NYT π CluesβSun. 2 April, 2023
Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: o b c e k p t
- Total Answers: 40
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- BE5 β sounds like bop
- BE6 β sounds like buttock
- BO5 β sounds like base, bass, beau
- BO4 β sounds like back, bake, balk, balm, bar
- BO4 β an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; to make a mistake; an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; blunder; bobble sounds like babe, bib, buoy
- BO6 β an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; blunder; bobble; boob; brick
- BO4 β a set of printed sheets of paper bound together between covers and forming a work of fiction or nonfiction; a book made up of the writings accepted by Christians as coming from God; a publication that appears at regular intervals; tome; volume sounds like back, bake, balk, beak, bike
- BO4 β a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelings; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to drive or force out; bang; charge sounds like bait, bat, beat, beet, bet
- BO6 β as in bobby socks, anklet; valuables stolen or taken by force; the part of the body upon which someone sits; anklet; bobby socks sounds like beauty, buoy, duty, sooty
- CO4 β a fixture for controlling the flow of a liquid; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; the act of positioning or an instance of being positioned at an angle; faucet; gate sounds like cake, calm, car, caught, cause
- CO4 β sounds like cake, choke, cloak
- CO4 β to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of; to take place; a person who prepares food by some manner of heating; bend; color sounds like book, cake, crook, hook, kick
- CO8 β sounds like checkbook, kickback
- CO7 β sounds like atop, backstop, cactus
- CO4 β a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody; an enclosure with an open framework for keeping animals; to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; bastille; big house sounds like cap, cape, cup, dupe, hoop
- CO5 β to make a part of a body or system; absorb; assimilate; embody; incorporate sounds like kept
- CO4 β as in geezer; geezer; bohemian; maverick; nonconformist sounds like boot, cat, caught, chute
- CO4 β something that covers or conceals like a piece of cloth; to meet one's day-to-day needs; to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently; blanket; cloak sounds like cap, cape
- CO4 β as in henhouse, dovecote; dovecote; henhouse; kraal; stockade sounds like boat, cat, caught
- KE4 β sounds like ghetto
- KO4 β a person of odd or whimsical habits; character; codger; crack; crackbrain sounds like cake, cock, coke, cook, cool
- KO6 β sounds like click, coating, coded, coding, coke
- KO5 β sounds like click, coating, coded, coding, coke
- OB4 β sounds like beau, lobo
- OC5 β as in trio, quartet; duo; quartet; quintet; septet sounds like onset
- PE5 β sounds like pico
- PO4 β a small, inflamed swelling of the skin; boil; fester; hickey; papule sounds like chalk, cock, dock, hock, jock
- PO6 β available money; of a size that is less than average; of or relating to money, banking, or investments; bankroll; coffers sounds like docket, packet, picket, rocket, socket
- PO10 β a container for carrying money and small personal items; as in paper, pocket edition; bag; handbag; purse
- PO4 β a person who writes poetry; as in poet, poetaster; as in poets, poetasters; bard; minstrel sounds like putt
- PO4 β a quick thrust; a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument; an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings; dab; dig sounds like choke, coke, folk, joke, oak
- PO4 β solid matter discharged from an animal's alimentary canal; information not generally available to the public; dirt; doo-doo; dropping sounds like coop, coupe, dupe, hoop, loop
- PO4 β as in bishop, archbishop; abbot; archbishop; archpriest; bishop sounds like cope, dope, hope, lope, pap
- PO6 β a small figure often of a human being used especially as a child's plaything; action figure; doll; dolly; puppet sounds like puppet
- TO4 β sounds like chalk, cock, dock, hock, jock
- TO4 β sounds like choke, coke, folk, joke, oak
- TO4 β to reach for and take hold of by embracing with the fingers or arms; to agree to receive whether willingly or reluctantly; to become affected with (a disease or disorder); clasped; grasped sounds like book, cook, hook, look, nook
- TO4 β a bout of prolonged or excessive drinking; bender; binge; bust; carousal sounds like boot, chute, hoot, jute, loot
- TO4 β sounds like cope, dope, hope, lope, pope
- TO4 β to support and take from one place to another; as in backpack, satchel; to combine (numbers) into a single sum; bear; carry sounds like boat, coat, goat, moat, note