NYT 🐝 Clues—Tue. 13 September, 2022

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: i  a  c  k  l  o  t

  • Total Answers: 52
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. AC6 — gum arabic; any of a large genus (**) of leguminous shrubs and trees of warm regions with leaves pinnate or reduced to phyllodes and white or yellow flower clusters sounds like—occasion
  2. AC4 — a small, dark purple, berrylike fruit with a juicy pulp that is often used in beverages or eaten raw and that is produced by a tall, slender palm (Euterpe oleracea) native to tropical rain forests of Central and South America; the palm (Euterpe oleracea) that produces berries; a beverage made from the juice of the berry sounds like—occur, sky


  1. AI5 — a mayonnaise flavored with garlic and sometimes other ingredients (such as red pepper) sounds like—holy, idly, lowly, wholly


  1. AL4 — to come to rest after descending from the air; to come down from something (as a vehicle) synonyms—landed, lit, perched, roosted, settled sounds like—eyelet, glut, gullet
  2. AL6 — a soluble salt obtained from the ashes of plants and consisting largely of potassium or sodium carbonate; broadly : a substance (such as a hydroxide or carbonate of an ** metal) having marked basic properties; ** metal; a soluble salt or a mixture of soluble salts present in some soils of arid regions in quantity detrimental to agriculture


  1. AT5 — inclined or twisted to one side synonyms—askew, aslant, awry, cock-a-hoop, cockeyed sounds like—stilt, tilt
  2. AT5 — a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building synonyms—cockloft, garret, loft sounds like—antic, stick, tick


  1. CA5 — a branching Brazilian cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii synonym S. buckleyi) having flat jointed stems with scalloped margins and showy usually red, pink, white, violet, or yellow flowers; also : a related cactus (Schlumbergera truncata synonym Zygocactus truncatus) or a hybrid of this and the Christmas cactus
  2. CA6 — as in speckled, streaked synonyms—blotted, brindled, specked, speckled, streaked sounds like—cluck
  3. CA7 — any of a genus (Typha of the family Typhaceae, the *** family) of tall reedy marsh plants with brown furry fruiting spikes; especially : a plant (Typha latifolia) with long flat leaves used especially for making mats and chair seats sounds like—curtail


  1. CI4 — used conventionally as an utterance at meeting or parting sounds like—cheap, cheat, cheek, cheese, chief
  2. CI5 — a minute short hairlike process often forming part of a fringe; especially : one on a cell that is capable of lashing movement and serves especially in free unicellular organisms to produce locomotion or in higher forms a current of fluid; eyelash sounds like—psyllium, sillier, silly


  1. CL5 — to form a close personal relationship; to turn out as planned or desired synonyms—bond, commune, relate, come off, deliver sounds like—flick


  1. CO5 — a mammal (Nasuella olivacea) that is smaller and has a shorter tail than the closely related *s and is native to the Andean region of northwestern South America sounds like—catty, caught, clot
  2. CO8 — the rear flap of a man's coat; the skirts of a dress coat, cutaway, or frock coat; the influence or pulling power of a popular movement or person (such as a political candidate) sounds like—curtail, whitetail
  3. CO5 — a spherical bacterium sounds like—catchy
  4. CO8 — a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things synonyms—admixture, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, blend sounds like—cartel, curtail, foxtail, octane
  5. CO4 — a state of noisy, confused activity synonyms—ado, alarums and excursions, ballyhoo, blather, bluster sounds like—boil, call, cul, cull, curl
  6. CO6 — sexual union involving penetration of the vagina by the penis synonyms—coition, commerce, congress, copulating, copulation sounds like—cattle, kettle
  7. CO5 — as in cramps, gripes synonyms—cramps, gripes, bellyache, collywobbles, stomachache sounds like—click


  1. IL5 — of, relating to, or located on or near the ilium sounds like—black, bleak, clique, elite, flak
  2. IL7 — contrary to or forbidden by law synonyms—criminal, felonious, illegal, illegitimate, lawless sounds like—elicit


  1. IO4 — the smallest amount or part imaginable synonyms—beans, bubkes, continental, damn, darn sounds like—aroma, beta, boa, boat, boater


  1. IT6 — an ** character or type; a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Oscan, and Umbrian sounds like—idyllic, metallic, static, titanic


  1. KI4 — to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely; to present an opposing opinion or argument synonyms—beef, bellyache, bitch, bleat, carp sounds like—cake, chick, click, cock, coke
  2. KI4 — to deprive of life; to reject by or as if by a vote; to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through it synonyms—carry off, claim, croak, destroy, dispatch sounds like—bill, call, chill, coal, coil
  3. KI4 — a unit of mass or weight equaling one thousand grams or approximately 2.2 pounds : **gram sounds like—keel, keno
  4. KI4 — as in fly, sail synonyms—coast, fly, glide, sail, zip sounds like—built, colt, cult, gilt, guilt


  1. LA6 — a hygroscopic organic acid C3H6O3 present normally especially in muscle tissue as a by-product of anaerobic glycolysis, produced in carbohydrate matter usually by bacterial fermentation, and used especially in food and medicine and in industry sounds like—tactic
  2. LA4 — as in lay, nonclerical synonyms—lay, nonclerical, atheistic, godless, irreligious sounds like—lick
  3. LA6 — as in lay, nonclerical synonyms—lay, nonclerical, atheistic, godless, irreligious sounds like—cul, cull, local, loyal, lull


  1. LI5 — permitted by law synonyms—lawful, legal, legit, legitimate sounds like—il*
  2. LI4 — a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument; a very small amount; the smallest amount or part imaginable synonyms—bang, bash, bat, beat, belt sounds like—chick, c, dick, f, hick
  3. LI5 — a widely cultivated European shrub (Syringa vulgaris) of the olive family that has cordate ovate leaves and large panicles of fragrant pinkish-purple or white flowers; a tree or shrub congeneric with the *; a variable color averaging a moderate purple sounds like—black, buyback, eyelash, flak, hijack
  4. LI4 — the attractive quality of speech or music that rises and falls in a pleasing pattern synonyms—movement, sway, swing, beat, cadence sounds like—built, gilt, guilt, hilt, jilt


  1. LO4 — a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; the area or space occupied by or intended for something synonyms—axes, bases, capitals, centers, centrals sounds like—fussy, gussy, lacey, lacy, lucky


  1. OL4 — an unorganized collection or mixture of various things synonyms—agglomerate, agglomeration, alphabet soup, assortment, botch sounds like—audio


  1. TA5 — understood although not put into words synonyms—implicit, implied, unexpressed, unspoken, unvoiced sounds like—asset, cast, caste, facet, facile
  2. TA6 — something done to achieve a particular goal synonyms—means, method, technique, way, arrangement sounds like—acting, active, antic, arctic, attic
  3. TA8 — suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances synonyms—advisable, desirable, expedient, judicious, politic
  4. TA4 — a body of employees or servants who accompany and wait on a person; the part of the body upon which someone sits; a behind part or surface synonyms—cortege, entourage, following, posse, retinue sounds like—ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
  5. TA8 — a coat with tails; especially : a man's full-dress coat with two long tapering skirts at the back sounds like—raincoat, sailboat
  6. TA4 — sounds like—collie, folly, golly, jolly, toffee
  7. TA6 — a shawl with fringed corners worn over the head or shoulders by Jewish men especially during morning prayers


  1. TI4 — as in moment, minute synonyms—beat, crack, flash, heartbeat, instant sounds like—attic, chick, dick, hick, kick
  2. TI8 — the ticking sound of a clock sounds like—dictum, tactic, victim
  3. TI4 — a restaurant or bar decorated in a simulated Polynesian theme that usually serves exotic cocktails sounds like—cheeky, leaky, tacky, talky, turkey
  4. TI5 — an Indian dish of marinated meat cooked on a skewer
  5. TI4 — to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops on synonyms—cultivate, farm, tend sounds like—bill, chill, dill, fill, hill
  6. TI4 — the act of positioning or an instance of being positioned at an angle synonyms—angling, bend, cock, inclination, list sounds like—built, gilt, guilt, hilt, jilt


  1. TO4 — very hard or unpleasant work synonyms—donkeywork, drudge, drudgery, fatigue, grind sounds like—boil, coil, foil, oil, roil
  2. TO7 — a set of tools sounds like—bracket, coolant, coolest, flit, foolish

acacia, acai, aioli, alit, alkali, atilt, attic, cacti, calico, cattail, ciao, cilia, click, coati, coattail, cocci, cocktail, coil, coital, colic, iliac, illicit, iota, italic, kick, kill, kilo, kilt, lactic, laic, laical, licit, lick, lilac, lilt, loci, olio, tacit, tactic, tactical, tail, tailcoat, tali, tallit, tick, ticktock, tiki, tikka, till, tilt, toil, toolkit