NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sun. 9 April, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: a  c  i  m  r  t  u

  • Total Answers: 45
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC6 β€” sounds like occasion
  2. AC4 β€” sounds like occur, sky


  1. AR6 β€” having a low or subnormal temperature; lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling; algid; bitter; bone-chilling
  2. AR4 β€” a melody in an opera sung by one person; art song; barcarole; blues; chanson
  3. AR4 β€” sounds like bum, chum, come, drum, dumb


  1. AT5 β€” as in peristyles, gallerias; gallerias; parvises; peristyles; closes sounds like area, aria, outreach, streak, stream
  2. AT6 β€” as in peristyle, galleria; galleria; parvis; peristyle; close sounds like barium, patriot, stream
  3. AT5 β€” a sweet or pleasant smell; aroma; balm; bouquet; fragrance sounds like butter, cutter, eater, gutter, mutter
  4. AT5 β€” a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building; as in refined, cultured; cockloft; garret; loft sounds like antic, stick, tick
  5. AT7 β€” to engage the attention of; draw; entice; interest; allure sounds like tracked, tract


  1. AU4 β€” a special quality or impression associated with something; a spiritual force that is held to emanate from or give animation to living beings; air; ambience; aroma sounds like era, oral, orb, ore


  1. CA5 β€”
  2. CA4 β€” sounds like balmy, cocky, coffee, collie, comma
  3. CA5 β€” sounds like beret, ferret, merit, parrot
  4. CA4 β€” a wheeled usually horse-drawn vehicle used for hauling; to support and take from one place to another; as in buggy, phaeton; wagon; wain sounds like art, chart, cost, cot, court
  5. CA8 β€” a fall of water usually from a great height; a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms; cascade; fall(s); waterfall sounds like counteract, interact


  1. CI5 β€” not far from (something) in time; alongside; beside; about; around


  1. CR4 β€” a great number of persons or things massed together; to fit (people or things) into a tight space; to put into (something) as much as can be held or contained; army; bike sounds like chrome, clam


  1. IM4 β€” sounds like mom


  1. MA4 β€” to cause severe or permanent injury to; cripple; disable; incapacitate; lame sounds like aim, came, dame, fame, game
  2. MA4 β€” a female human parent; as in boy, kid; as in boys, kids; ma; mammy sounds like comma, mom
  3. MA5 β€” a female human parent; ma; mammy; mater; mom sounds like comma, mom
  4. MA6 β€”
  5. MA4 β€” sounds like arm, charm, farm, harm
  6. MA4 β€” as in department store, mini-mart; as in department store, chain store; boutique; chain store; department store sounds like art, cart, chart, dart, heart


  1. MI4 β€” sounds like mecca


  1. RA5 β€” sounds like beta
  2. RA7 β€” sounds like habitat


  1. TA5 β€” understood although not put into words; implicit; implied; unexpressed; unspoken sounds like asset, cast, caste, facet, facile
  2. TA4 β€” the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact
  3. TA6 β€” something done to achieve a particular goal; means; method; technique; way sounds like acting, active, antic, arctic, attic
  4. TA6 β€” sounds like tomorrow
  5. TA6 β€” sounds like track
  6. TA4 β€” causing or characterized by the one of the basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; a woman who engages in sexual activities for money; acid; acidic sounds like art, cart, chart, dart, heart
  7. TA6 β€” sounds like barter, charter, garter, martyr, starter
  8. TA6 β€” sounds like anatomy, atom, balmy, battery, catty
  9. TA4 β€” stretched with little or no give; rigid; tense; tight sounds like fought, naught, ought, sought, teat


  1. TI5 β€” as in anadem; anadem; chaplet; coronal; coronet sounds like rearm, tar, tarred, tart, zebra


  1. TR5 β€” a broad geographical area; a small area of usually open land; a small piece of land that is developed or available for development; belt; corridor sounds like at*, cracked, tact
  2. TR5 β€” something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kind; affection; attribute; attribution; character sounds like crate, freight, grate, great, irate
  3. TR4 β€” as in truck, wheelbarrow; barrow; hand truck; pushcart; truck sounds like cram, dram, gram, ram, tam
  4. TR7 β€”
  5. TR6 β€” sounds like drama, prima
  6. TR9 β€” causing great and lasting pain or distress; alarming; disturbing; perturbing; unsettling sounds like aromatic, dramatic, rheumatic


  1. UM5 β€” sounds like balmy, commie, eulogy, mama, mom

acacia, acai, arctic, aria, arum, atria, atrium, attar, attic, attract, aura, cacti, cami, carat, cart, cataract, circa, cram, imam, maim, mama, mamma, maraca, marm, mart, mica, raita, ratatat, tacit, tact, tactic, tamari, tarmac, tart, tartar, tatami, taut, tiara, tract, trait, tram, tramcar, trauma, traumatic, umami