NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Wed. 11 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: e  b  c  i  l  o  t

  • Total Answers: 57
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. BE4 β€” sounds like bait, bat
  2. BE6 β€” to extend outward beyond a usual point; as in hammer, sledgehammer; bag; balloon; belly sounds like battle, bottle, cheetal, fetal
  3. BE5 β€” to give a misleading impression of; to prove to be false; to keep secret or shut off from view; misrepresent; confound sounds like bilk, bill, billed, billow, build
  4. BE8 β€” to express scornfully one's low opinion of; bad-mouth; cry down; decry; denigrate
  5. BE4 β€” as in howl, wail; as in jeans, corduroys; a person in overall command of a ship; caterwaul; howl sounds like bail, bale, ball, bare, bawl
  6. BE5 β€” as in peach, charmer; a period of high artistic or cultural development; a period of high artistic or cultural development; charmer; peach sounds like bail, bale, ball, bare, bawl
  7. BE4 β€” a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument; the portion of a serving of a beverage that is swallowed at one time; a strip of flexible material (as leather) worn around the waist; bang; bash sounds like bolt, built, dealt
  8. BE5 β€” sounds like battle, bottle, hotel, kettle


  1. BI7 β€” a small object displayed for its attractiveness or interest; bauble; curio; curiosity; doodad
  2. BI5 β€” a book made up of the writings accepted by Christians as coming from God; as in guide, guidebook; Book; Good Book; Holy Writ sounds like babble, bauble, bubble, libel
  3. BI4 β€” biting sharpness of feeling or expression; acidity; acidness; acridity; acridness sounds like aisle, bail, bale, ball, bawl
  4. BI6 β€” a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide; an assignment at which one regularly works for pay; to provide with living quarters or shelter; bar; rod sounds like ballot, built, bullet
  5. BI4 β€” a harsh or sharp quality; a small piece or quantity of food; an uncomfortable degree of coolness; acerbity; acidity sounds like bait, bat, beat, beet, bet


  1. BO6 β€” an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to make short up-and-down movements; blunder; boo-boo sounds like babble, bauble, bible, bubble, cobble
  2. BO5 β€” sounds like base, bass, beau
  3. BO6 β€” as in bobby socks, anklet; valuables stolen or taken by force; the part of the body upon which someone sits; anklet; bobby socks sounds like beauty, buoy, duty, sooty
  4. BO6 β€” the part of the body upon which someone sits; valuables stolen or taken by force; backside; behind; bottom sounds like beauty, buoy, duty, sooty
  5. BO6 β€” a distilled beverage that can make a person drunk; strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger; as in hold back, choke (back); alcohol; aqua vitae sounds like battle, beetle, mottle, wattle


  1. CE5 — a person who is widely known and usually much talked about; cause célèbre; celebrity; figure; icon sounds like carob, cherub, club, felon, jealous
  2. CE4 β€” an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wall; one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided; a local unit of an organization; apartment; chamber sounds like bell, dell, fell, gel, hell
  3. CE5 β€” sounds like belly, jelly, sally, self, sell
  4. CE5 β€” sounds like bellow, fellow, mellow, self, sell


  1. CI4 β€” to give as an example; to make reference to or speak about briefly but specifically; adduce; instance; mention sounds like bite, byte, eyesight, fight, height


  1. CO6 β€” to make or assemble roughly or hastily; jury-rig; patch (together); throw up sounds like cable, gobble, hobble, wobble
  2. CO7 β€” to gain emotional or mental control of; to gradually form into a layer, pile, or mass; to bring together from several sources into a single volume or list; calm; compose sounds like select
  3. CO11 β€” as in collector's item; collector's item; conversation piece; keepsake; memento sounds like delectable, uncollectable
  4. CO6 β€” sounds like cult, gullet
  5. CO6 β€” sounds like calmly, curly
  6. CO6 β€” sounds like booty, catty, duty, kitty, sooty
  7. CO4 β€” as in henhouse, dovecote; dovecote; henhouse; kraal; stockade sounds like boat, cat, caught


  1. EC8 β€” consisting of many things of different sorts; assorted; heterogeneous; indiscriminate; kitchen-sink sounds like elective, electric


  1. EL5 β€” to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities; singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking; individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class; cherry-pick; choose sounds like effect, eject, erect
  2. EL7 β€” sounds like affect, aplenty, collect, collector, plenty
  3. EL6 β€” to draw out (something hidden, latent, or reserved); educe; evoke; inspire; raise sounds like illicit
  4. EL5 β€” as in exclusive; individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class; the highest class in a society; exclusive; better sounds like cleat, delete, fleet, pleat, sleet


  1. IC6 β€” a cold aloof person; cold fish; cold turkey; iceberg sounds like bicycle, sickle


  1. LI5 β€” the making of false statements that damage another's reputation; to make untrue and harmful statements about; aspersing; blackening; calumniation sounds like bible, label
  2. LI7 β€”
  3. LI4 β€” a person whose behavior is offensive to others; bastard; beast; bleeder; blighter sounds like dice, ice, lace, lass, lease
  4. LI4 β€” as in light; light; natural; plain; simple sounds like alight, bite, blight, byte, cite
  5. LI6 β€” having relatively little height; lacking importance; not broad or open in views or opinions; low; low-lying sounds like whittle


  1. LO4 β€” sounds like g**, lab


  1. OB4 β€” sounds like beau, lobo


  1. OC6 β€” sounds like oscillate
  2. OC5 β€” as in trio, quartet; duo; quartet; quintet; septet sounds like onset


  1. OL5 β€” sounds like click, flick, lick, slick
  2. OL4 β€” sounds like polio
  3. OL5 β€” sounds like alley, awfully, c*, early, flea


  1. TE4 β€” to give an oral or written account of in some detail; to express (a thought or emotion) in words; to find the sum of (a collection of things) by noting each one as it is being added; chart; chronicle sounds like bell, cell, dell, fell, gel


  1. TI4 β€” as in drain, hydrant; drain; drainpipe; funnel; hydrant sounds like aisle, bile, file, guile, isle
  2. TI5 β€” a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is regularly known; a word or series of words often in larger letters placed at the beginning of a passage or at the top of a page in order to introduce or categorize; the position occupied by the one who comes in first in a competition; appellation; appellative sounds like litle, total, turtle, vital
  3. TI6 β€” a very small piece; the smallest amount or part imaginable; as in run on, blabber; atom; bit sounds like little, total, turtle, whittle


  1. TO5 β€” sounds like boil, coil, foil, oil, roil
  2. TO6 β€” a room furnished with a fixture for flushing body waste; to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes; bath; bathroom; bog sounds like ballot, billet, bullet, eyelet, glut
  3. TO8 β€”
  4. TO6 β€” sounds like title, turtle
  5. TO4 β€” as in backpack, satchel; to support and take from one place to another; to combine (numbers) into a single sum; backpack; barracks bag sounds like boat, coat, goat, moat, note

beet, beetle, belie, belittle, bell, belle, belt, betel, bibelot, bible, bile, billet, bite, bobble, bocce, bootee, bootie, bottle, celeb, cell, celli, cello, cite, cobble, collect, collectible, collet, collie, cootie, cote, eclectic, elect, electee, elicit, elite, icicle, libel, libelee, lice, lite, little, lobe, oboe, ocelot, octet, oleic, oleo, ollie, tell, tile, title, tittle, toile, toilet, toilette, tootle, tote