Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: t a c i l m n
- Total Answers: 58
- Pangrams: 2
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- AL4 β to come to rest after descending from the air; to come down from something (as a vehicle); to come to rest after descending from the air; landed; lit sounds like eyelet, glut, gullet
- AN4 β opposed to; not for; as in bigot, misogynist; as in bigots, misogynists; against; agin sounds like aunt, p**e, shanty
- AN5 β causing or intended to cause laughter; given to good-natured joking or teasing; a playful or mischievous act intended as a joke; chucklesome; comedic sounds like attic
- AN13 β as in inconsequential, trivial; inconsequential; indecisive; insignificant; noncritical sounds like climactic
- AT5 β inclined or twisted to one side; askew; aslant; awry; cock-a-hoop sounds like stilt, tilt
- AT6 β to obtain (as a goal) through effort; to receive as return for effort; achieve; bag; chalk up sounds like obtain, stain
- AT5 β a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building; as in refined, cultured; cockloft; garret; loft sounds like antic, stick, tick
- CA5 β
- CA4 β the degree to which something rises up from a position level with the horizon; the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have; the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field; diagonal; grade sounds like ant, aunt
- CA7 β as in hymn, anthem; anthem; canticle; carol; chorale
- CA7 β a place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold to be consumed on the premises; bar; barroom; cafΓ©; dramshop
- CA7 β a vocal sound made to express scorn or disapproval; as in deride, jeer; bird; boo; Bronx cheer
- CA7 β sounds like chemist, claimant, comment, commit, culminate
- CA7 β sounds like curtail
- CL8 β a person who believes that he or she has a right to something (such as an amount of money); a person who claims something; heir apparent; representative; succeeder; successor sounds like ailment, blatant, element, latent, layman
- CL9 β of, relating to, or being a major turning point; apocalyptic; climacteric
- CL8 β
- IL7 β contrary to or forbidden by law; criminal; felonious; illegal; illegitimate sounds like elicit
- IN6 β sounds like can't, decant, enact, encamp, enchant
- IN7 β coming before all others in time or order; as in inscribe; earliest; first; foremost
- IN6 β not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it; compleat; complete; comprehensive; entire sounds like enact
- IT6 β sounds like idyllic, metallic, static, titanic
- LA6 β sounds like tactic
- LA7 β sounds like antenna
- LI5 β permitted by law; lawful; legal; legit; legitimate sounds like il*
- LI4 β the attractive quality of speech or music that rises and falls in a pleasing pattern; as in croon, warble; movement; sway; swing sounds like built, gilt, guilt, hilt, jilt
- LI5 β to set bounds or an upper limit for; to mark the limits of; a real or imaginary point beyond which a person or thing cannot go; cap; circumscribe sounds like bigot, billet, climate, comet, demote
- LI4 β a soft airy substance or covering; down; floss; fluff; fur sounds like f, g, hint, leant, learnt
- MA8 β to keep in good condition; to continue to declare to be true or proper despite opposition or objections; to pay the living expenses of; conserve; keep up sounds like contain, mountain, mundane
- MA4 β as in beer, ale; as in beers, ales; ale; beer; brew sounds like fault, halt, melt, molt, salt
- MA5 β any of several extremely large rays; any of several extremely large rays; any of several extremely large rays; devilfish; manta ray
- MI8 β feeling or displaying eagerness to fight; having or showing a bold forcefulness in the pursuit of a goal; one who is intensely or excessively devoted to a cause; aggressive; agonistic sounds like filament, irritant, reluctant
- MI7 β a group of people who are not part of the armed forces of a country but are trained like soldiers; national guard; standing army; army; array sounds like malicious
- MI10 β as in guardsman, minuteman; Confederate; Continental; Federal; GI sounds like deletion, delicious, deliciously, elation, emission
- MI4 β being in an original and unused or unspoiled state; a very large amount of money; as in coin, stamp; brand-new; fresh sounds like hint, lint, meant
- MI4 β sounds like bit, chit, emit, fit, hit
- NA5 β sounds like fatal, nettle
- NA6 β sounds like latent
- TA5 β understood although not put into words; implicit; implied; unexpressed; unspoken sounds like asset, cast, caste, facet, facile
- TA4 β the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact
- TA6 β something done to achieve a particular goal; means; method; technique; way sounds like acting, active, antic, arctic, attic
- TA8 β suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances; advisable; desirable; expedient; judicious
- TA9 β sounds like technician
- TA4 β a body of employees or servants who accompany and wait on a person; the part of the body upon which someone sits; a behind part or surface; cortege; entourage sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
- TA5 β a mark of guilt or disgrace; to affect slightly with something morally bad or undesirable; to make unfit for use by the addition of something harmful or undesirable; blot; brand sounds like faint, feint, paint, saint, tent
- TA4 β sounds like torque
- TA4 β sounds like collie, folly, golly, jolly, toffee
- TA4 β extending to a great distance upward; requiring considerable physical or mental effort; as in yacht, sailboat; altitudinous; high sounds like all, ball, bawl, call, fall
- TA6 β
- TA6 β sounds like manic, panic, tonic, tunic
- TA6 β
- TA6 β sounds like anatomy, atom, balmy, battery, catty
- TI4 β to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops on; up to (a particular time); up to (a particular time); cultivate; farm sounds like bill, chill, dill, fill, hill
- TI4 β the act of positioning or an instance of being positioned at an angle; to set or cause to be at an angle; as in gyroplane, convertiplane; angling; bend sounds like built, gilt, guilt, hilt, jilt
- TI5 β as in colored, hued; colored; colorized; dyed; hued sounds like linked
- TI4 β a property that becomes apparent when light falls on an object and by which things that are identical in form can be distinguished; to give color or a different color to; cast; color; hue sounds like hint, lint, mint, s**, taint
- TI5 β something that is unusually large and powerful; behemoth; blockbuster; colossus; dinosaur sounds like heighten, lighten
- TI7 β unusually large; astronomical; Brobdingnagian; bumper; colossal sounds like italic