NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sun. 8 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: r  t  v  a  b  i  n

  • Total Answers: 36
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AR4 β€” a melody in an opera sung by one person; art song; barcarole; blues; chanson
  2. AR6 β€” having no exceptions or restrictions; absolute; all-out; blank; blooming sounds like bunt, current, hunt, punt, urgent


  1. AT5 β€” as in peristyles, gallerias; gallerias; parvises; peristyles; closes sounds like area, aria, outreach, streak, stream
  2. AT5 β€” a sweet or pleasant smell; aroma; balm; bouquet; fragrance sounds like butter, cutter, eater, gutter, mutter


  1. AV6 β€” a visible representation of something abstract (as a quality); abstract; embodier; embodiment; epitome sounds like actor, after, amateur, aster, hotter


  1. BA4 β€” an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings; affront; brickbat; cut; dart sounds like borrow, garb
  2. BA9 β€” not civilized; an uncivilized person; barbaric; barbarous; heathen sounds like agrarian, arboreal
  3. BA4 β€” sounds like born, borrow, darn, yarn


  1. BR5 β€” a very smart person; the ability to learn and understand or to deal with problems; the part of a person that feels, thinks, perceives, wills, and especially reasons; brainiac; genius sounds like bane
  2. BR4 β€” sounds like ban
  3. BR4 β€” as in nuisance, disrupter; disrupter; misbehaver; nuisance; ragamuffin sounds like bat, rat
  4. BR5 β€” sounds like drama, grovel, java
  5. BR5 β€” sounds like barrier


  1. IN9 β€” not varying; even; steady; unchanging; undeviating sounds like variant


  1. IR8 β€” something that is a source of irritation; aggravation; aggro; annoyance; bother sounds like arrogant, immanent, imminent, impotent, innocent


  1. NI7 β€” a state of being disregardful or unconscious of one's surroundings, concerns, or obligations; an often imaginary place or state of utter perfection and happiness; forgetfulness; oblivion; obliviousness sounds like argon, beyond, bronze, crayon, derange


  1. RA5 β€” as in teacher, scholar; brain; genius; highbrow; intellect sounds like abbey, ally, buy, cab, crab
  2. RA6 β€” as in raccoon, fox; a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape; a confusing and complicated arrangement of passages; badger; beaver sounds like abbot, habit, rebut
  3. RA4 β€” a steady falling of water from the sky in significant quantity; a heavy fall of objects; to fall as water in a continuous stream of drops from the clouds; cloudburst; deluge sounds like arraign, bane, b**, cane, chain
  4. RA5 β€” sounds like beta
  5. RA4 β€” sounds like rocky
  6. RA4 β€” a long angry speech or scolding; boastful speech or writing; to talk loudly and wildly; diatribe; harangue sounds like ant, aunt, can't, chant, g**
  7. RA7 β€” sounds like habitat
  8. RA6 β€” as in birch, cowhide; birch; blacksnake; bullwhip; cat-o'-nine-tails sounds like cotton, gotten, robin, written


  1. RI6 β€” sounds like rebut


  1. TA7 β€”
  2. TA6 β€”
  3. TA4 β€” causing or characterized by the one of the basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; a woman who engages in sexual activities for money; acid; acidic sounds like art, cart, chart, dart, heart
  4. TA6 β€” sounds like carton, hearten
  5. TA6 β€” sounds like barter, charter, garter, martyr, starter


  1. TI5 β€” as in anadem; anadem; chaplet; coronal; coronet sounds like rearm, tar, tarred, tart, zebra


  1. TR5 β€” a body of employees or servants who accompany and wait on a person; a group of vehicles traveling together or under one management; a series of persons or things arranged one behind another; cortege; entourage sounds like brain, crane, drain, grain, rain
  2. TR5 β€” something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kind; affection; attribute; attribution; character sounds like crate, freight, grate, great, irate
  3. TR6 β€” as in nonsense, trash; bunk; claptrap; drivel; follies


  1. VA7 β€” able to be distinguished in some way from others of the same kind; as in variation, mutation; divers; miscellaneous; mixed


  1. VI7 β€” marked by much life, movement, or activity; marked by conspicuously full and rich sounds or tones; aboil; abubble; abuzz sounds like brunt, fibrin, migrant, tyrant

aria, arrant, atria, attar, avatar, barb, barbarian, barn, brain, bran, brat, brava, briar, invariant, irritant, nirvana, rabbi, rabbit, rain, raita, rani, rant, ratatat, rattan, ribbit, tantara, tantra, tart, tartan, tartar, tiara, train, trait, trivia, variant, vibrant