Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: p d e g i n x
- Total Answers: 51
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- DE4 β extending far downward; having a low musical pitch or range; being beyond one's powers to know, understand, or explain; abysmal; bottomless sounds like beep, cheap, dip, dope
- DE6 β to make markedly greater in measure or degree; accentuate; amp (up); amplify; beef (up) sounds like cheapen
- DE8 β as in aggravated, concentrated; to make markedly greater in measure or degree; to make markedly greater in measure or degree; accentuated; aggravated
- DE9 β to make markedly greater in measure or degree; to make markedly greater in measure or degree; accentuating; amping (up); amplifying sounds like dampening, opening, ripening, seasoning, weakening
- DE6 β to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to place reliance or trust; as in rely (on); hang; hinge
- DE8 β to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to place reliance or trust; to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); hinged; hung sounds like offended, suspended
- DE9 β to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to place reliance or trust; to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); hanging; hinging sounds like impending, pending, spending, unending
- DI6 β as in splashed, dunked; to sink or push (something) briefly into or as if into a liquid; to lift out with something that holds liquid; dunked; splashed sounds like chipped, doped, shipped, sipped, whipped
- DI7 β as in sinking, slumping; to sink or push (something) briefly into or as if into a liquid; to lift out with something that holds liquid; sinking; slumping sounds like whipping
- EP4 β sounds like easy, pea
- EX6 β to hand over or use up in payment; to make complete use of; disburse; drop; fork (over, out, or up)
- EX8 β as in spent, reduced; to hand over or use up in payment; to make complete use of; bankrupted; consumed
- EX9 β to hand over or use up in payment; to make complete use of; to hand over or use up in payment; disbursing; dropping
- NI7 β sounds like kingpin, linchpin
- NI6 β as in chilled; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; to squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points; chilled; asleep sounds like chipped, knit, shipped, sipped, whipped
- NI7 β having a low or subnormal temperature; uncomfortably cool; to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; algid; arctic sounds like whipping
- PE4 β sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
- PE6 β sounds like being, paying, ping
- PE4 β sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
- PE4 β an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
- PE6 β to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cheeped; chirped; chirruped
- PE7 β as in thin, tinny; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; thin; tinny sounds like leaping, piping
- PE6 β to arrange or assign according to type; to send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the arm; to arrange or assign according to type; assorted; broke down sounds like paired
- PE7 β to arrange or assign according to type; to send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the arm; to arrange or assign according to type; assorting; breaking down sounds like pairing
- PE4 β sounds like ap**, bend, end, fend, lend
- PE6 β sounds like ended, tended
- PE7 β not yet settled or decided; being soon to appear or take place; giving signs of immediate occurrence; open; undecided sounds like ending, lending, s***, vending
- PE5 β sounds like den, hen, pain, pair, pan
- PE6 β as in imprisoned, caged; to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; to compose and set down on paper the words of; caged; chained sounds like append, bend, end, fend, lend
- PE7 β to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; to compose and set down on paper the words of; to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; boxing (in); caging sounds like kenning, pairing
- PE6 β to give life, vigor, or spirit to; amp (up); animate; brace; energize sounds like kept, leapt, wept
- PE7 β to give life, vigor, or spirit to; amp (up); animate; brace; energize sounds like pairing, piping
- PI6 β as in colloquial, vernacular; one who is easily deceived or cheated; colloquial; colloquialism; idiom
- PI4 β having blotches of two or more colors; blotched; blotchy; dappled; marbled sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
- PI6 β to eat greedily or to excess; to eat greedily or to excess; gorged; gormandized; overate sounds like pegged, rigged
- PI7 β to eat greedily or to excess; to eat greedily or to excess; gorging; gormandizing; overeating sounds like rigging
- PI6 β a dirty or messy place; dump; hellhole; hole; pigsty sounds like begun, pagan
- PI4 β as in long, yearn; to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy; as in long (for), sigh; long; yearn sounds like dine, fine, line, mine, o**
- PI5 β as in longed, yearned; to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy; as in longed (for), sighed; longed; yearned sounds like pained, pond, pound
- PI4 β as in ring, chime; as in ding, clang; chime; ding-dong; knell sounds like king, owing, pang, paying, peer
- PI6 β as in dinged, clanged; chinked; clanged; clanked; clashed sounds like pained, pond, pound
- PI7 β as in dinging, clanging; chinking; clanging; clanking; clashing sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, spinning, winning
- PI6 β as in longing, hankering; a strong wish for something; as in longing, yearning; ambitious; appetent sounds like dining, fining, shining
- PI6 β as in mounted, hooked; as in chose, determined; as in charged, fathered (on); hooked; mounted sounds like pained, pond, pound
- PI7 β as in mounting, hooking; as in choosing, determining; as in charging, fathering (on); hooking; mounting sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, s***, winning
- PI8 β sounds like inept, sniped
- PI4 β a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an enclosed wooden vessel for holding beverages; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; channel; conduit sounds like hype, pap, peep, pop, pope
- PI5 β to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; canalized; channeled sounds like typed
- PI6 β as in pipeline, pipage; having a high musical pitch or range; to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway; pipage; pipeline
- PI6 β something very good of its kind; beaut; beauty; bee's knees; cat's meow sounds like begin, bidden, herein, kingpin, poplin
- PI5 β tending to or exhibiting reckless playfulness; an imaginary being usually having a small human form and magical powers; arch; devilish; elvish