Corona Virus Dispatch from NYC, Day 8: A Metamorphosis of Concern

Since 2006, I have jotted down interesting things in Evernote that I felt might one day be useful to know or interesting to discuss with my daughters. Things such as book lists, odd jobs I have had, places to visit, beautiful college libraries, etc.

One such list I find very instructive is a recurring one titled: Things I am preoccupied with. This list, much like the Dow Jones Industrial Average, behaves as a basic barometer — a timestamped indicator of the degree to which my own head is shoved up my own ass. Below is a comparison of two lists: one collected today; the other from a time that is pre-covid 19.

Corona Virus Dispatch from NYC, Day 7: Online School

School has been out for a full week - since Monday, March 16. To be honest, I decided on Friday afternoon to keep my kids home regardless of any official announcement. As many New Yorkers may remember, Friday the 13th was the pivotal turning point for the mayor and for the DOE because that was when Healthcare Workers union 1199 SEIU joined forces with parents and the United Federation of Teachers, and officially endorsed the view that closing all NYC public schools was a responsible public health move. It wasn’t until Sunday night that the mayor made it official.