NYT ๐Ÿ Cluesโ€”Tue. 22 August, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: t  a  k  l  o  u  w

  • Total Answers: 27
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! ๐Ÿคฃ


  1. AL5 โ€” to give as a share or portion; allocate; allow; apportion; assign sounds like blot, clot, lat, lot, plot
  2. AL4 โ€” sounds like act, actor, after


  1. AT5 โ€” a ring-shaped land mass surrounded by water and made of coral; barrier reef; cay; coral reef; key sounds like shuttle, subtle


  1. AU4 โ€” a self-propelled passenger vehicle on four wheels; automobile; bus; car; horseless carriage sounds like ought, stow, toe, tow


  1. KO6 โ€” to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior; apple-polish; bootlick; fawn; fuss sounds like auto, bout, capo, cat, cater


  1. LO7 โ€” a high place or structure from which a wide view is possible; all that can be seen from a certain point; a person or group that watches over someone or something; observatory; outlook
  2. LO4 โ€” valuables stolen or taken by force; something (as pieces of stamped metal or printed paper) customarily and legally used as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment; to search through with the intent of committing robbery; booty; pillage sounds like boot, chute, flute, hoot, jute
  3. LO5 โ€” sounds like lat, motto
  4. LO4 โ€” a big clumsy often slow-witted person; a person whose behavior is offensive to others; clod; clodhopper; gawk sounds like bout, c, doubt, f, gout


  1. OU6 โ€” to make or declare contrary to the law; to order not to do or use or to be done or used; as in criminal, felon; criminalize; illegalize
  2. OU7 โ€” a high place or structure from which a wide view is possible; a way of looking at or thinking about something; all that can be seen from a certain point; lookout; observatory sounds like look, took
  3. OU7 โ€” sounds like stalk, talk


  1. TA4 โ€” a usually formal discourse delivered to an audience; an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issue; friendly, informal conversation or an instance of this; address; declamation sounds like balk, hawk, s**
  2. TA4 โ€” extending to a great distance upward; requiring considerable physical or mental effort; as in yacht, sailboat; altitudinous; high sounds like all, ball, bawl, call, fall
  3. TA6 โ€” sounds like fallow, shallow
  4. TA6 โ€”
  5. TA4 โ€” stretched with little or no give; rigid; tense; tight sounds like fought, naught, ought, sought, teat


  1. TO4 โ€” as in expense; as in tariff, income tax; to make the clear sound heard when metal vibrates; expense; cost sounds like boll, bowl, coal, dole, foal
  2. TO4 โ€” to reach for and take hold of by embracing with the fingers or arms; to agree to receive whether willingly or reluctantly; to become affected with (a disease or disorder); clasped; grasped sounds like book, cook, hook, look, nook
  3. TO4 โ€” an article intended for use in work; one that is or can be used to further the purposes of another; one who is easily deceived or cheated; device; implement sounds like cool, fool, pool, rule, s**
  4. TO4 โ€” a bout of prolonged or excessive drinking; bender; binge; bust; carousal sounds like boot, chute, hoot, jute, loot
  5. TO5 โ€” having no exceptions or restrictions; not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it; trying all possibilities; absolute; all-out sounds like title, turtle
  6. TO4 โ€” to praise or publicize lavishly and often excessively; to declare enthusiastic approval of; to provide publicity for; ballyhoo; blow up sounds like bout, doubt, gout, out, pout


  1. TU4 โ€” as in hoot, howl; as in hoots, howls; bark; bay; bellow sounds like tattoo


  1. WA7 โ€” to leave a place often for another; to refuse to work in order to force an employer to meet demands; a work stoppage by a body of workers intended to force an employer to meet their demands; bail; bail out sounds like workout
  2. WA4 โ€” sounds like bought, caught, cot, dot, got


  1. WO4 โ€” sounds like boot, chute, hoot, jute, loot

allot, alto, atoll, auto, kowtow, lookout, loot, lotto, lout, outlaw, outlook, outtalk, talk, tall, tallow, tattoo, taut, toll, took, tool, toot, total, tout, tutu, walkout, watt, woot