NYT ๐Ÿ Cluesโ€”Mon. 14 August, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: e  b  g  m  n  o  y

  • Total Answers: 31
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! ๐Ÿคฃ


  1. BE4 โ€” to have life; to occupy a place or location; to take or have a certain position within a group arranged in vertical classes; breathed; existed sounds like ban, bane, bib, bid, big
  2. BE5 โ€” sounds like bigot
  3. BE6 โ€” to leave a place often for another; bail; bail out; book; bug off sounds like bygone, gone


  1. BO5 โ€” something or someone that causes fear or dread especially without reason; the soul of a dead person thought of especially as appearing to living people; bรชte noire; black beast; bugaboo sounds like baggy, biggie, buggy, fogy
  2. BO8 โ€” as in demons, devils; banshees; demons; devils; fiends
  3. BO5 โ€” sounds like balmy, bam, bar, beam
  4. BO4 โ€” a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; the seat of one's deepest thoughts and emotions; affection; affinity sounds like ban, bane, bean, beau, been


  1. BY6 โ€” no longer existing; as in history, yesteryear; bypast; dead; defunct sounds like began, begin, begun, bison, gone


  1. EB4 โ€” sounds like auburn, balm, ban, bane, bar
  2. EB5 โ€” having the color of soot or coal; black; pitch-black; pitch-dark; pitchy sounds like bunny


  1. EG6 โ€” sounds like airbag, any, banal, bog, cannot
  2. EG4 โ€” a member of the human race; baby; being; bird; bod sounds like airy, any, edgy, l**


  1. EN4 โ€” sounds like any
  2. EN5 โ€” one that is hostile toward another; adversary; antagonist; foe; hostile sounds like annum, any, crummy, dummy, ebony


  1. GE4 โ€” sounds like bean, dean, gin, jeans, jeep
  2. GE6 โ€” sounds like gnome, jeans, keno, keynote, rename


  1. GN5 โ€” an imaginary being usually having a small human form and magical powers; brownie; dwarf; elf; faerie sounds like comb, dome, foam, home, knoll


  1. GO4 โ€” no longer existing; no longer living; no longer possessed; bygone; bypast sounds like dawn, fawn, gain, gall, gaunt
  2. GO5 โ€” appealing to the emotions in an obvious and tiresome way; something (as a work of literature or music) that is too sentimental; chocolate-box; cloying; corny sounds like buoy, glee, suey


  1. ME4 โ€” sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
  2. ME4 โ€” a message on paper from one person or group to another; a usually brief written reminder; a written communication giving information or directions; dispatch; epistle sounds like demo, marrow


  1. MO5 โ€” something (as pieces of stamped metal or printed paper) customarily and legally used as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment; a wealthy person; yielding a profit; bread; bucks sounds like bunny, funny, gunny, honey, many
  2. MO8 โ€” sounds like honeymoon


  1. NE4 โ€” sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, knead
  2. NE4 โ€” sounds like bean, con, dean, don, eon


  1. NO4 โ€” certainly not; not in any degree, way, or under any condition; no person; hardly; ill sounds like bun, done, dun, eon, fun


  1. OB4 โ€” to act according to the commands of; adhere (to); comply (with); conform (to); follow sounds like bay, okay
  2. OB4 โ€” sounds like beau, lobo


  1. OG4 โ€” sounds like edgy


  1. OM4 โ€” something believed to be a sign or warning of a future event; augury; auspice; boding; foreboding sounds like ocean, open, showman


  1. YE6 โ€” as in sharecroppers, crofters; crofters; croppers; gentlemen farmers; sharecroppers sounds like amen, demon, domain, foment, omen

been, begem, begone, bogey, bogeymen, bombe, bone, bygone, ebon, ebony, eggnog, eggy, enby, enemy, gene, genome, gnome, gone, gooey, meme, memo, money, moneymen, nene, neon, none, obey, oboe, ogee, omen, yeomen