NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Wed. 16 August, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: m  a  d  e  i  l  v

  • Total Answers: 60
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AI5 β€” to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal; to have in mind as a purpose or goal; to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal; bent; cast sounds like aged, famed, m*, named


  1. AM4 β€” in or into the middle of; in the course of; among; mid; midst


  1. DA4 β€” a dignified usually elderly woman of some rank or authority; a woman of high birth or social position; a dignified usually elderly woman of some rank or authority; dowager; grande dame sounds like aim, came, deem
  2. DA6 β€” as in blocked, clogged; to prevent passage through by filling with something; to close up so that no empty spaces remain; blocked; choked sounds like domed, doomed, jammed


  1. DE4 β€” to have as an opinion; allow; believe; conceive; consider sounds like beam, dam, dame, damn, dim
  2. DE6 β€” to have as an opinion; to have as an opinion; allowed; believed; conceived sounds like dammed, damned, domed, doomed, themed


  1. DI6 β€” a decorative band or wreath worn about the head as a symbol of victory or honor; chaplet; coronal; coronet; crown sounds like cadet, condemn
  2. DI7 β€” a situation in which one has to choose between two or more equally unsatisfactory choices; a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape; catch-22; double bind; quandary
  3. DI4 β€” a very small sum of money; costing little; as in department store, chain store; chicken feed; chump change sounds like chime, dam, dame, damn, deem
  4. DI6 β€” being without light or without much light; to make dark, dim, or indistinct; to make dark, dim, or indistinct; black; caliginous sounds like dammed, damned, demur, domed, doomed


  1. ED7 β€” sounds like dam, damage, dammed, damn, damned
  2. ED5 β€” sounds like deem, demon, diva, idea, idiom


  1. EM5 β€” as in mail, card; as in telegraph, airmail; airmail; card; electronic mail sounds like female, mail, male
  2. EM7 β€” as in telegraphed, airmailed; airmailed; telegraphed; communicated; intercommunicated sounds like mailed


  1. IM4 β€” sounds like mom


  1. LA4 β€” sounds like comma, mama
  2. LA4 β€” arousing or deserving of one's loathing and disgust; falling short of a standard; to cause severe or permanent injury to; cheap; contemptible sounds like aim, b**, came, claim, dame
  3. LA5 β€” as in lame, hobbled; to cause severe or permanent injury to; to cause severe or permanent injury to; halt; hobbled sounds like famed, maimed, named
  4. LA6 β€” to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; absconded; broke out (of); cleared out sounds like dammed, damned, jammed


  1. LE5 β€”


  1. LI4 β€” sounds like alma, arena, aroma, asthma, beam
  2. LI4 β€” as in limey; as in limeys; limey; powerboater; sailboater sounds like chime, climb, c**, dime, lamb
  3. LI7 β€” sounds like jimmied, myriad, period
  4. LI5 β€” sounds like lymph, rimmed


  1. LL5 β€” sounds like comma, lava, mama


  1. MA5 β€” the female partner in a marriage; helpmate; helpmeet; lady; missus sounds like modem
  2. MA6 β€” as in madam; madam; bawd; call girl; cocotte sounds like dada, model, modem, modern, mom
  3. MA4 β€” to bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materials; to obtain (as a goal) through effort; to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind); fabricated; fashioned sounds like aid, aide, bade, fade, jade
  4. MA4 β€” a female domestic servant; a young unmarried woman; as in lady-in-waiting, abigail; biddy; char sounds like aid, aide, bade, fade, jade
  5. MA4 β€” communications or parcels sent or carried through the postal system; to send through the postal system; a person who delivers mail; correspondence; matter sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
  6. MA6 β€” to send through the postal system; communications or parcels sent or carried through the postal system; to send through the postal system; posted; correspondence sounds like failed, jailed, meld, melee, mild
  7. MA4 β€” to cause severe or permanent injury to; cripple; disable; incapacitate; lame sounds like aim, came, dame, fame, game
  8. MA6 β€” as in disabled, crippled; to cause severe or permanent injury to; to cause severe or permanent injury to; challenged; crippled sounds like famed, named
  9. MA4 β€” of, relating to, or marked by qualities traditionally associated with men; an adult male human being; man-size; manlike; manly sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
  10. MA4 β€” a public place for strolling; boardwalk; promenade; walk sounds like all, ball, bawl, call, fall
  11. MA4 β€” a female human parent; as in boy, kid; as in boys, kids; ma; mammy sounds like comma, mom
  12. MA5 β€” a female human parent; ma; mammy; mater; mom sounds like comma, mom
  13. MA6 β€” sounds like camel


  1. ME4 β€” as in wine, sake; sake; wine; alcohol; aqua vitae sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
  2. ME4 β€” food eaten or prepared for eating at one time; chow; feed; menu; mess sounds like deal, eel, feel, heal, heel
  3. ME5 β€” a piece of metal given in honor of a special event, a person, or an achievement; medallion; order sounds like middle, model, muddle, pedal, peddle
  4. ME7 β€” sounds like modeled
  5. ME6 β€” to interest oneself in what is not one's concern; butt in; interfere; interlope; intermeddle sounds like middle, model, muddle, pedal, peddle
  6. ME7 β€” to interest oneself in what is not one's concern; to interest oneself in what is not one's concern; butted in; interfered; interloped sounds like modeled
  7. ME5 β€” a middle point between extremes; something used to achieve an end; the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surrounded; golden means; means
  8. ME6 β€” occupying a position equally distant from the ends or extremes; central; halfway; intermediary; intermediate
  9. ME8 β€” having passed its time of use or usefulness; antiquated; archaic; dated; dΓ©modΓ© sounds like bedevil, middle, midlevel
  10. ME4 β€” a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things; to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout; admixture; alloy; amalgam sounds like felled, held, mailed, mild, milled
  11. ME6 β€” to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout; to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout; amalgamated; blended; combined sounds like molded
  12. ME5 β€” a rough and often noisy fight usually involving several people; affray; brawl; broil; donnybrook sounds like mail, mailed, male
  13. ME4 β€” sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
  14. ME5 β€” sounds like famed, made, maid, mailed, named


  1. MI6 β€” a middle point between extremes; an area or point that is an equal distance from all points along an edge or outer surface; the middle region of the human torso; golden mean; mean sounds like fiddle, medal, meddle, model, muddle
  2. MI4 β€” sounds like beady, mealy, meaty, moody, muddy
  3. MI4 β€” marked by temperatures that are neither too high nor too low; not harsh or stern especially in nature or effect; balmy; clement; equable sounds like child, mailed, meld, mold, mould
  4. MI4 β€” a long distance; a long distance; with great speed; afar; country mile sounds like aisle, bile, file, guile, isle
  5. MI4 β€” a building or set of buildings for the manufacturing of goods; to reduce to fine particles; as in kick around, knock (about); factory; manufactory sounds like bill, chill, dill, fill, hill
  6. MI6 β€” as in reduced, pulverized; to reduce to fine particles; to reduce to fine particles; close-grained; comminuted sounds like billed, build, chilled, filled, guild
  7. MI4 β€” an actor in a story performed silently and entirely by body movements; a movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea or feeling; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; mimic; mummer sounds like chime, dime, lime, mom, mum
  8. MI5 β€” to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; aped; copied; copycatted sounds like maimed, rimmed

aimed, amid, dame, dammed, deem, deemed, diadem, dilemma, dime, dimmed, edamame, edema, email, emailed, imam, lama, lame, lamed, lammed, lemma, lima, lime, limeade, limed, llama, madam, madame, made, maid, mail, mailed, maim, maimed, male, mall, mama, mamma, mammal, mead, meal, medal, medaled, meddle, meddled, media, medial, medieval, meld, melded, melee, meme, memed, middle, midi, mild, mile, mill, milled, mime, mimed