Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: n a i j m r u
- Total Answers: 26
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! ๐คฃ
- AI6 โ one who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraft; aviator; birdman; flier; pilot sounds like ch**
- AN5 โ sounds like alma, asthma, edema, prima
- IN5 โ as in immure; immure; bury; entomb; hearse
- JI4 โ as in genies, angels; as in genie, angel; angels; daimones; familiars sounds like been, bin, chin, din, fin
- JI5 โ as in genie, angel; angel; daimon; familiar; genie sounds like genie, gin, guinea, journey, tinny
- MA4 โ coming before all others in importance; muscular strength; one of the great divisions of land on the globe or the main part of such a division; arch; big sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
- MA5 โ a serious mental disorder that prevents one from living a safe and normal life; something about which one is constantly thinking or concerned; aberration; dementia; derangement
- MA5 โ a source of great satisfaction; something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thing; delectation; delight; feast
- MA9 โ
- MA6 โ an area of water where privately owned boats (such as yachts) are kept; basin; dock; moorage; mooring sounds like arena
- MA8 โ sounds like canard, monarch, regard, regatta, sonata
- MI4 โ a very small automobile; as in small, little; as in department store, chain store; compact; coupe sounds like genie, many, mealy, mean, meaner
- MI5 โ as in tiny, minuscule; as in smidgen, iota; bitty; inappreciable; infinitesimal
- MI6 โ as in semblances, modicums; hoots; iotas; jots; minims sounds like cinema, edema, mania
- MI7 โ being the least in amount, number, or size possible; as in semblance, modicum; an amount of money that is the least amount of money per hour that workers must be paid according to the law; fewest; littlest
- MI5 โ sounds like grin
- NA4 โ sounds like con, don, john, knob, knock
- NA4 โ sounds like manna
- NI5 โ sounds like binge, dingy, ginger, hinge, injure
- RA4 โ a steady falling of water from the sky in significant quantity; a heavy fall of objects; to fall as water in a continuous stream of drops from the clouds; cloudburst; deluge sounds like arraign, bane, b**, cane, chain
- RA4 โ sounds like rocky
- RU4 โ to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts; to bring destruction to (something) through violent action; to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of; bankrupt; break sounds like rayon
- UN5 โ sounds like alarm
- UN5 โ sounds like adjudge, angel, annum, anthem, dungeon
- UN5 โ to deprive of courage or confidence; to lessen the courage or confidence of; demoralize; emasculate; paralyze sounds like g*, onion
- UR7 โ sounds like geranium