NYT 🐝 Clues—Tue. 2 August, 2022

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: k  c  d  e  i  n  p

  • Total Answers: 38
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. DE4 — a flat roofless structure attached to a building synonyms—balcony, sun**, terrace sounds like—check, dare, dick
  2. DE6 — as in dressed, decorated synonyms—adorned, arrayed, beautified, be**, decorated sounds like—checked, direct, duct, sect, wrecked
  3. DE4 — to elude (an opponent in a sports contest) by making a deceptive or agile movement synonyms—fake, fake out, juke sounds like—buck, chuck, dick, dike, dock
  4. DE5 — to elude (an opponent in a sports contest) by making a deceptive or agile movement synonyms—faked, faked out, juked sounds like—duck, dust


  1. DI4 — a bank of earth constructed to control water; a long narrow channel dug in the earth synonyms—dam, embankment, head, levee, ditch sounds like—bike, deck, dock
  2. DI4 — a person slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits synonyms—bookworm, dork, geek, grind, nerd sounds like—dank, drink, dunk, ink, jink
  3. DI6 — sounds like—linked


  1. EK4 — to get with great difficulty synonyms—scrape (up or together), scrounge, squeeze, wrest, wring sounds like—act, east, eat, peaked


  1. IN5 — to write one's name on (as a document) synonyms—autographed, signed, subscribed sounds like—l*


  1. KE4 — able to sense slight impressions or differences; causing intense discomfort to one's skin; having an edge thin enough to cut or pierce something synonyms—acute, delicate, fine, perceptive, quick sounds like—bean, can, cane, careen, clean
  2. KE6 — to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely; to make a long loud mournful sound synonyms—beefed, bellyached, bitched, bleated, carped sounds like—canned, conned, fiend, kind
  3. KE4 — to mark with an appropriate practice, rite, or ceremony; to continue to have in one's possession or power; to do what is required by the terms of synonyms—celebrate, commemorate, observe, hold, reserve sounds like—beep, cap, cape, cheap, coop
  4. KE4 — as in shako, tricorne synonyms—baseball cap, beret, billycock, biretta, boater sounds like—copy, peppy


  1. KI4 — to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely; to present an opposing opinion or argument synonyms—beef, bellyache, bitch, bleat, carp sounds like—cake, chick, click, cock, coke
  2. KI6 — to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely; to present an opposing opinion or argument synonyms—beefed, bellyached, bitched, bleated, carped sounds like—ticked
  3. KI6 — to make fun of in a good-natured way; to make jokes synonyms—chaffed, jived, joked, joshed, rallied sounds like—added, bearded, candid, coated, coddle
  4. KI6 — a young person who is between infancy and adulthood synonyms—bairn, bambino, bud, chap, chick sounds like—giddy
  5. KI4 — a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in common; one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristic synonyms—breed, class, description, feather, genre sounds like—bind, canned, conned, find, hind
  6. KI4 — a painful sudden tightening of a muscle; an odd or peculiar habit; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action synonyms—charley horse, cramp, crick, spasm, crotchet sounds like—ink, jink, link, mink, pink
  7. KI6 — as in twisted, twisting synonyms—entwined, swirled, turned, turning, twined sounds like—linked


  1. KN4 — as in right, hand synonyms—body blow, hand, kick, left, one-two sounds like—any, bee, fee, gee, gnaw
  2. KN5 — as in pushed, kicked synonyms—bumped, butted, jabbed, jostled, kicked sounds like—bead, cede, deed, feed, heed


  1. NE4 — a broad geographical area; a narrow body of water between two land masses; a very small distance or degree synonyms—belt, corridor, land, part(s), region sounds like—check, deck, heck, knack, knell
  2. NE6 — as in nosed, cuddled synonyms—billed, canoodled, cuddled, nestled, nosed sounds like—checked, knelt, sect, wrecked


  1. NI4 — a V-shaped cut usually on an edge or a surface; a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody; a state of being or fitness synonyms—chip, hack, indent, indentation, indenture sounds like—chick, dick, hick, kick, knack
  2. NI6 — to take (something) without right and with an intent to keep; to take or keep under one's control by authority of law synonyms—appropriated, boosted, filched, heisted, hooked sounds like—knit, ticked


  1. PE4 — a considerable amount synonyms—abundance, barrel, basketful, boatload, bucket sounds like—check, deck, heck, neck, pack
  2. PE6 — to eat reluctantly and in small bites; to penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object synonyms—nibbled, picked, gored, harpooned, impaled sounds like—checked, packed, pact, sect, wrecked
  3. PE4 — an instance of looking especially briefly synonyms—cast, eye, gander, glance, glimpse sounds like—beak, cheek, chic, eke, geek
  4. PE6 — to take a quick or hasty look synonyms—browsed, dipped, glanced, glimpsed, glinted sounds like—packed, pact, pico, pique
  5. PE4 — pekingese sounds like—beak, cheek, chic, eke, geek


  1. PI4 — a person or thing that is chosen; individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class; the power, right, or opportunity to choose synonyms—bet, choice, chosen, selection, A-list sounds like—chick, dick, epic, hick, kick
  2. PI6 — singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking synonyms—cherry-**, choice, chosen, elect, favored sounds like—packed, pact, peaked, ticked
  3. PI9 — as in ate, lunched synonyms—ate, dined, fared, fed, partook
  4. PI4 — a passage cleared for public vehicular travel synonyms—arterial, artery, avenue, boulevard, carriageway sounds like—bike, dike, dyke, hike, like
  5. PI4 — as in warm, ish synonyms—bloomy, blowsy, blushing, flushed, ish sounds like—ink, jink, link, mink, punk
  6. PI6 — to penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object synonyms—gored, harpooned, impaled, jabbed, lanced sounds like—linked
  7. PI6 — individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class synonyms—A-list, aristocracy, best, choice, corps d'elite sounds like—panky, punky

deck, decked, deke, deked, dike, dink, dinked, eked, inked, keen, keened, keep, kepi, kick, kicked, kidded, kiddie, kind, kink, kinked, knee, kneed, neck, necked, nick, nicked, peck, pecked, peek, peeked, peke, pick, picked, picnicked, pike, pink, pinked, pinkie