Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: b d e n o t u
- Total Answers: 57
- Pangrams: 3
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- BE6 β to go to one's bed in order to sleep; to set solidly in or as if in surrounding matter; to go to one's bed in order to sleep; crashed; dossed (down) sounds like wedded
- BE4 β to have life; to occupy a place or location; to take or have a certain position within a group arranged in vertical classes; breathed; existed sounds like ban, bane, bib, bid, big
- BE4 β sounds like bait, bat
- BE4 β to cause to turn away from a straight line; to occupy (oneself) diligently or with close attention; to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal; arch; bow sounds like band, bind, blend, bond, bound
- BE4 β given to or marked by cheating and deception; a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a special and usually inborn ability; crooked; deceptive sounds like bunt, burnt, cent, dent, lent
- BE5 β
- BO6 β to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; to make short up-and-down movements; to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; clipped; cropped sounds like barbed, bard
- BO4 β to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome; to remain indefinitely in existence or in the same state; to put up with (something painful or difficult); augur; forebode sounds like a**, bad, bade, bead, beau
- BO5 β to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome; to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome; augured; foreboded; promised
- BO6 β sounds like bargain, carbon, robin
- BO4 β something that physically prevents free movement; a uniting or binding force or influence; a formal agreement to fulfill an obligation; band; bind sounds like band, bard, bend, beyond, bind
- BO6 β as in glued, cemented; to form a close personal relationship; to form a close personal relationship; cemented; glued
- BO4 β a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; the seat of one's deepest thoughts and emotions; affection; affinity sounds like ban, bane, bean, beau, been
- BO5 β as in dressed; a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; dressed; cleaned sounds like band, bend, bind, burned
- BO6 β as in hood, helmet; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action; baseball cap; beret sounds like ballot, bandit, bent, beret, bigot
- BO6 β sounds like banjo, barb, barbed, barber, barrio
- BO4 β an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; to make a mistake; an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; blunder; bobble sounds like babe, bib, buoy
- BO6 β an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; blunder; bobble; boob; brick
- BO5 β as in jeered, hooted; hissed; hooted; jeered; bad-mouthed sounds like bad, bade, bead, bed, bid
- BO4 β likely to seek or enjoy the company of others; a thing that helps; an act of kind assistance; clubbable; clubby sounds like ban, bane, bean, been, bin
- BO4 β a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelings; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to drive or force out; bang; charge sounds like bait, bat, beat, beet, bet
- BO6 β to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to drive or force out; blew; bobbled sounds like bated, batted
- BO6 β as in bobby socks, anklet; valuables stolen or taken by force; the part of the body upon which someone sits; anklet; bobby socks sounds like beauty, buoy, duty, sooty
- BO6 β
- BO5 β a real or imaginary point beyond which a person or thing cannot go; the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something; an act of leaping into the air; boundary; cap sounds like a*, around, band, bend, bind
- BO7 β having distinct or certain limits; to mark the limits of; to serve as a border for; circumscribed; defined sounds like founded, rounded
- BO4 β a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prize; a sudden experiencing of a physical or mental disorder; competition; contest; event sounds like a**, bait, bat, beat, beet
- BU6 β as in blossomed, bloomed; blew; bloomed; blossomed; burgeoned sounds like added, ballad, beadle, bearded, blood
- BU4 β as in tap, flick; flick; stroke; tap; scuff sounds like bent, blunt, brunt
- BU6 β as in tapped, flicked; flicked; stroked; tapped; scuffed sounds like blunted, hunted
- BU4 β the part of the body upon which someone sits; a person or thing that is made fun of; a person or thing that is the object of abuse, criticism, or ridicule; backside; behind sounds like abbot, bait, bat, beat, beet
- BU5 β a type of hill with a flat top and steep sides that is found in the southwestern U.S.; mesa; plateau; table; tableland sounds like abbot, bait, bat, beat, beet
- BU6 β as in pushed, kicked; to be adjacent to; to interest oneself in what is not one's concern; bumped; jabbed
- BU6 β as in switch, key; as in color, badge; as in do up, belay; dial; key sounds like baton, beaten, bitten, mutton
- BU8 β as in did up, belayed; having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others; as in zipped (up); battened; belayed
- DE6 β sounds like abode, alone, atone, baboon, bone
- DE7 β sounds like abound, diamond, doesn't, double, dozen
- DE4 β something (as money) which is owed; a breaking of a moral or legal code; arrearage; arrears; indebtedness sounds like bet, dare, date
- DE5 β the first time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the public; as in dawn; advent; appearance; arrival sounds like imbue
- DE7 β as in dawned; dawned; arrived; came; arose sounds like diluted, disputed
- DO5 β a feeling or attitude that one does not know the truth, truthfulness, or trustworthiness of someone or something; to have no trust or confidence in; as in insecurity, diffidence; distrust; distrustfulness sounds like bout, date, debt, dirt
- DO7 β to have no trust or confidence in; to have no trust or confidence in; distrusted; misdoubted; mistrusted
- DU6 β as in named, christened; to give a name to; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; baptized; christened
- EB5 β to become worse or of less value; to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually; to become worse or of less value; atrophied; crumbled sounds like bed
- EB4 β sounds like auburn, balm, ban, bane, bar
- NO4 β sounds like knew, knob, lube, nab, new
- OB4 β sounds like beau, lobo
- OU8 β sounds like abound, bound, earthbound, inbound, rebound
- TU4 β a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; channel; conduit sounds like lube, tab, tomb, too, tool
- TU5 β a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; channel; conduit; duct
- UN6 β to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; straighten; uncurl; unkink
- UN6 β as in untwisted, uncurled; to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; uncurled; untwisted sounds like affront, ancient, annoyance, bunt, infant
- UN7 β not bound, confined, or detained by force; to disengage the knotted parts of; to set free (as from slavery or confinement); footloose; free sounds like abound, inbound
- UN9 β being or seeming to be without limits; showing no signs of being under control; bottomless; boundless; endless
- UN8 β as in unfold, unfurl; unclench; unfold; unfurl; unzip sounds like button
- UN10 β as in unfolded, unzipped; as in unfolded, unfurled; unclenched; unfolded; unfurled
- UN9 β as in undeniable, indisputable; incontestable; incontrovertible; indisputable; indubitable sounds like indebted, updated