Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: p a e h l u v
- Total Answers: 34
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- AL5 β sounds like leaf
- AL5 β the point at which something begins; as in be-all and end-all; as in center, core; baseline; beginning
- AP6 β to cause an unpleasant surprise for; floor; jolt; shake up; shock
- AP6 β an earnest request; the power of irresistible attraction; as in cite, book; adjuration; conjuration sounds like peal, peel, spiel
- AP8 β as in defendant, plaintiff; accuser; appellant; petitioner; pleader sounds like belly, especially, jelly, lapel
- AP5 β to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior; a person who flatters another in order to get ahead; to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior; bootlick; fawn sounds like addle, agile, ample, annul, chapel
- EP4 β sounds like easy, pea
- HE4 β a considerable amount; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; to give readily and in large quantities; abundance; barrel sounds like beep, c**, deep, hip
- HE4 β to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end; to make more bearable or less severe; to keep from happening by taking action in advance; abet; aid sounds like kelp
- LA5 β sounds like appall, appeal, compel, couple, gazelle
- LE4 β an act of leaping into the air; to propel oneself upward or forward into the air; a sudden large change or improvement; bound; hop sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
- PA6 β
- PA6 β sounds like plaza, plop
- PA4 β lacking intensity of color; lacking a healthy skin color; not seen or understood clearly; dull; dulled sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
- PA4 β a boxlike container for holding a dead body; an overspreading element that produces an atmosphere of gloom; something that covers or conceals like a piece of cloth; bier; box sounds like doll, loll, peal, pearl, peel
- PA4 β as in palpate; palpate; feel; touch; brush sounds like pulp
- PA4 β a male human parent; dad; daddy; father; old man sounds like pop, poppy
- PA5 β as in priestly, apostolic; apostolic; canonical; clerical; episcopal sounds like maple, people, purple
- PA4 β to free from obstruction or difficulty; ease; facilitate; grease; loosen (up) sounds like cave, gave
- PE4 β to make the clear sound heard when metal vibrates; as in ring, chime; bong; chime; knell sounds like ap**, deal, eel, feel, heal
- PE4 β to remove the natural covering of; to rid oneself of (a garment); to leave a place often for another; bark; flay sounds like appeal, deal, eel, feel, heal
- PE4 β an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
- PE5 β something that is a source of irritation; the feeling of being offended or resentful after a slight or indignity; to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts; aggravation; aggro sounds like eave, eve, heave, leave, pave
- PL4 β an earnest request; an explanation that frees one from fault or blame; to get possession of (something) by giving money in exchange for; adjuration; appeal sounds like alley, early, flea, flee, glee
- PU4 β to utter feeble plaintive cries; bleat; mewl; whimper sounds like mule, pew, pool
- PU4 β to cause to follow by applying steady force on; to draw out by force or with effort; to injure by overuse, misuse, or pressure; drag; draw sounds like bull, full, pail, pal, pale
- PU4 β to cause to become a pulpy mass; as in novel, novelette; crush; mash; squash sounds like gulp
- PU4 β as in larva, nymph; larva; naiad; nymph sounds like coop, coupe, dupe, hoop, loop
- PU5 β as in larvae, nymphs; larvae; naiads; nymphs sounds like coop, coupe, dupe, hoop, loop
- PU5 β sounds like papal, people, poodle
- UP8 β a violent disturbance (as of the political or social order); bouleversement; cataclysm; convulsion; earthquake sounds like approval
- UP7 β to lift with effort; boost; heave; heft; hoist sounds like achieve, apiece, appeal, appease
- VA4 β sounds like ape, cape, rape, shape, tape
- VE4 β sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep