Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: c a e m n p t
- Total Answers: 39
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- AC6 β a special notice or importance given to something; to indicate the importance of by centering attention on; accentuation; emphasis; stress sounds like ascent, assent
- AC6 β to agree to receive whether willingly or reluctantly; to have a favorable opinion of; to regard as right or true; have; take sounds like except
- AC10 β a readiness or willingness to accept or adapt to a given circumstance; permission given to do something; acquiescence; biddability; compliance sounds like exception, sentence
- AC7 β sounds like agitate, annotate
- AC4 β the highest part or point; the most perfect type or example; apex; apogee; capstone sounds like axe
- AC4 β sounds like abbey, agony, algae, alley, and
- AP5 β with great speed; briskly; chop-chop; double-quick; fast sounds like pace, space
- CA4 β to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advanced; approached sounds like aim, claim, comb
- CA4 β a place where a group of people live for a short time in tents or cabins; a small, simply constructed, and often temporary dwelling; an often small house for recreational or seasonal use; bivouac; campground sounds like champ, clamp, cramp, damp, lamp
- CA6 β as in appetizer, hors d'oeuvre; appetizer; hors d'oeuvre; bite; morsel sounds like atop, banal, collage, concur, confer
- CA6 β sounds like common, concave, condom
- CA4 β a heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishment; as in strap, leather; bastinado; bat; baton sounds like arraign, bane, chain
- CA5 β sounds like manna
- CA4 β the degree to which something rises up from a position level with the horizon; the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have; the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field; diagonal; grade sounds like ant, aunt
- CA7 β as in hymn, anthem; anthem; canticle; carol; chorale
- CA7 β as in camp, club; as in pitcher, jug; as in locker, compartment; camp; club sounds like ante, antique
- CA4 β a sleeveless garment worn so as to hang over the shoulders, arms, and back; an area of land that juts out into a body of water; capote; cloak; frock sounds like ape, coop
- CA6 β a short sleep; to be in a state of sleep; to sleep lightly or briefly; doze; drowse sounds like kidnap
- CE6 β a substance used to stick things together; a uniting or binding force or influence; as in combine, weld; adhesive; bond sounds like dement, lament
- CE4 β of or relating to money, banking, or investments; financial; fiscal; monetary; pecuniary sounds like as**, assent, bent, dent, lent
- CE8 β sounds like citation, citizen, petition, solution, station
- EM5 β a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy
- EN5 β to put into effect through legislative or authoritative action; constitute; lay down; legislate; make sounds like intact
- EN9 β a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislature; the doing of an action; act; bill; constitution
- EN6 β to live in a camp or the outdoors; to provide with living quarters or shelter; bivouac; camp (out); accommodate sounds like camp, decamp, income
- EN10 β a place where a group of people live for a short time in tents or cabins; bivouac; camp; campground; campsite
- MA4 β as in blackjack, knobkerrie; blackjack; knobkerrie; bastinado; bat sounds like ace, base, case, chase, face
- ME5 β a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; axis; base; capital; center sounds like mica
- ME6 β something that may cause injury or harm; to place in danger; to remain poised to inflict harm, danger, or distress on; danger; hazard sounds like minus, tennis
- PA4 β as in rate, tempo; to move along with a steady regular step especially in a group; to move forward along a course; clip; gait sounds like ace, a**, base, case, chase
- PA4 β a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples; an arrangement about action to be taken; accord; alliance; compact sounds like act, backed, fact
- PA7 β something that cures all ills or problems; catholicon; cure-all; elixir; nostrum sounds like anaesthesia, anise, antsy, canister, canopy
- PA8 β sounds like ancestor, antenna, asset, handset, inset
- PE5 β a state without war; freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; a state of freedom from storm or disturbance; peacefulness; calm sounds like apiece, cease, eyepiece, lease, niece
- PE5 β sounds like baton, cocoon, con, icon, panache
- PE7 β
- PE5 β sounds like dense, fence, hence, pounce, sense
- TA5 β sounds like facet
- TA4 β the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact