NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sat. 14 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: m  a  b  c  e  i  n

  • Total Answers: 58
  • Pangrams: 2
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC4 β€” the highest part or point; the most perfect type or example; apex; apogee; capstone sounds like axe


  1. AM8 β€” a special quality or impression associated with something; air; aroma; atmosphere; aura sounds like absence
  2. AM8 β€” a special quality or impression associated with something; air; aroma; atmosphere; aura sounds like absence
  3. AM5 β€”
  4. AM6 β€” sounds like asset, ebb, mare, mesh, mess
  5. AM6 β€” sounds like arabic, medic
  6. AM4 β€” sounds like again, aim, cayenne, den, glen


  1. AN6 β€” as in bloodlessness; bloodlessness; indolence; laziness; languidness sounds like uneasy, uremia
  2. AN6 β€” as in bloodless; bloodless; white; whitened; untanned sounds like atomic
  3. AN5 β€” sounds like alma, asthma, edema, prima
  4. AN5 β€”


  1. BE4 β€” a narrow sharply defined line of light radiating from an object; to emit rays of light; to express an emotion (as amusement) by curving the lips upward; ray; shaft sounds like balm, bam
  2. BE6 β€” to eventually have as a state or quality; to eventually have as a state or quality; came; got; grew


  1. CA6 β€” sounds like common, omen
  2. CA4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advanced; approached sounds like aim, claim, comb
  3. CA4 β€” sounds like balmy, cocky, coffee, collie, comma


  1. CI6 β€” the art or business of making a movie; a building or part of a building where movies are shown; big screen; film; filmdom sounds like minimal, minimum, serum, silica


  1. EM5 β€” a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy
  2. EM8 β€” the fact or state of being above others in rank or importance; an area of high ground; the senior member of a group; distinction; dominance


  1. EN5 β€”


  1. IA4 β€” sounds like bam, dam, damn, ham, jam
  2. IA5 β€” sounds like abbey, amber, bamboo, mammary, shabby
  3. IA6 β€” sounds like gambit


  1. IC6 β€” sounds like adman, airman, aspen, baseman, bison
  2. IC6 β€” sounds like lemon, salmon, seaman, semen, sermon


  1. IM4 β€” sounds like mom
  2. IM6 β€” to swallow in liquid form; to take in (something liquid) through small openings; belt (down); drink; gulp sounds like embed, emboss
  3. IM9 β€” something that may cause injury or harm; danger; hazard; menace; peril sounds like eminence


  1. MA4 β€” as in blackjack, knobkerrie; blackjack; knobkerrie; bastinado; bat sounds like ace, base, case, chase, face
  2. MA4 β€” to cause severe or permanent injury to; cripple; disable; incapacitate; lame sounds like aim, came, dame, fame, game
  3. MA4 β€” coming before all others in importance; muscular strength; one of the great divisions of land on the globe or the main part of such a division; arch; big sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
  4. MA4 β€” a female human parent; as in boy, kid; as in boys, kids; ma; mammy sounds like comma, mom
  5. MA5 β€” as in rattlesnake, cobra; adder; anaconda; asp; black racer
  6. MA5 β€” a female human parent; ma; mammy; mater; mom sounds like comma, mom
  7. MA4 β€” sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
  8. MA5 β€” a serious mental disorder that prevents one from living a safe and normal life; something about which one is constantly thinking or concerned; aberration; dementia; derangement
  9. MA6 β€” a person judged to be legally or medically insane; a person with a strong and habitual liking for something; having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind; bug; crackbrain
  10. MA5 β€” sounds like panic
  11. MA5 β€” a source of great satisfaction; something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thing; delectation; delight; feast


  1. ME4 β€” to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mind; to be of importance; to have in mind as a purpose or goal; denote; express sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
  2. ME6 β€” a mean, evil, or unprincipled person; baddie; beast; brute; caitiff sounds like genie, many, mien, money
  3. ME5 β€” a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; axis; base; capital; center sounds like mica
  4. ME4 β€” sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
  5. ME6 β€” something that may cause injury or harm; to place in danger; to remain poised to inflict harm, danger, or distress on; danger; hazard sounds like minus, tennis


  1. MI4 β€” sounds like mecca
  2. MI4 β€” as in cowards, pussies; as in icebergs, cold fishes; cowards; milquetoasts; nebbishes sounds like dice, ice, lice, mass, mess
  3. MI4 β€” the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a quality; appearance; aspect; dress; figure sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
  4. MI4 β€” an actor in a story performed silently and entirely by body movements; a movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea or feeling; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; mimic; mummer sounds like chime, dime, lime, mom, mum
  5. MI5 β€” to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materials; burlesque; caricature sounds like gimmick, mythic
  6. MI5 β€” to cut into small pieces; chop; dice; hash sounds like rinse, since, wince
  7. MI4 β€” an abundant source; a usually concealed explosive device designed to go off when disturbed; to place hidden explosive devices in or under; argosy; cornucopia sounds like dine, fine, line, main, man
  8. MI4 β€” a very small automobile; as in small, little; as in department store, chain store; compact; coupe sounds like genie, many, mealy, mean, meaner
  9. MI7 β€” sounds like cynic, cynical, manic, manicure, moniker
  10. MI7 β€” sounds like cynical, income, modicum
  11. MI5 β€” as in tiny, minuscule; as in smidgen, iota; bitty; inappreciable; infinitesimal
  12. MI6 β€” as in semblances, modicums; hoots; iotas; jots; minims sounds like cinema, edema, mania


  1. NA4 β€” a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is regularly known; an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings; outward and often deceptive indication; appellation; appellative sounds like aim, came, dame, fame, game


  1. NI5 β€” a special quality or impression associated with something; an artistic rendering of radiant light around the head or body of a sacred personage; a special quality or impression associated with something; airs; ambiences

acme, ambiance, ambience, ameba, amebae, amebic, amen, anemia, anemic, anima, anime, beam, became, caiman, came, cami, cinema, emcee, eminence, enema, iamb, iambi, iambic, iceman, icemen, imam, imbibe, imminence, mace, maim, main, mama, mamba, mamma, mane, mania, maniac, manic, manna, mean, meanie, mecca, meme, menace, mica, mice, mien, mime, mimic, mince, mine, mini, minicab, minicam, minim, minima, name, nimbi