NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 14 April, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: y  a  e  g  l  n  o

  • Total Answers: 42
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AG5 β€” a situation or state that causes great suffering and unhappiness; a state of great suffering of body or mind; a sudden intense expression of strong feeling; Gehenna; hell sounds like gunny


  1. AL5 β€” to make more bearable or less severe; alleviate; assuage; ease; help sounds like away, clay, fillet, lay, play
  2. AL5 β€” a narrow passage between buildings; someone associated with another to give assistance or moral support; as in tabby; alleyway; arterial sounds like abbey, assay, dally, early, flea
  3. AL5 β€” a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things; admixture; amalgam; amalgamation; blend sounds like cloy, ploy
  4. AL4 β€” someone associated with another to give assistance or moral support; to form or enter into an association that furthers the interests of its members; abettor; backer; bedfellow sounds like fly, lie, lye, ply, sleigh


  1. AN6 β€”
  2. AN7 β€” a way of describing or explaining one thing by means of describing another with which it shares certain points or qualities; resemblance in certain points or qualities between two or more otherwise unlike things; circumlocution; code word; conceit sounds like apology, unlucky
  3. AN5 β€” to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts; aggravate; bother; bug; burn (up)
  4. AN6 β€” as in anybody; anybody; all; everybody; everyone sounds like engine, entwine, everyone, uneven


  1. EE4 β€” sounds like alley, early, easy, flea, flee


  1. EG4 β€” a member of the human race; baby; being; bird; bod sounds like airy, any, edgy, l**


  1. EL5 β€” a composition expressing one's grief over a loss; dirge; lament; requiem; threnody sounds like algae, edgy


  1. GA6 β€” as in yacht, schooner; brigantine; bugeye; caΓ―que; caravel sounds like alley, dally, girlie, glee, golly
  2. GA6 β€” being tall, thin and usually loose-jointed; gangling; lanky; rangy; spindling
  3. GA5 β€” in a cheerful or happy manner; in a quick and spirited manner; in a manner that is colorful and tends to arouse gaiety; brightly; cheerfully sounds like daily, girlie, glee, golly, gulley


  1. GE9 β€” the line of ancestors from whom a person is descended; ancestry; birth; blood; bloodline sounds like analogy
  2. GE7 β€” sounds like theology


  1. GO6 β€”
  2. GO5 β€” sounds like collie, folly, gaily, galley, girlie
  3. GO5 β€” appealing to the emotions in an obvious and tiresome way; something (as a work of literature or music) that is too sentimental; chocolate-box; cloying; corny sounds like buoy, glee, suey
  4. GO6 β€” sounds like boogie, coolly, duly, gaily, galley
  5. GO5 β€” sounds like guinea, gunny, loony


  1. LA5 β€” sounds like baggy, leggy, shaggy
  2. LA8 β€” to move or act slowly; crawl; creep; dally; dawdle sounds like afghan, alley, alleyway, ballyhoo, beleaguer


  1. LE6 β€” having a noticeably small amount of body fat; bony; fatless; lithe; skinny sounds like c**, keenly, lonely
  2. LE7 β€” according to the rules or the law; permitted by law; following or according to the rules; clean; cleanly sounds like il***
  3. LE5 β€”


  1. LO4 β€” depleted in strength, energy, or freshness; all in; aweary; beat; beaten
  2. LO8 β€” to move or act slowly; crawl; creep; dally; dawdle sounds like colleague
  3. LO6 β€” not being in the company of others; sad from lack of companionship or separation from others; causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer; alone; lone sounds like only
  4. LO5 β€” one having or showing a severely disordered or abnormal state of mind; showing or marked by a lack of good sense or judgment; having or showing a severely disordered or abnormal state of mind; bug; crackbrain sounds like lucy, lunar
  5. LO5 β€” firm in one's allegiance to someone or something; constant; dedicated; devoted; devout sounds like lull, royal
  6. LO7 β€” firm in one's allegiance to someone or something; constant; dedicated; devoted; devout


  1. NA5 β€” sounds like baggy, shaggy
  2. NA5 β€” a girl or woman employed to care for a young child or children; babysitter; dry nurse; nurse; nursemaid sounds like canny, fanny


  1. NY5 β€” sounds like pylon


  1. OE8 β€” sounds like technology


  1. ON5 β€” sounds like inlay
  2. ON4 β€” for nothing other than; not long ago; nothing more than; alone; exclusively sounds like lonely


  1. YA4 β€” sounds like bang, dang, fang, gang, hang


  1. YE4 β€” to cry out loudly and emotionally; to speak so as to be heard at a distance; a loud vocal expression of strong emotion; howl; scream sounds like bell, cell, dell, fell, gel


  1. YO4 β€” sounds like toga

agony, allay, alley, alloy, ally, anally, analogy, annoy, anyone, eely, eggy, elegy, galley, gangly, gayly, genealogy, geology, goggly, golly, gooey, googly, goony, laggy, lallygag, leanly, legally, leggy, logy, lollygag, lonely, loony, loyal, loyally, naggy, nanny, nylon, oenology, onlay, only, yang, yell, yoga