NYT 🐝 Clues—Sat. 3 September, 2022

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: r  g  i  m  n  p  u

  • Total Answers: 41
  • Pangrams: 2
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. GR4 — harsh and threatening in manner or appearance; difficult to endure; showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one's purpose synonyms—austere, dour, fierce, flinty, forbidding sounds like—brim
  2. GR4 — to express an emotion (as amusement) by curving the lips upward synonyms—beam, smile
  3. GR8 — as in smiling, laughing synonyms—beaming, laughing, smiling, blissful, delighted
  4. GR4 — a bag carried by hand and designed to hold a traveler's clothing and personal articles; the act or manner of holding; the knowledge gained from the process of coming to know or understand something synonyms—carry-on, carryall, handbag, holdall, portmanteau sounds like—drip
  5. GR7 — as in complaining, whining synonyms—complaining, fussing, grumbling, kvetching, protesting
  6. GR8 — holding the attention or provoking interest synonyms—absorbing, arresting, consuming, engaging, engrossing
  7. GR5 — an irritable and complaining person synonyms—bear, bellyacher, complainer, crab, crank sounds like—rump, trump
  8. GR8 — to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely; to silently go about in a bad mood synonyms—beefing, bellyaching, bitching, bleating, carping sounds like—slumping, stumping


  1. GU4 — a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field; one who brings an art or science to full realization synonyms—ace, adept, artist, authority, cognoscente sounds like—grew


  1. IN7 — to make able to withstand physical hardship, strain, or exposure synonyms—fortifying, hardening, indurating, seasoning, steeling sounds like—earring, ginning, sinning, winning
  2. IN5 — as in immure synonyms—immure, bury, entomb, hearse, inhume
  3. IN8 — as in immuring synonyms—immuring, burying, entombing, hearsing, inhuming sounds like—burning, discerning, turning, unnerving, yearning


  1. MI5 — a sweet Japanese cooking wine made from fermented rice sounds like—grin
  2. MI6 — to make dirty; to place in conflict or difficulties synonyms—befouling, begriming, be**, besmirching, blackening sounds like—bring, earring, mooring, ring, wring


  1. MU6 — an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment; speech that is not clear enough to be understood synonyms—beef, bitch, bleat, carp, complaint sounds like—firmer, mercer, merger
  2. MU9 — speech that is not clear enough to be understood synonyms—grunt, grunting, mumble, murmur, mutter


  1. NI6 — sounds like—bleary, cheery, decree, degree, dreary


  1. PR4 — someone who annoys people by being very careful about proper behavior and by criticizing the behavior of other people synonyms—fuddy-duddy, old maid, spoilsport, stuffed shirt, bluenose sounds like—brig, pig, rig
  2. PR4 — being clean and in good order; given to or marked by very conservative standards regarding personal behavior or morals synonyms—antiseptic, bandbox, crisp, groomed, kempt sounds like—brim, grim, rim, trim
  3. PR7 — as in assistance, coaching synonyms—assistance, briefing, coaching, mentoring, prompting sounds like—arming, bridging, drilling, grinning, gripping
  4. PR5 — to try to make yourself more attractive by making small changes to your clothes, hair, etc., especially while looking at yourself in a mirror synonyms—preen, prink, smarten (up), doll up, dress sounds like—crimp, pimp, shrimp
  5. PR8 — to try to make yourself more attractive by making small changes to your clothes, hair, etc., especially while looking at yourself in a mirror synonyms—preening, prinking, smartening (up), dolling up, dressing sounds like—gripping
  6. PR7 — to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument synonyms—bobbing, clipping, cropping, cutting, cutting back sounds like—brooding, bruising, crowning, grinning, grouping


  1. PU7 — to free from moral guilt or blemish especially ceremonially synonyms—cleansing, purifying, sanctifying sounds like—paging, surging
  2. PU4 — a monotonous sound like that of an insect in motion synonyms—burr, buzz, chirr, churr, drone sounds like—burr, fir, fur, her, hour
  3. PU7 — as in whispering, shouting synonyms—breathing, chirping, drawling, gasping, lipping sounds like—paying, ping


  1. RI7 — covering for the human body synonyms—apparel, attire, clobber, clothes, clothing
  2. RI7 — as in surrounding, encircling synonyms—bounding, circumjacent, embracing, encircling, enclosing
  3. RI4 — a group involved in secret or criminal activities; a circular strip; a group of people sha a common interest and relating together socially synonyms—cabal, conspiracy, crew, gang, Mafia sounds like—b, ear**, king, owing, ping
  4. RI7 — marked by a high volume of sound; marked by conspicuously full and rich sounds or tones; not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation synonyms—blaring, blasting, booming, clamorous, clangorous sounds like—singing
  5. RI7 — to cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at it; to penetrate with a sharp edge (as a knife); to proceed or move quickly synonyms—rending, ribboning, riving, shredding, tattering sounds like—g***, whipping


  1. RU4 — to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts; to bring destruction to (something) through violent action; to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of synonyms—bankrupt, break, bust, destroy, devastate sounds like—rayon
  2. RU5 — to feel sorry or dissatisfied about synonyms—bemoaning, deploring, lamenting, regretting, repenting sounds like—chewing, ring, roofing, rowing, wring
  3. RU7 — to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts; to bring destruction to (something) through violent action; to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of synonyms—bankrupting, breaking, busting, destroying, devastating
  4. RU4 — the part of the body upon which someone sits synonyms—backside, behind, booty, bottom, breech sounds like—bump, chump, dump, hump, jump
  5. RU4 — the placement of someone or something in relation to others in a vertical arrangement; a heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment synonyms—degree, echelon, footing, level, place sounds like—dung, hung, lung, rang, ring
  6. RU7 — being in effective operation; going on and on without any interruptions synonyms—active, alive, functional, functioning, going sounds like—cunning


  1. UM8 — to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) synonyms—adjudging, adjudicating, arbitrating, deciding, determining sounds like—aspiring


  1. UN5 — to strip of rigging sounds like—abridge, annoying, brig, enrich, rig
  2. UN9 — to strip of rigging sounds like—rigging


  1. UR6 — as in entreaty, exhortation; as in reminder, prompt synonyms—blandishment, cajolement, cajolery, coaxing, entreaty sounds like—aging, s**

grim, grin, grinning, grip, griping, gripping, grump, grumping, guru, inuring, inurn, inurning, mirin, miring, murmur, murmuring, nigiri, prig, prim, priming, primp, primping, pruning, purging, purr, purring, rigging, rimming, ring, ringing, ripping, ruin, ruing, ruining, rump, rung, running, umpiring, unrig, unrigging, urging