NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Tue. 24 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: t  d  e  i  m  p  u

  • Total Answers: 66
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. DE5 β€” as in deny, disavow; abjure; deny; disavow; disclaim sounds like beret, carat, comet, damage
  2. DE8 β€” as in denied, disavowed; abjured; denied; disavowed; disclaimed sounds like admitted, committed, permitted
  3. DE6 β€” to appoint as one's representative; commission; delegate; deputize sounds like dispute, impute, repute
  4. DE7 β€” to appoint as one's representative; to appoint as one's representative; commissioned; delegated; deputized sounds like disputed


  1. DI4 β€” the things that a person or animal eats considered as a whole; as in slimming, nonfattening; as in fast; nourishment; nurture sounds like riot
  2. DI6 β€” as in fasted; fasted sounds like cheated, dotted, heated, seated


  1. DU4 β€” sounds like debt
  2. DU7 β€” sounds like directed, dotted, fetid, rooted


  1. ED4 β€” to prepare for publication by correcting, rewriting, or updating; to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation; to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through it; redraft; revamp
  2. ED6 β€” to prepare for publication by correcting, rewriting, or updating; to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation; to prepare for publication by correcting, rewriting, or updating; redrafted; revamped sounds like dotted, oedipal


  1. EM4 β€” to throw or give off; to send forth using the vocal chords; cast; discharge; emanate sounds like mitt, omit
  2. EM7 β€” to throw or give off; to send forth using the vocal chords; to throw or give off; cast; discharged sounds like admitted, committed, fitted, knitted, mitten
  3. EM7 β€” as in empty, vacant; to remove the contents of; to remove the contents of; empty; unoccupied


  1. ET5 β€” as in study; as in opus, oeuvre; study; drill; exercise sounds like stewed


  1. IM6 β€” to explain (something) as being the result of something else; as in charge, blame; accredit; ascribe; attribute
  2. IM7 β€” to explain (something) as being the result of something else; to explain (something) as being the result of something else; as in charged, blamed; accredited; ascribed sounds like muted, reputed


  1. IT4 β€” a separate part in a list, account, or series; a report of recent events or facts not previously known; as in collectible; detail; particular sounds like atom, autumn


  1. ME4 β€” to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face; to come together into one body or place; to come upon unexpectedly or by chance; catch; chance (upon) sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
  2. ME6 β€” sounds like beaten, beetle, cheated, cheetah, cheetal
  3. ME4 β€” to give out (something) to appropriate individuals; administer; allocate; apportion; deal (out) sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
  4. ME5 β€” to give out (something) to appropriate individuals; administer; allocate; apportion; deal (out) sounds like rated


  1. MI4 β€” a very small sum of money; a living thing much smaller than others of its kind; a very small amount; chicken feed; chump change sounds like bite, byte, cite, fight, height
  2. MI4 β€” sounds like bit, chit, emit, fit, hit


  1. MU4 β€” unable to speak; deliberately refraining from speech; a device on a musical instrument that deadens or softens its tone; inarticulate; speechless sounds like cute, mew, moot
  2. MU5 β€” mostly or entirely without sound; not excessively showy; deliberately refraining from speech; hushed; noiseless sounds like booted, cupid, imputed
  3. MU4 β€” a stupid person; airhead; birdbrain; blockhead; bonehead sounds like but, butt, cut, gut, hut


  1. PE7 β€” sounds like reptile
  2. PE5 β€” as in petty larcenies; as in petty larceny; as in Beau Brummell, blood; petty larcenies; embezzlements sounds like puppet
  3. PE6 β€” having a small and thin bodyβ€”usually used to describe a woman or girl; baby; diminutive; dwarf; elfin sounds like putty
  4. PE6 β€” to touch or handle in a tender or loving manner; to touch or handle in a tender or loving manner; caressed; fondled; gentled sounds like fetid


  1. PI5 β€” sounds like puppet
  2. PI7 β€” sounds like pet, puppet, typed, wipeout
  3. PI5 β€” sounds like peanut, people, puppet
  4. PI6 β€” to have sympathy for; to have sympathy for; ached (for); bled (for); commiserated (with)
  5. PI6 β€” as in pocked; as in dented; pocked; rutted; rutty sounds like fitted, knitted


  1. PU6 β€” a small figure often of a human being used especially as a child's plaything; one that is or can be used to further the purposes of another; as in doll, puppet; action figure; doll sounds like bucket, buffet, couple, covet, gullet
  2. PU4 β€” sounds like but, butt, cut, gut, hut
  3. PU6 β€” sounds like buttock, button, cheated, coated, dotted
  4. PU7 β€” sounds like peed, plead


  1. TE6 β€” the state of being bored; blahs; boredom; doldrums; ennui sounds like medium
  2. TE4 β€” feeling or showing anger; subjected to and reacting with irritation; as in raged, vituperated; angered; angry sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
  3. TE4 β€” to be copiously supplied; abound; brim; bristle; bulge sounds like beam, deem, ream, seam, seem
  4. TE6 β€” to be copiously supplied; to be copiously supplied; abounded; brimmed; bristled sounds like themed, tiered, timed
  5. TE6 β€” sounds like beady, beefy, beep, beeper, cheap
  6. TE4 β€” as in temporary; temporary; associate; colleague; coworker
  7. TE6 β€” sounds like attempt
  8. TE5 β€”
  9. TE5 β€” to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage; to take a chance on; allure; bait; beguile sounds like at*
  10. TE7 β€” to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage; to take a chance on; to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage; allured; baited sounds like at***
  11. TE5 β€” sounds like guppy, puppy, touchy, tummy, yuppie
  12. TE5 β€” showing little or no interest or enthusiasm; having or giving off heat to a moderate degree; halfhearted; lukewarm; uneager sounds like epic, leaded, leopard, peppered, shepherd


  1. TI4 β€” a prevailing or general movement or inclination; a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms; current; direction; drift sounds like bide, chide, guide, hide, lied
  2. TI5 β€” sounds like guided
  3. TI6 β€” being clean and in good order; as in picked up, uncluttered; to make a place neat and orderly by removing extraneous stuff; antiseptic; bandbox sounds like bodied, busied, deed, divvied, giddy
  4. TI4 β€” as in bound, attached; to gather into a tight mass by means of a line or cord; to produce something equal to (as in quality or value); attached; bound sounds like bide, chide, guide, hide, lied
  5. TI4 β€” a particular point at which an event takes place; an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand; an extent of time associated with a particular person or thing; moment; occasion sounds like chime, dime, lime, rhyme, tam
  6. TI5 β€” especially suitable for a certain time; to be unfaithful or disloyal to; to be unfaithful or disloyal to; opportune; seasonable
  7. TI5 β€” easily frightened; fainthearted; fearful; fearsome; mousy sounds like amid, emit, gimmick, jimmied, livid
  8. TI6 β€” tapering to a thin tip; to set or cause to be at an angle; a piece of advice or useful information especially from an expert; peaked; pointed sounds like chipped, shipped, sipped, taped, tapped
  9. TI6 β€” as in poncho, capelet; burnoose; capelet; capuchin; cowl


  1. TU5 β€” enlarged beyond normal from internal pressure; bloated; blown; distended; overinflated sounds like doomed, humid, lucid, lumen, mud
  2. TU5 β€” sounds like booty, duty, sooty
  3. TU6 β€” to hold an unfavorable opinion of; to hold an unfavorable opinion of; deprecate; disapprove (of); discountenance sounds like attitude, buttock, button, cheated, coated
  4. TU5 β€” sounds like nutty, putty, touchy
  5. TU4 β€” as in hoot, howl; as in hoots, howls; bark; bay; bellow sounds like tattoo


  1. UP6 β€”

demit, demitted, depute, deputed, diet, dieted, duet, duetted, edit, edited, emit, emitted, emptied, etude, impute, imputed, item, meet, meetup, mete, meted, mite, mitt, mute, muted, mutt, peptide, petit, petite, petted, pipet, pipette, pipit, pitied, pitted, puppet, putt, putted, puttied, tedium, teed, teem, teemed, teepee, temp, temped, tempi, tempt, tempted, tepee, tepid, tide, tided, tidied, tied, time, timed, timid, tipped, tippet, tumid, tutee, tutted, tutti, tutu, uptime