NYT 🐝 Clues—Thu. 19 January, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: u  a  c  k  l  n  o

  • Total Answers: 24
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. AN6 — occurring once every year; a book or magazine that is published once a year; yearly; bimonthly; biweekly sounds like manual
  2. AN5 — to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective; to put an end to by formal action; cancel (out); compensate (for); correct sounds like addle, agile, apple, channel, null


  1. CA7sounds like annals, annul
  2. CA4sounds like coal, cock, cod, coil, collar
  3. CA5 — as in seal, chink; chink; seal; choke; clog sounds like cock, collar, collie


  1. CL5 — a stupid person; as in ninnyhammer, stupe; airhead; birdbrain; blockhead sounds like luck, pluck
  2. CL5 — a stupid person; as in bounce, ricochet; airhead; birdbrain; blockhead sounds like flunk, plunk


  1. CU6 — having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind; showing or marked by a lack of good sense or judgment; a person who lacks good sense or judgment; balmy; barmy sounds like canoe, cocoon, kazoo
  2. CU4 — something separated from a group or lot for not being as good as the others; to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities; discard; reject; rejection sounds like call, coal, coil, color, come


  1. LA6 — a falling short of an essential or desirable amount or number; an incomplete or deficient area; crunch; dearth; deficiency sounds like cocoon


  1. LU4 — as in barbecue, cookout; barbecue; clambake; cookout; fry sounds like lewd, loom, loon, loop, loose
  2. LU4 — success that is partly the result of chance; the uncertain course of events; as in hit (upon), pitch (upon); fortunateness; fortune sounds like buck, chuck, c**, duck, lack
  3. LU4 — a momentary halt in an activity; to free from distress or disturbance; break; breath; breather sounds like cul, cull, dull, gull, hull
  4. LU4 — something very good of its kind; beaut; beauty; bee's knees; cat's meow sounds like blew, blue, clue, cool, cooled
  5. LU4sounds like loon, loony, tuna
  6. LU4sounds like bunk, chunk, dunk, f**, funk
  7. LU6sounds like lonely, loon, loony, loosely, manila


  1. NO4sounds like down, gown, known, nine, nun


  1. NU4 — having no legal or binding force; having no usefulness; to put an end to by formal action; bad; inoperative sounds like annul, cul, cull, dull, gull


  1. UL4sounds like alas, alert, alight, align, aligned


  1. UN7 — to make known (as information previously kept secret); to reveal the true nature of; bare; disclose; discover sounds like cloak, enclose
  2. UN6
  3. UN6 — as in unhip, untrendy; out; unhip; untrendy; geeky
  4. UN6 — to set free (from a state of being held in check); loose; loosen; release; uncork

annual, annul, cannula, caul, caulk, cluck, clunk, cuckoo, cull, lacuna, luau, luck, lull, lulu, luna, lunk, lunula, noun, null, ulna, uncloak, uncock, uncool, unlock