NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sat. 12 August, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: e  c  i  l  m  o  p

  • Total Answers: 47
  • Pangrams: 2
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. CE4 β€” an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wall; one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided; a local unit of an organization; apartment; chamber sounds like bell, dell, fell, gel, hell
  2. CE5 β€” sounds like belly, jelly, sally, self, sell
  3. CE5 β€” sounds like bellow, fellow, mellow, self, sell


  1. CL5 β€” the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surrounded; ambient; atmosphere; climate; context sounds like crime, lime, slime


  1. CO6 β€” sounds like calmly, curly
  2. CO4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advance; approach sounds like bum, calm, came, chum, cub
  3. CO6 β€” to cause (a person) to give in to pressure; blackjack; coerce; constrain; dragoon
  4. CO7 β€” to bring together from several sources into a single volume or list; anthologize; collect
  5. CO4 β€” something that covers or conceals like a piece of cloth; to meet one's day-to-day needs; to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently; blanket; cloak sounds like cap, cape


  1. EL5 β€” as in escape, abscond; abscond; clear out; decamp; escape sounds like alone, lope, slope


  1. EM5 β€” a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy


  1. EP4 β€” sounds like easy, pea
  2. EP4 β€” large and impressive in size, grandeur, extent, or conception; as in story, tale; as in ode, elegy; august; baronial sounds like ethic, pick


  1. IC6 β€” a cold aloof person; cold fish; cold turkey; iceberg sounds like bicycle, sickle


  1. IM5 β€” to set or keep in motion; to cause (a person) to give in to pressure; actuate; drive; move


  1. LI4 β€” a person whose behavior is offensive to others; bastard; beast; bleeder; blighter sounds like dice, ice, lace, lass, lease
  2. LI4 β€” as in limey; as in limeys; limey; powerboater; sailboater sounds like chime, climb, c**, dime, lamb


  1. LO4 β€” to move with a light springing step; as in bounce, skip; bounce; bound; hop sounds like cope, dope, hope, lap, leap


  1. ME5 β€” a rough and often noisy fight usually involving several people; affray; brawl; broil; donnybrook sounds like mail, mailed, male
  2. ME4 β€” sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
  3. ME4 β€” a message on paper from one person or group to another; a usually brief written reminder; a written communication giving information or directions; dispatch; epistle sounds like demo, marrow


  1. MI4 β€” as in cowards, pussies; as in icebergs, cold fishes; cowards; milquetoasts; nebbishes sounds like dice, ice, lice, mass, mess
  2. MI4 β€” a long distance; a long distance; with great speed; afar; country mile sounds like aisle, bile, file, guile, isle
  3. MI4 β€” an actor in a story performed silently and entirely by body movements; a movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea or feeling; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; mimic; mummer sounds like chime, dime, lime, mom, mum
  4. MI5 β€” sounds like bimbo, cameo, demean, jimmied, jimmy


  1. MO4 β€” a person who tries secretly to obtain information for one country in the territory of another usually unfriendly country; agent; asset; emissary; intelligencer sounds like boll, bowl, coal, dole, foal
  2. MO4 β€” to move or act slowly; to silently go about in a bad mood; crawl; creep; dally sounds like cope, dope, hope, lope, map


  1. OL5 β€” sounds like click, flick, lick, slick
  2. OL4 β€” sounds like polio
  3. OL5 β€” sounds like alley, awfully, c*, early, flea


  1. PE4 β€” to remove the natural covering of; to rid oneself of (a garment); to leave a place often for another; bark; flay sounds like appeal, deal, eel, feel, heal
  2. PE4 β€” an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  3. PE8 β€” sounds like pickle
  4. PE6 β€” human beings in general; the body of the community as contrasted with the elite; a group of persons who come from the same ancestor; folks; humanity sounds like papal, purple


  1. PI5 β€” a broken or irregular part of something that often remains incomplete; a literary, musical, or artistic production; a portable weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder; bit; fraction sounds like a*, cease, eye*, lease, niece
  2. PI4 β€” a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; a considerable amount; a very large amount of money; cock; heap sounds like aisle, bile, file, guile, isle
  3. PI6 β€” a small, inflamed swelling of the skin; boil; fester; hickey; papule sounds like simple
  4. PI4 β€” a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an enclosed wooden vessel for holding beverages; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; channel; conduit sounds like hype, pap, peep, pop, pope


  1. PL4 β€” sounds like alley, early, flea, flee, glee


  1. PO4 β€” a composition using rhythm and often rhyme to create a lyrical effect; lyric; rune; song; verse sounds like plum, plumb
  2. PO4 β€” as in center, capital; as in punt; capital; center; cynosure sounds like boll, bowl, coal, dole, foal
  3. PO7 β€” as in diatribe, tirade; given to arguing; relating to or causing the expression of opposing opinions; broadside; diatribe sounds like epidemic, pathetic
  4. PO6 β€” as in patrol, conduct; the department of government that keeps order, fights crime, and enforces statutes; a body of officers of the law; administrate; conduct sounds like pulse
  5. PO4 β€” sounds like comb, dome, foam, gnome, home
  6. PO6 β€” sounds like mellow
  7. PO6 β€” to strike repeatedly; bash; baste; bat; batter sounds like pummel
  8. PO4 β€” as in bishop, archbishop; abbot; archbishop; archpriest; bishop sounds like cope, dope, hope, lope, pap

cell, celli, cello, clime, collie, come, compel, compile, cope, elope, emcee, epee, epic, icicle, impel, lice, lime, lope, melee, meme, memo, mice, mile, mime, mimeo, mole, mope, oleic, oleo, ollie, peel, peep, pellicle, people, piece, pile, pimple, pipe, plie, poem, pole, polemic, police, pome, pomelo, pommel, pope