NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Thu. 9 March, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: u  a  d  e  l  n  q

  • Total Answers: 54
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AL6 β€” to convey an idea indirectly; as in refer (to), cite; hint; imply; indicate sounds like collude, elude, lewd
  2. AL7 β€” to convey an idea indirectly; to convey an idea indirectly; as in referred (to), cited; hinted; implied sounds like avoided, fluid, loaded, lucid, polluted


  1. AN6 β€” occurring once every year; a book or magazine that is published once a year; yearly; bimonthly; biweekly sounds like manual
  2. AN5 β€” to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective; to put an end to by formal action; cancel (out); compensate (for); correct sounds like addle, agile, apple, channel, null
  3. AN8 β€” to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective; to put an end to by formal action; to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective; canceled (out); compensated (for) sounds like addled, paneled


  1. AQ4 β€” a distilled beverage that can make a person drunk; a distilled beverage that can make a person drunk; alcohol; ardent spirits; booze sounds like aria, auction, awkward, equal, opera


  1. DE6 β€” to cause to believe what is untrue; bamboozle; beguile; bluff; buffalo sounds like elude
  2. DE7 β€” as in duped, deceived; to cause to believe what is untrue; to cause to believe what is untrue; deceived; duped sounds like gilded, secluded
  3. DE6 β€” to remove of all covering or surface layers; bare; clear; expose; scale sounds like renewed
  4. DE7 β€” lacking a usual or natural covering; to remove of all covering or surface layers; to remove of all covering or surface layers; bald; bare sounds like funded


  1. DU4 β€” consisting of two members or parts that are usually joined; as in interstate, motorway; as in interstates, motorways; binary; bipartite sounds like dial, dowel, jewel
  2. DU4 β€” a man extremely interested in his clothing and personal appearance; an adult male human being; as in tog (out or up), rig (out); beau; Beau Brummell sounds like dad, dead, deed, dew, did
  3. DU5 β€” as in togged (out or up), rigged (out); appareled; arrayed; attired; bedecked sounds like doodad
  4. DU4 β€” an earnest effort for superiority or victory over another; as in fight, battle; ball game; battle; combat sounds like dial, dowel, jewel
  5. DU6 β€” as in fought, battled; battled; clashed (with); combated; contended
  6. DU4 β€” lacking sharpness of edge or point; causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest; covered over by clouds; blunt; blunted sounds like addle, cul, cull, dale, deal
  7. DU6 β€” lacking a surface luster or gloss; lacking intensity of color; lacking sharpness of edge or point; dim; dull sounds like addled
  8. DU4 β€” as in ridge, embankment; embankment; ridge; sandbank; sandbar sounds like boon, dawn, dean, den, dew
  9. DU6 β€” as in got, worried; aggravated; annoyed; bedeviled; chafed sounds like done, fund


  1. EL5 β€” to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery; avoid; dodge; duck; escape sounds like allude, d*, issued, lewd
  2. EL6 β€” to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery; to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery; avoided; dodged; ducked sounds like allude, allusion, avoided, fluid, loaded


  1. EN5 β€” to cause (as a person) to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principle; to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attribute; imbue; inculcate; infuse sounds like undo, undue
  2. EN6 β€” to cause (as a person) to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principle; to furnish freely or naturally with some power, quality, or attribute; to cause (as a person) to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principle; imbued; inculcated


  1. EQ5 β€” marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias; resembling another in every respect; having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance; candid; disinterested sounds like sequel
  2. EQ7 β€” to produce something equal to (as in quality or value); to be the same in meaning or effect; to be the exact counterpart of; matched; met


  1. LA4 β€” public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievement; to declare enthusiastic approval of; to proclaim the glory of; acclaim; accolade sounds like awed, flawed, lead, led, lewd
  2. LA6 β€” to declare enthusiastic approval of; to proclaim the glory of; to declare enthusiastic approval of; acclaimed; accredited sounds like loaded


  1. LU4 β€” as in barbecue, cookout; barbecue; clambake; cookout; fry sounds like lewd, loom, loon, loop, loose
  2. LU4 β€” a momentary halt in an activity; to free from distress or disturbance; break; breath; breather sounds like cul, cull, dull, gull, hull
  3. LU6 β€” to free from distress or disturbance; to free from distress or disturbance; becalmed; calmed; composed sounds like loved
  4. LU4 β€” something very good of its kind; beaut; beauty; bee's knees; cat's meow sounds like blew, blue, clue, cool, cooled
  5. LU4 β€” sounds like loon, loony, tuna
  6. LU4 β€” sounds like boon, dune, goon, lain, lane
  7. LU6 β€” sounds like lonely, loon, loony, loosely, manila
  8. LU7 β€” sounds like loon, loony


  1. NU4 β€” lacking or shed of clothing; the state of having no clothes on one's body; lacking or shed of clothing; au naturel; bare sounds like food, knead, knew, lewd, mood
  2. NU4 β€” having no legal or binding force; having no usefulness; to put an end to by formal action; bad; inoperative sounds like annul, cul, cull, dull, gull


  1. QU8 β€” sounds like collude
  2. QU4 β€” an open space wholly or partly enclosed (as by buildings or walls); close; court; courtyard; enclosure sounds like cod, s**, wad
  3. QU5 β€” a usually glamorous woman who is preeminent in her field of activity; a lovely woman; as in lord (it over), talk down (to); diva; goddess sounds like careen, clean, keen, wean
  4. QU7 β€” as in lorded (it over), talked down (to); cold-shouldered; cut; high-hatted; slighted
  5. QU5 β€” to put a stop to (something) by the use of force; to stop the noise or speech of; clamp down (on); crack down (on); crush sounds like dwell, swell, well
  6. QU7 β€” to put a stop to (something) by the use of force; to stop the noise or speech of; to put a stop to (something) by the use of force; clamped down (on); cracked down (on) sounds like called, cold, cooled
  7. QU5 β€” a series of persons or things arranged one behind another; as in line, line up; to propel oneself upward or forward into the air; column; cue sounds like clue, coup, crew, cube, cute
  8. QU6 β€” as in lined, lined up; aligned; cued; lined; lined up sounds like crude, cube, cue, cute, feud


  1. UL4 β€” sounds like alas, alert, alight, align, aligned
  2. UL5 β€” sounds like align, allay, allow, alone


  1. UN6 β€”
  2. UN5 β€” going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount; baroque; devilish; excessive; exorbitant sounds like anew
  3. UN7 β€” not staying constant; changing; erratic; fluctuating; irregular
  4. UN9 β€” having no equal or rival for excellence or desirability; incomparable; inimitable; matchless; nonpareil
  5. UN7 β€” to empty or rid of cargo; disburden; discharge; disencumber; off-load
  6. UN8 β€”
  7. UN8 β€” as in unnecessary, unwanted; dispensable; unnecessary; unwanted; alternate

allude, alluded, annual, annul, annulled, aqua, delude, deluded, denude, denuded, dual, dude, duded, duel, dueled, dull, dulled, dune, dunned, elude, eluded, endue, endued, equal, equaled, laud, lauded, luau, lull, lulled, lulu, luna, lune, lunula, lunulae, nude, null, quaalude, quad, queen, queened, quell, quelled, queue, queued, ulna, ulnae, undead, undue, unequal, unequaled, unladen, unleaded, unneeded