NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Wed. 1 March, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: g  i  k  n  o  u  w

  • Total Answers: 35
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. GI7 β€” as in driving, riding; busing; cabbing; coaching; cruising sounds like rigging
  2. GI6 β€” sounds like bingo, dingo, jink, jinx, lingo
  3. GI7 β€” sounds like inning, sinning, winning


  1. GO5 β€” accepted, used, or practiced by most people; being in effective operation; having attained a desired end or state of good fortune; conventional; current sounds like glowing, growing, knowing, owing, rowing
  2. GO4 β€” as in ding, clang; chink; clang; clank; clash sounds like gall, gang, gauze, long, pong
  3. GO7 β€” as in dinging, clanging; chinking; clanging; clanking; clashing
  4. GO4 β€” to take place; to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a point; a stupid person; be; befall sounds like boon, dune, gain, gun
  5. GO7 β€” the exaction of a grossly excessive charge for goods or services; to charge (someone) too much for goods or services; to charge (someone) too much for goods or services; extortion; fleecing sounds like aging
  6. GO4 β€” a garment with a joined blouse and skirt usually worn by a woman or girl; a loose pullover garment worn in bed; to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes; dress; frock sounds like down, gain, gauss, gun, noun
  7. GO7 β€” to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes; a garment with a joined blouse and skirt usually worn by a woman or girl; a loose pullover garment worn in bed; appareling; arraying sounds like burning, caning, clowning, crowning, cunning


  1. GU4 β€” foul matter that mars the purity or cleanliness of something; crud; dirt; filth; grime sounds like bunk, chunk, dunk, funk, hunk
  2. GU7 β€” to strike with a missile from a gun; to strike with a missile from a gun; as in killing, shooting; drilling; plugging sounds like cunning, running


  1. IN6 β€” to write one's name on (as a document); to write one's name on (as a document); autographing; signing; subscribing sounds like s**, th**
  2. IN6 β€” sounds like earring, g**, s**, w**


  1. KI4 β€” a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular field; the being worshipped as the creator and ruler of the universe; unusually large; baron; captain sounds like aching, cling, owing, ping
  2. KI7 β€” sounds like caning, cunning, ginning, inning, kenning
  3. KI7 β€” as in turning, twisting; entwining; swirling; turning; twining sounds like sinking, thinking


  1. KN7 β€” having inside information; having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment; made, given, or done with full awareness of what one is doing; hip; wise sounds like gnawing, going, owing, rowing, sewing


  1. NO6 β€” the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth; bean; block; dome; head sounds like begin, jogging, knotted, nagging, nine


  1. NU6 β€” to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of; to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of; annihilating; creaming; decimating sounds like aching, biking, booking, booming, chewing


  1. OI7 β€” sounds like aching, biking, booking, choking, cooking


  1. ON7 β€” being in progress or development; existing or in progress right now; having an existence or validity that does not change or diminish; afoot; proceeding sounds like going, knowing, outgoing


  1. OW5 β€” not yet paid; as the result of; outstanding; overdue; owed sounds like going, king, kn*, ping, ring
  2. OW6 β€” to keep, control, or experience as one's own; to keep, control, or experience as one's own; to make an acknowledgment of something unpleasant as true or valid; commanding; enjoying sounds like inning, outing


  1. UN9 β€” to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; straightening; unbending; uncurling
  2. UN9 β€” lacking in worldly wisdom or informed judgment; not informed about or aware of something; aw-shucks; dewy; dewy-eyed


  1. WI7 β€” to yield to mental or emotional stress; break down; break up; crack; flip (out) sounds like rigging, whipping
  2. WI4 β€” a group of people acting together within a larger group; to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; a political belief stressing progress, the essential goodness of humankind, and individual freedom; bloc; block sounds like king, o**, ping, ring, sing
  3. WI7 β€” to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; aviating; flying; gliding sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, whipping
  4. WI6 β€” to drink wine or give wine to (another person) to drink; to drink wine or give wine to (another person) to drink; pledging; toasting; belting (down) sounds like dining, fining, shining
  5. WI7 β€” as in twinkling, glinting; to rapidly open and close one's eyes; to shine with light at regular intervals; agleam; aglitter sounds like sinking, thinking
  6. WI7 β€” having qualities that tend to make one loved; likely or intended to win one's affection; as in win, victory; adorable; darling sounds like ginning, inning, sinning, whipping
  7. WI9 β€” to remove less desirable choices from a group or list; to remove less desirable choices from a group or list; culling; discarding; jettisoning


  1. WO6 β€” as in courting, seduction; to act so as to make (something) more likely; to act so as to make (something) more likely; charming; courting sounds like chewing, wing
  2. WO6 β€” sounds like wing

gigging, ginkgo, ginning, going, gong, gonging, goon, gouging, gown, gowning, gunk, gunning, inking, inning, king, kinging, kinking, knowing, noggin, nuking, oinking, ongoing, owing, owning, unkinking, unknowing, wigging, wing, winging, wining, winking, winning, winnowing, wooing, wowing