NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 27 October, 2023 β€” Ben Willenbring

NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 27 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: i  a  c  l  n  o  y

  • Total Answers: 64
  • Pangrams: 5
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC6 β€” sounds like occasion
  2. AC4 β€” sounds like occur, sky
  3. AC7 β€” sounds like adjective, angelic, citric, civic, click


  1. AI5 β€” sounds like holy, idly, lowly, wholly


  1. AN5 β€” sounds like canyon, onion
  2. AN7 β€” sounds like admonish, chronic, demonic, ionic, ironic


  1. CA6 β€” as in speckled, streaked; blotted; brindled; specked; speckled sounds like cluck
  2. CA7 β€” as in falsely, artfully; having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment; enjoying physical comfort; artfully; deceitfully
  3. CA7 β€” sounds like keenly, kindly, manly
  4. CA7 β€” sounds like chronic
  5. CA9 β€” as in priestly, apostolic; as in authoritative, ex officio; apostolic; clerical; episcopal sounds like chronicle
  6. CA11 β€” sounds like chronically, chronicler, economically, ironically


  1. CI4 β€” sounds like cheap, cheat, cheek, cheese, chief
  2. CI5 β€” sounds like psyllium, sillier, silly


  1. CL6 β€” a place for the treatment of those who are ill or injured; an intensive educational or training program; hospital; infirmary; medical center sounds like chronic
  2. CL8 β€” having or showing a lack of emotion or interest; dispassionate; objective; impersonal; professional sounds like pinnacle
  3. CL10 β€” sounds like chronically, critically, cynically
  4. CL9 β€” a medical professional who works directly with patients rather than in a laboratory or as a researcher; attending; hospitalist; croaker; doc sounds like coalition, commission, condition, corinthian, emission


  1. CO5 β€” sounds like catchy
  2. CO4 β€” a state of noisy, confused activity; to follow a circular or spiral course; ado; alarums and excursions; ballyhoo sounds like boil, call, cul, cull, curl
  3. CO4 β€” something (as pieces of stamped metal or printed paper) customarily and legally used as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment; as in produce, design; as in stamp, mint; bread; bucks sounds like can, cane, join, keen, kin
  4. CO5 β€” as in cramps, gripes; cramps; gripes; bellyache; collywobbles sounds like click
  5. CO8 β€” tending to group with others of the same kind; a person who settles in a new region; gregarious; sociable; social
  6. CO10 β€” tending to group with others of the same kind; gregarious; sociable; social
  7. CO7 β€” sounds like chronic, clinic
  8. CO5 β€” sounds like chronic, ionic, phonic, sonic, tonic
  9. CO7 β€” sounds like chronicle
  10. CO9 β€” sounds like chronically, chronicler, ethnically, ironically, logically


  1. CY6 β€” happening again and again in the same order; alternate; intermittent; periodic; recurrent sounds like psychic
  2. CY8 β€” happening again and again in the same order; alternate; intermittent; periodic; recurrent sounds like psychical
  3. CY10 β€” happening again and again in the same order; alternate; intermittent; periodic; recurrent sounds like slickly
  4. CY5 β€” a person who distrusts other people and believes that everything is done for selfish reasons; misanthrope; naysayer; pessimist sounds like civic, scenic, sinning, sonic
  5. CY7 β€” having or showing a deep distrust of human beings and their motives; misanthropic; pessimistic
  6. CY9 β€” as in disparagingly, negatively; having or showing a deep distrust of human beings and their motives; captiously; critically; deprecatingly


  1. IC5 β€” having a low or subnormal temperature; lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling; algid; arctic; bitter sounds like acidly, easily, eerily, finally, gulley
  2. IC4 β€” a person who is the object of extreme or uncritical devotion; a written or printed mark that is meant to convey information to the reader; a visible representation of something abstract (as a quality); god; hero sounds like con
  3. IC6 β€” sounds like ionic, ironic
  4. IC10 β€” sounds like ironically


  1. IL5 β€” sounds like black, bleak, clique, elite, flak
  2. IL4 β€” sounds like alley, chili, ch**, early, eerie


  1. IN5 β€” as in install, inset; cut in; inset; install; edge in


  1. IO5 β€” sounds like ironic, phonic, sonic, tonic


  1. LA7 β€” marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning; tending not to speak frequently (as by habit or inclination); aphoristic; apothegmatic; brief sounds like ionic, locking, logic, mechanic, phonic
  2. LA11 β€” in a few words; marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning; tending not to speak frequently (as by habit or inclination); briefly; compactly sounds like logically, mechanically
  3. LA4 β€” as in lay, nonclerical; lay; nonclerical; atheistic; godless sounds like lick
  4. LA6 β€” as in lay, nonclerical; lay; nonclerical; atheistic; godless sounds like cul, cull, local, loyal, lull
  5. LA4 β€” to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain direction; to occupy a place or location; to remain out of sight; borne; extended sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
  6. LA5 β€” a covered structure adjoining an entrance to a building; gallery; piazza; porch; stoop sounds like cannot
  7. LA7 β€” sounds like linchpin, lovin, mannequin, paneling


  1. LI5 β€” sounds like black, buyback, eyelash, flak, hijack
  2. LI4 β€” having or showing a shameful lack of courage; free from guilt or blame; chicken; chicken-livered; chickenhearted sounds like chili, chilly, filly, hilly, leery
  3. LI4 β€” a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular field; the largest part or quantity of something; a large tawny cat of the wild; baron; captain sounds like ion, scion


  1. LO4 β€” a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; the area or space occupied by or intended for something; a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; axes; bases sounds like fussy, gussy, lacey, lacy, lucky
  2. LO4 β€” sounds like coin, join, lain, lane, lawn


  1. NA4 β€” to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; to make final, definite, or beyond dispute; to reveal the true nature of; bang; bash sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale


  1. NI6 β€” sounds like basic, basin, casing, chasten, evasive
  2. NI5 β€” a person who lacks good sense or judgment; a stupid person; berk; booby; charlie sounds like guinea, nanny, tinny


  1. NO11 β€” as in nonpractical; nonpractical; abstract; conceptual; intellectual sounds like preclinical
  2. NO9 β€” sounds like billion, civilian, jillion, million, pavilion


  1. OI6 β€” sounds like falcon, olden, sullen, sultan, sunken
  2. OI4 β€” overly or insincerely flattering; adulatory; fulsome; gushing; gushy sounds like alley, coyly, early, flea, flee


  1. OL4 β€” an unorganized collection or mixture of various things; agglomerate; agglomeration; alphabet soup; assortment sounds like audio


  1. ON5 β€” sounds like undone
  2. ON6 β€” sounds like anchovy, baloney, bony, crony, enrollee

acacia, acai, acyclic, aioli, anion, anionic, calico, cannily, cannoli, canonic, canonical, canonically, ciao, cilia, clinic, clinical, clinically, clinician, cocci, coil, coin, colic, colonial, colonially, colonic, conic, conical, conically, cyclic, cyclical, cyclically, cynic, cynical, cynically, icily, icon, iconic, iconically, iliac, illy, inlay, ionic, laconic, laconically, laic, laical, lain, lanai, lanolin, lilac, lily, lion, loci, loin, nail, niacin, ninny, nonclinical, nonillion, oilcan, oily, olio, onion, oniony