NYT 🐝 Clues—Mon. 17 April, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: h  a  g  i  n  p  r

  • Total Answers: 19
  • Pangrams: 3
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. AA5sounds like arc, arch, are, arm, art


  1. GR5 — to show and compare the values of variables in a set of data by means of a drawing; chart; delineate; diagram; draw sounds like gaffe
  2. GR8 — to show and compare the values of variables in a set of data by means of a drawing; to show and compare the values of variables in a set of data by means of a drawing; charting; delineating; diagramming


  1. HA4 — a very small distance or degree; a thin, flexible structure that resembles a hair; the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thick; ace; hairbreadth sounds like air, bare, bear, care, c**
  2. HA7 — as in dogleg; dogleg; corner; turnoff; decline sounds like herein, heroin, heroine, heron, herring
  3. HA4 — to place on an elevated point without support from below; to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to be limp from lack of water or vigor; dangle; sling sounds like bang, dang, fang, gang
  4. HA6 — as in house, garage; cellar; garage; house; warehouse
  5. HA7 — bending downward or forward; extending freely from a support from above; a downward slope; bowed; bowing
  6. HA4 — to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely; belabor; dwell (on or upon) sounds like carp, heart, hearth, hop, s**
  7. HA7 — to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely; belabor; dwell (on or upon) sounds like carping


  1. HI4 — extending to a great distance upward; being at a higher level than average; located at a greater height than average or usual; altitudinous; lofty sounds like awry, buy, die, dye, eye
  2. HI7 — to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); depending; hanging; riding sounds like ginning, hearing, inning, sinning, winning
  3. HI8sounds like arrogance, arrogant, banana, began, cabana
  4. HI6 — to take or get the temporary use of (something) for a set sum; to provide with a paying job; to take or get the temporary use of (something) for a set sum; chartering; engaging sounds like bring, earring, hearing, herring, ring


  1. NI4 — not being distant in time, space, or significance; at, within, or to a short distance or time; very close to but not completely; close; close-up sounds like awry, buy, die, dye, eye


  1. PA9sounds like anagram, autograph, choreograph, lithograph, monograph
  2. PA12sounds like demographic, pornographic
  3. PA6 — one who is cast out or rejected by society; castaway; castoff; leper; offscouring sounds like arise, arrive, awry, derive, pearl


  1. PI7sounds like paranoia, prance

aargh, graph, graphing, hair, hairpin, hang, hangar, hanging, harp, harping, high, hinging, hiragana, hiring, nigh, paragraph, paragraphing, pariah, piranha