Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 10 March, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  a  i  l  n  p  t

  • Total Answers: 55
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC6 β€” sounds like occasion
  2. AC4 β€” sounds like occur, sky


  1. AL6 β€” sounds like aspect, bloc, block, blocked, blocker


  1. AN5 β€” causing or intended to cause laughter; given to good-natured joking or teasing; a playful or mischievous act intended as a joke; chucklesome; comedic sounds like attic
  2. AN10 β€” having or showing signs of eagerly awaiting something; agape; agog; anticipatory; expectant


  1. AP9 β€” one who seeks an office, honor, position, or award; applier; aspirant; campaigner; candidate sounds like affluent, diligent, flippant, picket, piquant


  1. AT5 β€” a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building; as in refined, cultured; cockloft; garret; loft sounds like antic, stick, tick


  1. CA5 β€”
  2. CA4 β€” to speak so as to be heard at a distance; to make a telephone call to; to make a brief visit; bawl; bay sounds like all, ball, bawl, coal, cog
  3. CA5 β€” to speak so as to be heard at a distance; to make a telephone call to; to make a brief visit; bawl; bay sounds like cola, gala
  4. CA5 β€” an open man-made passageway for water; aqueduct; channel; conduit; course sounds like banal, colonel, conceal, concur, confer
  5. CA6 β€” sounds like common, concave, condom
  6. CA5 β€” sounds like manna
  7. CA4 β€” the degree to which something rises up from a position level with the horizon; the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have; the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field; diagonal; grade sounds like ant, aunt
  8. CA7 β€” as in hymn, anthem; anthem; canticle; carol; chorale
  9. CA7 β€” a place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold to be consumed on the premises; bar; barroom; cafΓ©; dramshop
  10. CA7 β€” a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; the total of one's money and property; coming before all others in importance; axis; base
  11. CA7 β€” a person in overall command of a ship; one in official command especially of a military force or base; the person (as an employer or supervisor) who tells people and especially workers what to do; commander; skip
  12. CA7 β€”
  13. CA7 β€” a vocal sound made to express scorn or disapproval; as in deride, jeer; bird; boo; Bronx cheer
  14. CA6 β€” a short sleep; to be in a state of sleep; to sleep lightly or briefly; doze; drowse sounds like kidnap
  15. CA6 β€”
  16. CA7 β€” sounds like curtail


  1. CI5 β€” sounds like psyllium, sillier, silly


  1. CL4 β€” a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together socially; a group of persons who come from the same ancestor; body; bunch; circle sounds like can
  2. CL4 β€” a loud explosive sound; a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument; to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; bang; blast sounds like cap
  3. CL6 β€” a place for the treatment of those who are ill or injured; an intensive educational or training program; hospital; infirmary; medical center sounds like chronic
  4. CL8 β€” having or showing a lack of emotion or interest; dispassionate; objective; impersonal; professional sounds like pinnacle
  5. CL9 β€” a medical professional who works directly with patients rather than in a laboratory or as a researcher; attending; hospitalist; croaker; doc sounds like coalition, commission, condition, corinthian, emission
  6. CL4 β€” a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; bang; bash sounds like blip, flip, lip, quip, slip


  1. IL5 β€” sounds like black, bleak, clique, elite, flak
  2. IL7 β€” contrary to or forbidden by law; criminal; felonious; illegal; illegitimate sounds like elicit


  1. IN6 β€” sounds like can't, decant, enact, encamp, enchant
  2. IN6 β€” not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it; compleat; complete; comprehensive; entire sounds like enact


  1. IT6 β€” sounds like idyllic, metallic, static, titanic


  1. LA6 β€” sounds like tactic
  2. LA4 β€” as in lay, nonclerical; lay; nonclerical; atheistic; godless sounds like lick
  3. LA6 β€” as in lay, nonclerical; lay; nonclerical; atheistic; godless sounds like cul, cull, local, loyal, lull


  1. LI5 β€” permitted by law; lawful; legal; legit; legitimate sounds like il*
  2. LI5 β€” sounds like black, buyback, eyelash, flak, hijack


  1. NI6 β€” sounds like basic, basin, casing, chasten, evasive


  1. PA4 β€” a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples; an arrangement about action to be taken; accord; alliance; compact sounds like act, backed, fact
  2. PA5 β€” the emotion experienced in the presence or threat of danger; to strike with fear; too overcome with panic to think or act normally; alarm; anxiety sounds like manic


  1. PI4 β€” sounds like peak, peaked, peek
  2. PI7 β€”
  3. PI6 β€” a situation or state of carefree comfort; something that is easy to do; as in eat, lunch; beer and skittles; easy street sounds like cynic, panic


  1. TA5 β€” understood although not put into words; implicit; implied; unexpressed; unspoken sounds like asset, cast, caste, facet, facile
  2. TA4 β€” the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact
  3. TA6 β€” something done to achieve a particular goal; means; method; technique; way sounds like acting, active, antic, arctic, attic
  4. TA8 β€” suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances; advisable; desirable; expedient; judicious
  5. TA9 β€” sounds like technician
  6. TA4 β€” sounds like torque
  7. TA6 β€” sounds like manic, panic, tonic, tunic


  1. TI5 β€” as in colored, hued; colored; colorized; dyed; hued sounds like linked
  2. TI7 β€” unusually large; astronomical; Brobdingnagian; bumper; colossal sounds like italic

acacia, acai, alpaca, antic, anticipant, applicant, attic, cacti, call, calla, canal, cancan, canna, cant, cantata, cantina, capital, captain, catalpa, catcall, catnap, catnip, cattail, cilia, clan, clap, clinic, clinical, clinician, clip, iliac, illicit, incant, intact, italic, lactic, laic, laical, licit, lilac, niacin, pact, panic, pica, piccata, picnic, tacit, tact, tactic, tactical, tactician, talc, tannic, tinct, titanic