NYT π CluesβWed. 2 August, 2023
Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: t a b c e j l
- Total Answers: 51
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- AB5 β to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually; to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent; to put an end to by formal action; de-escalate; decline sounds like await, bait, debate
- AB4 β to bring (something volatile or intense) into being; to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end; brew; ferment; foment sounds like bet
- AB7 β sounds like battle, beetle, bevel, bottle, kettle
- AB6 β showing, expressing, or offered in a spirit of humility or unseemly submissiveness; base; humble; menial; servile sounds like object
- AB6 β sounds like bait, blade, blame, blase, blaze
- AC6 β sounds like subtle, unsubtle
- AC7 β sounds like agitate, annotate
- BA6 β sounds like valet
- BA4 β as in take off, abate; abate; deduct; knock off; remove sounds like a**, ate
- BA6 β a forceful effort to reach a goal or objective; a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groups; active fighting during the course of a war; fight; fray sounds like beetle, bottle, cattle, rattle
- BE4 β to strike repeatedly; to achieve a victory over; to be greater, better, or stronger than; bash; baste sounds like bait, bat
- BE8 β to strike repeatedly; to achieve a victory over; to be greater, better, or stronger than; bash; baste sounds like billable, bubble, feasible, notable, peaceable
- BE4 β sounds like bait, bat
- BE6 β to extend outward beyond a usual point; as in hammer, sledgehammer; bag; balloon; belly sounds like battle, bottle, cheetal, fetal
- BE6 β sounds like abate, alert, alight, allay, allot
- BE4 β a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument; the portion of a serving of a beverage that is swallowed at one time; a strip of flexible material (as leather) worn around the waist; bang; bash sounds like bolt, built, dealt
- BE4 β sounds like bait
- BE5 β sounds like battle, bottle, hotel, kettle
- BL4 β to utter with a sudden burst of strong feeling; as in bleat, honk; blurt (out); bolt; cry (out) sounds like bat, brat, flat, slat
- BL5 β an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment; to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely; to utter feeble plaintive cries; beef; bitch sounds like beat, beet
- CA7 β a vocal sound made to express scorn or disapproval; as in deride, jeer; bird; boo; Bronx cheer
- CA6 β as in trash, rabble; proletariat; rabble; rabblement; ragtag and bobtail sounds like battle, kettle, rattle
- CL5 β sounds like elite, fleet, klieg, pleat, sleet
- EA7 β suitable for use as food; comestible; eating; edible; esculent sounds like stubble
- EC5 β as in extravaganza, mummery; extravaganza; mummery; pageant; parade sounds like cat, clad, clam, clan, clang
- EJ5 β to drive or force out; to violently throw out or off (something from within); banish; boot (out); bounce sounds like effect, elect, erect, inject, r*
- EJ6 β
- EJ9 β to drive or force out; to violently throw out or off (something from within); banish; boot (out); bounce sounds like delectable, detectable
- EL5 β to fill with great joy; elevate; enrapture; exhilarate; intoxicate sounds like innate, late, plate, r*, slate
- EL5 β to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities; singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking; individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class; cherry-pick; choose sounds like effect, eject, erect
- EL9 β sounds like collectible
- EL7 β sounds like affect, aplenty, collect, collector, plenty
- JE4 β sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
- LA7 β sounds like backdate, dictate, locate
- LA7 β sounds like act, actor, backed, fact, factor
- LA4 β not arriving, occurring, or settled at the due, usual, or proper time; having been such at some previous time; no longer living; behind; behindhand sounds like ate, bait, date, eight, e**
- LA5 β sounds like bat, cat, chat, fat, flat
- TA5 β
- TA5 β as in figure, calculate; as in reserve, hold off; a leg-mounted piece of furniture with a broad flat top designed for the serving of food; calculate; cipher sounds like able, cable, fable, gable, hable
- TA6 β a number of sheets of writing paper glued together at one edge; a small mass containing medicine to be taken orally; notepad; pad; cap sounds like abbot, ballot, giblet, habit, hamlet
- TA5 β sounds like facet
- TA4 β the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact
- TA4 β sounds like torque
- TA4 β a rumor or report of a personal or sensational nature; a brief account of something interesting that happened especially to one personally; a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive; canard; story sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
- TA4 β extending to a great distance upward; requiring considerable physical or mental effort; as in yacht, sailboat; altitudinous; high sounds like all, ball, bawl, call, fall
- TA6 β information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracy; to relate sometimes questionable or secret information of a personal nature; as in run on, blabber; buzz; dish sounds like battle, cattle, rattle, title, total
- TA10 β a person who provides information about another's wrongdoing; betrayer; canary; deep throat; fink sounds like telltale
- TE4 β sounds like deal, eel, feel, heal, heel
- TE4 β sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
- TE4 β to give an oral or written account of in some detail; to express (a thought or emotion) in words; to find the sum of (a collection of things) by noting each one as it is being added; chart; chronicle sounds like bell, cell, dell, fell, gel
- TE8 β indicating something; a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others; a person who provides information about another's wrongdoing; denotative; denoting sounds like entail