Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: m d e h o t u
- Total Answers: 53
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- DE4 β to have as an opinion; allow; believe; conceive; consider sounds like beam, dam, dame, damn, dim
- DE6 β to have as an opinion; to have as an opinion; allowed; believed; conceived sounds like dammed, damned, domed, doomed, themed
- DE4 β a mass meeting for the purpose of displaying or arousing support for a cause or person; demonstration; rally sounds like memo
- DE6 β
- DE6 β to bring to a lower grade or rank; break; bust; degrade; disrate sounds like remote
- DE7 β to bring to a lower grade or rank; to bring to a lower grade or rank; broke; busted; degraded
- DO4 β the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth; as in balloon, bulge; a person with strong intellectual interests; bean; block sounds like comb, dam, dame, damn, deem
- DO5 β as in spherical, rounded; as in ballooned, bulged; global; globular; round sounds like dammed, damned
- DO4 β a decision made by a court or tribunal regarding a case it has heard; a state or end that seemingly has been decided beforehand; the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities; finding; holding sounds like boom, dam, dame, damn, deem
- DO6 β facing certain defeat, disaster, or death; to determine the fate of in advance; to impose a judicial punishment on; dead; done sounds like dammed, damned
- DU6 β a stupid person; airhead; birdbrain; blockhead; bonehead sounds like amok, among, boredom, bumble, bundle
- EM5 β to express emotion in a very dramatic or obvious way; dote (on); fawn; drool; effuse sounds like d*, moat, r*
- EM6 β to express emotion in a very dramatic or obvious way; to express emotion in a very dramatic or obvious way; doted (on); fawned; drooled sounds like coated, devoted, elated, eroded, limited
- HE4 β the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something; border; borderline; bound; boundary sounds like beam, deem, ham
- HE6 β as in hawed; as in trimmed; to close or shut in by or as if by barriers; hawed; balanced
- HO4 β the place where one lives; the place where a plant or animal is usually or naturally found; the land of one's birth, residence, or citizenship; abode; diggings sounds like comb, dome, foam, gnome, ham
- HO5 β as in secured, shedded; as in honed in (on), set; ensconced; roosted; secured sounds like domed, hemmed
- HU6 β to be copiously supplied; to fly, turn, or move rapidly with a fluttering or vibratory sound; to be copiously supplied; abounded; brimmed sounds like hemmed
- ME4 β to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face; to come together into one body or place; to come upon unexpectedly or by chance; catch; chance (upon) sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
- ME4 β sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
- ME5 β sounds like famed, made, maid, mailed, named
- ME4 β a message on paper from one person or group to another; a usually brief written reminder; a written communication giving information or directions; dispatch; epistle sounds like demo, marrow
- ME4 β to give out (something) to appropriate individuals; administer; allocate; apportion; deal (out) sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
- ME5 β to give out (something) to appropriate individuals; administer; allocate; apportion; deal (out) sounds like rated
- ME4 β sounds like death, mare, math, mirth, moth
- ME6 β the means or procedure for doing something; approach; fashion; form; how
- MO4 β a distinctive way of putting ideas into words; a state of mind dominated by a particular emotion; a practice or interest that is very popular for a short time; fashion; locution sounds like bode, code, goad, load, mad
- MO5 β sounds like madam
- MO4 β a state of mind dominated by a particular emotion; a special quality or impression associated with something; an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something; cheer; feather sounds like food, lewd, mad, made, maid
- MO5 β sounds like food, lewd, mad, made, maid
- MO4 β open to question or dispute; to present or bring forward for discussion; to talk about (an issue) usually from various points of view and for the purpose of arriving at a decision or opinion; arguable; controvertible sounds like boot, chute, hoot, jute, loot
- MO6 β to present or bring forward for discussion; to talk about (an issue) usually from various points of view and for the purpose of arriving at a decision or opinion; to present or bring forward for discussion; broached; brought up sounds like rooted
- MO4 β a very small piece; atom; bit; crumb; dribble sounds like boat, coat, goat, mat, mate
- MO5 β as in madrigal, aria; aria; art song; barcarole; blues sounds like abet, attest, cadet, cassette, cutout
- MO4 β having passed its time of use or usefulness; showing signs of advanced wear and tear and neglect; used or heard so often as to be dull; antiquated; archaic sounds like mall, math, maul, mauve, maw
- MO5 β a short sentence or phrase that expresses a rule guiding the behavior of a particular person or group; axiom; precept; truism; truth sounds like macho, mater
- MO4 β a twisting of the facial features in disgust or disapproval; face; frown; grimace; lower sounds like mar, mew
- MO5 β the opening through which food passes into the body of an animal; a twisting of the facial features in disgust or disapproval; disrespectful or argumentative talk given in response to a command or request; chops; gob sounds like math, mirth, myth, south
- MO7 β as in whispered, muttered; to distort one's face; to speak softly and unclearly; breathed; chirped sounds like mud, mugged
- MU4 β unable to speak; deliberately refraining from speech; a device on a musical instrument that deadens or softens its tone; inarticulate; speechless sounds like cute, mew, moot
- MU5 β mostly or entirely without sound; not excessively showy; deliberately refraining from speech; hushed; noiseless sounds like booted, cupid, imputed
- MU4 β a stupid person; airhead; birdbrain; blockhead; bonehead sounds like but, butt, cut, gut, hut
- MU6 β as in sundress, housedress; chemise; coatdress; granny dress; housedress sounds like amok, among, animal, animate, gunman
- OD5 β as in music hall, theater-in-the-round; arena theater; music hall; playhouse; theater-in-the-round sounds like idiom
- OU7 β sounds like mode, strode
- OU8 β having passed its time of use or usefulness; antiquated; archaic; dated; dΓ©modΓ©
- TE4 β to be copiously supplied; abound; brim; bristle; bulge sounds like beam, deem, ream, seam, seem
- TE6 β to be copiously supplied; to be copiously supplied; abounded; brimmed; bristled sounds like themed, tiered, timed
- TH4 β to strike with fear; to drive or force out; to give information to; affright; alarm sounds like gem, hem
- TH5 β a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition); a short piece of writing done as a school exercise; a short piece of writing typically expressing a point of view; content; matter sounds like beam, deem, ream, seam, seem
- TH6 β a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition); a short piece of writing done as a school exercise; a short piece of writing typically expressing a point of view; content; matter
- TO4 β a set of printed sheets of paper bound together between covers and forming a work of fiction or nonfiction; book; volume sounds like comb, dome, foam, gnome, home
- TO5 β a device, design, or figure used as an identifying mark; emblem; ensign; hallmark; impresa