NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 26 May, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  b  d  e  k  l  o

  • Total Answers: 49
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. BE4 β€” a natural body of running water smaller than a river; bourn; brook; brooklet; burn sounds like back, bake, balk, bare
  2. BE6 β€” to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes; adorn; array; beautify sounds like budding
  3. BE8 β€” as in dressed, decorated; to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes; adorned; arrayed sounds like addict


  1. BL4 β€” a group of people acting together within a larger group; an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protection; block; body; coalition sounds like brok, clock, flock
  2. BL5 β€” a number of things considered as a unit; something that makes movement or progress difficult; the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth; array; assemblage sounds like brok, clock, flock
  3. BL7 β€” as in hindered, impeded; to close up so that no empty spaces remain; to prevent passage through by filling with something; hindered; impeded sounds like locked


  1. BO5 β€” sounds like base, bass, beau
  2. BO4 β€” sounds like back, bake, balk, balm, bar


  1. CE4 β€” to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; cough up; deliver sounds like bead, deed, feed, heed, keyed
  2. CE5 β€” to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; coughed up; delivered sounds like faded, jaded
  3. CE5 — a person who is widely known and usually much talked about; cause célèbre; celebrity; figure; icon sounds like carob, cherub, club, felon, jealous
  4. CE4 β€” an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wall; one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided; a local unit of an organization; apartment; chamber sounds like bell, dell, fell, gel, hell
  5. CE9 β€” sounds like selfless
  6. CE6 β€” sounds like felled, held, meld, said, sealed
  7. CE5 β€” sounds like bellow, fellow, mellow, self, sell


  1. CL5 β€” a device to measure time; to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; to obtain (as a goal) through effort; chronometer; timekeeper sounds like bloc, block, cock
  2. CL7 β€” to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; to obtain (as a goal) through effort; banged; bashed sounds like blocked, locked
  3. CL4 β€” a big clumsy often slow-witted person; a small uneven mass; the loose surface material in which plants naturally grow; clodhopper; gawk sounds like cod, plod


  1. CO6 β€” to make or assemble roughly or hastily; jury-rig; patch (together); throw up sounds like cable, gobble, hobble, wobble
  2. CO7 β€” to make or assemble roughly or hastily; jury-rig; patch (together); throw up
  3. CO4 β€” a fixture for controlling the flow of a liquid; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; the act of positioning or an instance of being positioned at an angle; faucet; gate sounds like cake, calm, car, caught, cause
  4. CO6 β€” as in tilted, inclined; to set or cause to be at an angle; to set or cause to be at an angle; angled; canted sounds like cart, caught, khaki, locked, shocked
  5. CO6 β€”
  6. CO6 β€” to cook in a liquid heated to the point that it gives off steam; to treat with great or excessive care; boil; parboil; poach sounds like cuddle, model
  7. CO7 β€” as in spoiled, pampered; to cook in a liquid heated to the point that it gives off steam; to treat with great or excessive care; indulged; pampered sounds like modeled
  8. CO4 β€” a collection or system of rules of conduct; as in encrypt, encode; as in nickname; canon; constitution sounds like bode
  9. CO5 β€” as in encrypted, encoded; ciphered; enciphered; encoded; encrypted
  10. CO4 β€” as in undergraduate, postgraduate; collegian; postgraduate; undergraduate; pupil
  11. CO4 β€” sounds like cake, choke, cloak
  12. CO4 β€” having a low or subnormal temperature; lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling; having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others; algid; arctic sounds like bold, called, fold
  13. CO8 β€” sounds like clock, goldstock
  14. CO10 β€”
  15. CO5 β€” as in curred; curred; fizzed; hissed; murmured sounds like crude, curd
  16. CO4 β€” to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of; to take place; a person who prepares food by some manner of heating; bend; color sounds like book, cake, crook, hook, kick
  17. CO8 β€” sounds like checkbook, kickback
  18. CO6 β€” as in fried, baked; to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of; to take place; baked; boiled sounds like hooked
  19. CO4 β€” having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others; free from emotional or mental agitation; having a low or subnormal temperature; aloof; antisocial sounds like call, cul
  20. CO6 β€” as in frozen, chilled; to cause to lose heat; to become still and orderly; chilled; frosted sounds like called, pooled


  1. DE4 β€” a flat roofless structure attached to a building; to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes; balcony; sundeck sounds like check, dare, dick
  2. DE6 β€” as in dressed, decorated; to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; adorned; arrayed sounds like checked, direct, duct, sect, wrecked
  3. DE6 β€” sounds like heckle
  4. DE4 β€” sounds like echo
  5. DE6 β€” to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; break; crack; decipher sounds like code
  6. DE7 β€” to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; broke; cracked sounds like divided, eroded


  1. DO4 β€” a structure used by boats and ships for taking on or landing cargo and passengers; to make less in extent or duration; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; float; jetty sounds like chalk, cock, dark, deck, dick
  2. DO6 β€” to make less in extent or duration; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; to stop at or near a place along the shore; abbreviated; abridged sounds like dart, duct, locked, shocked


  1. LO4 β€” as in bar, latch; as in wrap, fold; one that is certain to succeed; bar; batten (down) sounds like bloc, b, chalk, c, cock
  2. LO6 β€” as in barred, latched; as in wrapped, folded; to put in or as if in prison; barred; battened (down) sounds like b**, lat, shocked
  3. LO4 β€” having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind; to cause to go insane or as if insane; balmy; barmy; bats sounds like coco, cocoa

beck, bedeck, bedecked, bloc, block, blocked, bocce, bock, cede, ceded, celeb, cell, cellblock, celled, cello, clock, clocked, clod, cobble, cobbled, cock, cocked, cockle, coddle, coddled, code, coded, coed, coke, cold, coldcock, coldcocked, cooed, cook, cookbook, cooked, cool, cooled, deck, decked, deckle, deco, decode, decoded, dock, docked, lock, locked, loco