NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Tue. 23 May, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: b  a  c  e  i  l  m

  • Total Answers: 65
  • Pangrams: 3
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AB5 β€” sounds like hibachi
  2. AB4 β€” having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance; enjoying health and vigor; as in lubber, able seaman; capable; competent sounds like c, f, g, h, herbal


  1. AL5 β€” an explanation that frees one from fault or blame; as in explain, rationalize; apology; defense; excuse sounds like blubber, caliber, club, clubbed, clubby


  1. AM5 β€” a relaxed journey on foot for exercise or pleasure; to travel by foot for exercise or pleasure; constitutional; perambulation; ramble sounds like g*, r*
  2. AM5 β€”
  3. AM6 β€” sounds like asset, ebb, mare, mesh, mess
  4. AM6 β€” sounds like arabic, medic
  5. AM7 β€” having an easygoing and pleasing manner especially in social situations; affable; agreeable; genial; good-natured sounds like able, achievable, admirable, affable, agreeable
  6. AM8 β€” having or marked by agreement in feeling or action; having or showing kindly feeling and sincere interest; agreeable; compatible; congenial


  1. BA4 β€” sounds like bobby
  2. BA6 β€” unintelligible or meaningless talk; to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and usually unintelligibly; to engage in casual or rambling conversation; abracadabra; blabber sounds like bible, bubble, dabble, rabble
  3. BA4 β€” a person who is just starting out in a field of activity; a recently born person; a lovely woman; abecedarian; apprentice
  4. BA5 β€” a place of uproar or confusion; loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound; bedlam; circus; madhouse sounds like bible, bubble, dabble, rabble
  5. BA7 β€” sounds like facile, ghastly, lastly, massively, passel
  6. BA4 β€” as in bond, recognizance; as in loop, bow; as in hod; bond; recognizance sounds like ail, ale
  7. BA6 β€” sounds like belly, bully, burley, burly, daily
  8. BA4 β€” a large amount of a material (such as hay or wool) that is pressed together tightly and often tied or wrapped; bundle; pack; package; packet sounds like ail, ale
  9. BA4 β€” a more or less round body or mass; a usually round or cone-shaped little piece of lead made to be fired from a firearm; a social gathering for dancing; globe; orb sounds like all, bell, bile, bill, boar
  10. BA4 β€” a sweet or pleasant smell; aroma; attar; bouquet; fragrance sounds like beam, bog, bomber, boom, bop


  1. BE4 β€” a narrow sharply defined line of light radiating from an object; to emit rays of light; to express an emotion (as amusement) by curving the lips upward; ray; shaft sounds like balm, bam
  2. BE6 β€” to eventually have as a state or quality; to eventually have as a state or quality; came; got; grew
  3. BE5 β€” to give a misleading impression of; to prove to be false; to keep secret or shut off from view; misrepresent; confound sounds like bilk, bill, billed, billow, build
  4. BE4 β€” as in howl, wail; as in jeans, corduroys; a person in overall command of a ship; caterwaul; howl sounds like bail, bale, ball, bare, bawl
  5. BE5 β€” as in peach, charmer; a period of high artistic or cultural development; a period of high artistic or cultural development; charmer; peach sounds like bail, bale, ball, bare, bawl


  1. BI5 β€” a book made up of the writings accepted by Christians as coming from God; as in guide, guidebook; Book; Good Book; Holy Writ sounds like babble, bauble, bubble, libel
  2. BI8 β€” relating to, taken from, or found in the Bible; scriptural; blessed; consecrate; consecrated
  3. BI8 β€” sounds like bubble, bumble, collegial, colonial, gullible
  4. BI4 β€” biting sharpness of feeling or expression; acidity; acidness; acridity; acridness sounds like aisle, bail, bale, ball, bawl
  5. BI4 β€” a record of goods sold or services performed together with the costs due; a piece of printed paper used as money in the United States; a sheet bearing an announcement for posting in a public place; account; check sounds like bail, bale, ball, bawl, been
  6. BI8 β€” sounds like syllable


  1. BL4 β€” to engage in casual or rambling conversation; to relate sometimes questionable or secret information of a personal nature; as in chatter, babble; babble; cackle sounds like lab, slab
  2. BL4 β€” sounds like bam, clam, lamb, slam
  3. BL8 β€” deserving reproach or blame; blameworthy; censurable; culpable; reprehensible sounds like flammable
  4. BL5 β€” to express one's unfavorable opinion of the worth or quality of; responsibility for wrongdoing or failure; the state of being held as the cause of something that needs to be set right; censure; condemn sounds like claim, flame, lame
  5. BL9 β€” sounds like flammable


  1. CA5 β€” a group involved in secret or criminal activities; as in team (up), collaborate; conspiracy; crew; gang sounds like banal, bubble, cobble, collage, couple
  2. CA6 β€” sounds like cobble, cobbler
  3. CA6 β€” sounds like abbey, crabby, shabby, tabby
  4. CA5 β€” a length of braided, flexible material that is used for tying or connecting things; cord; lace; lacing; line sounds like able, cobble, fable, gable, hable
  5. CA8 β€” sounds like fallible


  1. CE5 — a person who is widely known and usually much talked about; cause célèbre; celebrity; figure; icon sounds like carob, cherub, club, felon, jealous


  1. CL9 β€” to state as a fact usually forcefully; to ask for (something) earnestly or with authority; to deprive of life; affirm; allege sounds like capable, flammable
  2. CL5 β€” to move (as up or over something) often with the help of the hands in holding or pulling; to move or extend upward; to become greater in size, extent, volume, amount, or number; clamber; scrabble sounds like crime, lime, slime
  3. CL9 β€” to move (as up or over something) often with the help of the hands in holding or pulling; to move or extend upward; to become greater in size, extent, volume, amount, or number; clamber; scrabble sounds like criminal, flammable, livable


  1. EM6 β€” sounds like airbag, bam
  2. EM6 β€” a device, design, or figure used as an identifying mark; ensign; hallmark; impresa; logo sounds like aimless, airless, album, alum, amalgam


  1. IA4 β€” sounds like bam, dam, damn, ham, jam
  2. IA5 β€” sounds like abbey, amber, bamboo, mammary, shabby
  3. IA6 β€” sounds like gambit


  1. IM8 β€” a stupid person; as in stupid, dumb; airhead; birdbrain; blockhead
  2. IM9 β€” as in stupid, dumb; a stupid person; asinine; brainless; dumb sounds like embellish, symbolic
  3. IM6 β€” to swallow in liquid form; to take in (something liquid) through small openings; belt (down); drink; gulp sounds like embed, emboss


  1. LA5 β€” a slip (as of paper or cloth) that is attached to something to identify or describe it; to attach an identifying slip to; to give a name to; marker; tag sounds like able, cable, fable, gable, hable
  2. LA5 β€” sounds like abbey, lobbied, lobby, phobia, shabby
  3. LA6 β€” sounds like babble, dabble, libel, liberal, lineal
  4. LA6 β€” as in unstable, fluctuating; changing; fluctuating; inconstant; unstable sounds like cobble, gobble, hobble, libel, wobble
  5. LA4 β€” an innocent or gentle person; as in fox, rabbit; angel; dove; innocent sounds like bam, clam, dam, damn, ham


  1. LI6 β€” being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm; being the one who must meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so; endangered; exposed; open sounds like p**, viable
  2. LI5 β€” the making of false statements that damage another's reputation; to make untrue and harmful statements about; aspersing; blackening; calumniation sounds like bible, label
  3. LI7 β€”
  4. LI4 β€” a major outgrowth from the main stem of a woody plant; bough; branch sounds like dim, gym, him, hymn, lamb
  5. LI6 β€” sounds like gimmick, lyric, mimic


  1. MA8 β€” as in transferable, transportable; to send through the postal system; shippable; transferable; transmittable sounds like salable
  2. MA9 β€” capable of being easily molded or modeled; capable of being readily changed; moldable; plastic; shapable sounds like fallible, moldable, palpable, valuable
  3. MA5 β€” as in rattlesnake, cobra; adder; anaconda; asp; black racer

abaci, able, alibi, amble, ameba, amebae, amebic, amiable, amicable, baba, babble, babe, babel, bacilli, bail, bailee, bale, ball, balm, beam, became, belie, bell, belle, bible, biblical, bilabial, bile, bill, billable, blab, blam, blamable, blame, blameable, cabal, cabala, cabbie, cable, callable, celeb, claimable, climb, climbable, embalm, emblem, iamb, iambi, iambic, imbecile, imbecilic, imbibe, label, labia, labial, labile, lamb, liable, libel, libelee, limb, limbic, mailable, malleable, mamba