NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Tue. 19 September, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: p  d  e  g  i  n  x

  • Total Answers: 51
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. DE4 β€” extending far downward; having a low musical pitch or range; being beyond one's powers to know, understand, or explain; abysmal; bottomless sounds like beep, cheap, dip, dope
  2. DE6 β€” to make markedly greater in measure or degree; accentuate; amp (up); amplify; beef (up) sounds like cheapen
  3. DE8 β€” as in aggravated, concentrated; to make markedly greater in measure or degree; to make markedly greater in measure or degree; accentuated; aggravated
  4. DE9 β€” to make markedly greater in measure or degree; to make markedly greater in measure or degree; accentuating; amping (up); amplifying sounds like dampening, opening, ripening, seasoning, weakening
  5. DE6 β€” to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to place reliance or trust; as in rely (on); hang; hinge
  6. DE8 β€” to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to place reliance or trust; to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); hinged; hung sounds like offended, suspended
  7. DE9 β€” to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to place reliance or trust; to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); hanging; hinging sounds like impending, pending, spending, unending


  1. DI6 β€” as in splashed, dunked; to sink or push (something) briefly into or as if into a liquid; to lift out with something that holds liquid; dunked; splashed sounds like chipped, doped, shipped, sipped, whipped
  2. DI7 β€” as in sinking, slumping; to sink or push (something) briefly into or as if into a liquid; to lift out with something that holds liquid; sinking; slumping sounds like whipping


  1. EP4 β€” sounds like easy, pea


  1. EX6 β€” to hand over or use up in payment; to make complete use of; disburse; drop; fork (over, out, or up)
  2. EX8 β€” as in spent, reduced; to hand over or use up in payment; to make complete use of; bankrupted; consumed
  3. EX9 β€” to hand over or use up in payment; to make complete use of; to hand over or use up in payment; disbursing; dropping


  1. NI7 β€” sounds like kingpin, linchpin
  2. NI6 β€” as in chilled; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; to squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points; chilled; asleep sounds like chipped, knit, shipped, sipped, whipped
  3. NI7 β€” having a low or subnormal temperature; uncomfortably cool; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; algid; arctic sounds like whipping


  1. PE4 β€” sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
  2. PE6 β€” sounds like being, paying, ping
  3. PE4 β€” sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
  4. PE4 β€” an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  5. PE6 β€” to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cheeped; chirped; chirruped
  6. PE7 β€” as in thin, tinny; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; thin; tinny sounds like leaping, piping
  7. PE6 β€” to arrange or assign according to type; to send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the arm; to arrange or assign according to type; assorted; broke down sounds like paired
  8. PE7 β€” to arrange or assign according to type; to send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the arm; to arrange or assign according to type; assorting; breaking down sounds like pairing
  9. PE4 β€” sounds like ap**, bend, end, fend, lend
  10. PE6 β€” sounds like ended, tended
  11. PE7 β€” not yet settled or decided; being soon to appear or take place; giving signs of immediate occurrence; open; undecided sounds like ending, lending, s***, vending
  12. PE5 β€” sounds like den, hen, pain, pair, pan
  13. PE6 β€” as in imprisoned, caged; to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; to compose and set down on paper the words of; caged; chained sounds like append, bend, end, fend, lend
  14. PE7 β€” to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; to compose and set down on paper the words of; to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; boxing (in); caging sounds like kenning, pairing
  15. PE6 β€” to give life, vigor, or spirit to; amp (up); animate; brace; energize sounds like kept, leapt, wept
  16. PE7 β€” to give life, vigor, or spirit to; amp (up); animate; brace; energize sounds like pairing, piping


  1. PI6 β€” as in colloquial, vernacular; one who is easily deceived or cheated; colloquial; colloquialism; idiom
  2. PI4 β€” having blotches of two or more colors; blotched; blotchy; dappled; marbled sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
  3. PI6 β€” to eat greedily or to excess; to eat greedily or to excess; gorged; gormandized; overate sounds like pegged, rigged
  4. PI7 β€” to eat greedily or to excess; to eat greedily or to excess; gorging; gormandizing; overeating sounds like rigging
  5. PI6 β€” a dirty or messy place; dump; hellhole; hole; pigsty sounds like begun, pagan
  6. PI4 β€” as in long, yearn; to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy; as in long (for), sigh; long; yearn sounds like dine, fine, line, mine, o**
  7. PI5 β€” as in longed, yearned; to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy; as in longed (for), sighed; longed; yearned sounds like pained, pond, pound
  8. PI4 β€” as in ring, chime; as in ding, clang; chime; ding-dong; knell sounds like king, owing, pang, paying, peer
  9. PI6 β€” as in dinged, clanged; chinked; clanged; clanked; clashed sounds like pained, pond, pound
  10. PI7 β€” as in dinging, clanging; chinking; clanging; clanking; clashing sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, spinning, winning
  11. PI6 β€” as in longing, hankering; a strong wish for something; as in longing, yearning; ambitious; appetent sounds like dining, fining, shining
  12. PI6 β€” as in mounted, hooked; as in chose, determined; as in charged, fathered (on); hooked; mounted sounds like pained, pond, pound
  13. PI7 β€” as in mounting, hooking; as in choosing, determining; as in charging, fathering (on); hooking; mounting sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, s***, winning
  14. PI8 β€” sounds like inept, sniped
  15. PI4 β€” a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an enclosed wooden vessel for holding beverages; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; channel; conduit sounds like hype, pap, peep, pop, pope
  16. PI5 β€” to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; canalized; channeled sounds like typed
  17. PI6 β€” as in pipeline, pipage; having a high musical pitch or range; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; pipage; pipeline
  18. PI6 β€” something very good of its kind; beaut; beauty; bee's knees; cat's meow sounds like begin, bidden, herein, kingpin, poplin
  19. PI5 β€” tending to or exhibiting reckless playfulness; an imaginary being usually having a small human form and magical powers; arch; devilish; elvish

deep, deepen, deepened, deepening, depend, depended, depending, dipped, dipping, epee, expend, expended, expending, ninepin, nipped, nipping, peed, peeing, peen, peep, peeped, peeping, pegged, pegging, pend, pended, pending, penne, penned, penning, pepped, pepping, pidgin, pied, pigged, pigging, pigpen, pine, pined, ping, pinged, pinging, pining, pinned, pinning, pinniped, pipe, piped, piping, pippin, pixie