  2. EM7 β€” the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions; pity; sympathy; understanding; charity sounds like apathy, sympathy


  1. HA6 β€” sounds like comet, heart, hot, humped, inmate
  2. HA5 β€” given to or marked by attention-getting behavior suggestive of stage acting; dramatic; histrionic; melodramatic; stagy sounds like homey, w*
  3. HA5 β€” coming or happening by good luck especially unexpectedly; experiencing pleasure, satisfaction, or delight; feeling that one's needs or desires have been met; fluky; fortuitous sounds like hippie
  4. HA4 β€” to dislike strongly; a very strong dislike; something or someone that is hated; abhor; abominate sounds like ate, bait, date, eight, fate
  5. HA4 β€” sounds like bath
  6. HA5 β€” sounds like bath, gala, gamma


  1. HE4 β€” a considerable amount; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; to give readily and in large quantities; abundance; barrel sounds like beep, c**, deep, hip
  2. HE4 β€” depth of feeling; a portable weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder; a body of officers of the law; ardency; ardor sounds like beat, beet, c**, eat, feat
  3. HE5 β€” a broad area of level or rolling treeless country; land that is uninhabited or not fit for crops; campo; champaign; down(s) sounds like s*, wreath


  1. MA7 β€” as in guru, swami; guru; pandit; swami; yogi
  2. MA4 β€” a female human parent; as in boy, kid; as in boys, kids; ma; mammy sounds like comma, mom
  3. MA5 β€” a female human parent; ma; mammy; mater; mom sounds like comma, mom
  4. MA4 β€” either of a pair matched in one or more qualities; a person frequently seen in the company of another; a person who helps a more skilled person; companion; fellow sounds like ate, bait, date, eight, fate
  5. MA5 β€” having or showing kindly feeling and sincere interest; amicable; bonhomous; buddy-buddy; chummy sounds like eighty, meaty, mighty, weighty
  6. MA4 β€” the act or process of performing mathematical operations to find a value; arithmetic; calculation; calculus; ciphering sounds like bath
  7. MA5 β€” lacking a surface luster or gloss; dim; dull; dulled; flat sounds like bat, cat, chat, fat, hat
  8. MA6 β€” actions that hurt people and destroy things; a scene or situation that involves a lot of violence; crippling; maiming; mutilation; force sounds like hem


  1. ME4 β€” animal and especially mammal tissue used as food; substances intended to be eaten; the central part or aspect of something under consideration; flesh; bread sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
  2. ME5 β€” as in substantial; substantial; abbreviated; abridged; condensed sounds like mighty
  3. ME4 β€”


  1. PA5 β€” a broad area of level or rolling treeless country; campo; champaign; down(s); grassland
  2. PA4 β€” a male human parent; dad; daddy; father; old man sounds like pop, poppy
  3. PA6 β€” sounds like pecan, pup, puppet, puppy, upon
  4. PA5 β€” sounds like happy, peppy, poppy, puppy
  5. PA4 β€” the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth; bean; block; dome; head sounds like ate, bait, date, eight, fate
  6. PA4 β€” the direction along which something or someone moves; a rough course or way formed by or as if by repeated footsteps; an established course for traveling from one place to another; course; line sounds like bath, math
  7. PA5 β€” a small usually rounded mass of minced food that has been fried; cake; croquette; cutlet; fritter sounds like catty, chatty, fatty, natty
  8. PA5 β€”


  1. PE4 β€” sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
  2. PE5 β€” sounds like meaty, patty, pity, potty, putty


  1. PH4 β€” of the very best kind; individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class; the state or an instance of going beyond what is usual, proper, or needed; A-OK; A1 sounds like bat, cat, chat, fact, fad


  1. TA4 β€” changed from the wild state so as to become useful and obedient to humans; causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest; to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression); domestic; domesticated sounds like aim, came, dame, fame, game
  2. TA4 β€” sounds like camp, champ, damp, lamp, ramp
  3. TA4 β€” sounds like top, topper, topple
  4. TA4 β€” as in wire, rope; a recording (as of a movie) for playback on a TV; a recording (as of a movie) for playback on a TV; chain; cord sounds like ape, cape, rape, shape
  5. TA5 β€” showing signs of advanced wear and tear and neglect; beat-up; bombed-out; dilapidated; dog-eared sounds like catty, chatty, fatty, natty, patty


  1. TE4 β€” as in join, league; a group of people working together on a task; to participate or assist in a joint effort to accomplish an end; affiliate; ally sounds like beam, deem, ream, seam, seem
  2. TE8 β€” a person who is on the same team as someone else; classmate; housemate; messmate; playfellow sounds like automate, cremate, female, inmate, mate
  3. TE4 β€” sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat


  1. TH4 β€” as in other, far; to a great degree; to the degree that; far; farther sounds like bat, cat, chat, fat, hat
  2. TH5 β€” sounds like cheetah


  1. YA5 β€” sounds like happy, yuppie


  1. YE4 β€” used to express agreement; all right; alright; aye; exactly sounds like you

ahem, apathy, attempt, empath, empathy, hamate, hammy, happy, hate, hath, hatha, heap, heat, heath, mahatma, mama, mamma, mate, matey, math, matte, mayhem, meat, meaty, meta, pampa, papa, papaya, pappy, pate, path, patty, payee, peat, peaty, phat, tame, tamp, tapa, tape, tatty, team, teammate, teat, that, theta, yappy, yeah