NYT 🐝 Clues—Sat. 29 April, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  a  i  n  q  t  u

  • Total Answers: 26
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. AC6sounds like occasion
  2. AC4sounds like occur, sky
  3. AC8 — to impart knowledge of a new thing or situation to; to give information to; to make (one person) known (to another) socially; accustom; familiarize sounds like quaint
  4. AC6 — to free from a charge of wrongdoing; to manage the actions of (oneself) in a particular way; absolve; clear; exculpate sounds like quit


  1. AN5 — causing or intended to cause laughter; given to good-natured joking or teasing; a playful or mischievous act intended as a joke; chucklesome; comedic sounds like attic


  1. AQ7 — living, lying, or occurring below the surface of the water; submarine; submerged; sunken; underwater sounds like acoustic, chaotic


  1. AT5 — a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building; as in refined, cultured; cockloft; garret; loft sounds like antic, stick, tick


  1. CA5
  2. CA6sounds like common, concave, condom
  3. CA5sounds like manna
  4. CA4 — the degree to which something rises up from a position level with the horizon; the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have; the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field; diagonal; grade sounds like ant, aunt
  5. CA7 — as in hymn, anthem; anthem; canticle; carol; chorale
  6. CA7 — a place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold to be consumed on the premises; bar; barroom; café; dramshop


  1. CI8sounds like equate, inane, incline, inquire, insane


  1. IN6sounds like can't, decant, enact, encamp, enchant
  2. IN6 — not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it; compleat; complete; comprehensive; entire sounds like enact


  1. NI6sounds like basic, basin, casing, chasten, evasive


  1. TA5 — understood although not put into words; implicit; implied; unexpressed; unspoken sounds like asset, cast, caste, facet, facile
  2. TA4 — the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact
  3. TA6 — something done to achieve a particular goal; means; method; technique; way sounds like acting, active, antic, arctic, attic
  4. TA9sounds like technician
  5. TA6sounds like manic, panic, tonic, tunic


  1. TI5 — as in colored, hued; colored; colorized; dyed; hued sounds like linked
  2. TI7 — unusually large; astronomical; Brobdingnagian; bumper; colossal sounds like italic


  1. TU5sounds like tonic


  1. UN5 — as in undiminished, unabridged; unabridged; undiminished; compleat; complete sounds like annuity, bucket, circuit, cut, docket

acacia, acai, acquaint, acquit, antic, aquatic, attic, cacti, cancan, canna, cant, cantata, cantina, cinquain, incant, intact, niacin, tacit, tact, tactic, tactician, tannic, tinct, titanic, tunic, uncut