Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Wed. 25 October, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: f  d  e  i  l  o  v

  • Total Answers: 44
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. DE6 β€” to go against the commands, prohibitions, or rules of; to invite (someone) to take part in a contest or to perform a feat; to oppose (something hostile or dangerous) with firmness or courage; disobeyed; mocked sounds like abide, allied, aside, bugeyed, collide
  2. DE6 β€” a narrow opening between hillsides or mountains that can be used for passage; to make unfit for use by the addition of something harmful or undesirable; to treat (a sacred place or object) shamefully or with great disrespect; canyon; col sounds like duffel
  3. DE7 β€” as in polluted, tainted; to make unfit for use by the addition of something harmful or undesirable; to treat (a sacred place or object) shamefully or with great disrespect; contaminated; germy sounds like duffel, muffled, refined, ruffled
  4. DE7 β€” to love or admire too much; to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power; to assign a high status or value to; adored; adulated sounds like divide, dried, refile


  1. DO4 β€” to rid oneself of (a garment); to declare enthusiastic approval of; douse; peel (off); put off sounds like daub, dawn, deaf, off
  2. DO6 β€” to rid oneself of (a garment); to rid oneself of (a garment); to declare enthusiastic approval of; doused; peeled (off) sounds like daft, dart, deft, soft, waft


  1. ED7 β€” to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding; to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding; educated; enlightened; illumed sounds like modified, rarefied, terrified, verified


  1. FE4 β€” to provide food or meals for; to put (something) into the possession of someone for use or consumption; to take a meal; board; cater sounds like bead, cede, deed, fad, fade
  2. FE4 β€” to have a vague awareness of; to come into bodily contact with (something) so as to perceive a slight pressure on the skin; to come to a knowledge of (something) by living through it; perceive; scent sounds like deal, eel, fail, fall, field
  3. FE5 β€” sounds like allied, allowed, allude, aloud, amid
  4. FE4 β€” to strike (someone) so forcefully as to cause a fall; to bring down by cutting; to deprive of life; bowl (down or over); down sounds like bell, cell, dell, fail, fair
  5. FE6 β€” to strike (someone) so forcefully as to cause a fall; to bring down by cutting; to deprive of life; bowled (down or over); downed sounds like failed, field, filled, foiled


  1. FI6 β€” language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense; an instance of the use of dishonest methods to acquire something of value; to make jerky or restless movements; applesauce; balderdash sounds like middle, riddle
  2. FI7 β€” to make jerky or restless movements; to rob by the use of trickery or threats; to make jerky or restless movements; fidgeted; jerked sounds like riddled
  3. FI4 β€” a region of activity, knowledge, or influence; area; arena; bailiwick; barony sounds like beef, chief, feat, fee, feed
  4. FI5 β€” a small area of usually open land; a region of activity, knowledge, or influence; a part or portion having no fixed boundaries; clearing; ground sounds like failed, feed, feel, feeler, felled
  5. FI7 β€” to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently; to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently; addressed; contended (with); coped (with) sounds like folded
  6. FI4 β€” sounds like knife, life, rife, wife
  7. FI5 β€” sounds like gift, lift, miffed, rift, shift
  8. FI4 β€” to make smooth by friction; to move along with a steady regular step especially in a group; a series of persons or things arranged one behind another; buff; grind sounds like aisle, bile, fail, fall, feel
  9. FI5 β€” to make smooth by friction; to move along with a steady regular step especially in a group; to make smooth by friction; buffed; ground sounds like child, failed, felled, foiled, fold
  10. FI4 β€” to put into (something) as much as can be held or contained; to close up so that no empty spaces remain; to do what is required by the terms of; brim; charge sounds like bill, chill, dill, fail, fall
  11. FI6 β€” containing or seeming to contain the greatest quantity or number possible; to put into (something) as much as can be held or contained; to close up so that no empty spaces remain; brimful; brimming sounds like billed, build, chilled, failed, feared
  12. FI4 β€” as in one, ten; of the very best kind; as in department store, dime store; C-note; fifty sounds like arrive, chive, dive, hive, jive
  13. FI8 β€” sounds like fourfold


  1. FL4 β€” to cease to be visible; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to hasten away from something dangerous or frightening; dematerialized; disappeared sounds like bled, fed
  2. FL4 β€” to cease to be visible; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to hasten away from something dangerous or frightening; dematerialize; disappear sounds like alley, awfully, early, fee, filly
  3. FL5 β€” to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to proceed or move quickly; aviate; glide sounds like allied, fried, glide
  4. FL4 β€” sounds like blow, fallow, fellow
  5. FL5 β€” a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms; to cover with a flood; a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms; alluvion; bath sounds like blood
  6. FL7 β€” as in inundated, drowned; to cover with a flood; to cover with a flood; deluged; drowned sounds like bloodied, faded, folded, founded, funded


  1. FO4 β€” to prevent from achieving a goal; something or someone that is different from another especially in a pleasing way; baffle; balk; beat sounds like boil, coil, fail, fall, feel
  2. FO6 β€” to prevent from achieving a goal; to prevent from achieving a goal; baffled; balked; beat sounds like boiled, failed, felled, field, filled
  3. FO4 β€” to lay one part over or against another part of; to be unsuccessful; a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together socially; double; bomb sounds like bold, cold, failed, felled, field
  4. FO6 β€” to lay one part over or against another part of; to be unsuccessful; to lay one part over or against another part of; doubled; bombed sounds like molded
  5. FO5 β€” as in quarto; quarto; hardback; hardcover; paper sounds like polio
  6. FO4 β€” substances intended to be eaten; something that maintains or stimulates the intellect; a series of types of living things in which each one uses the next lower member of the series as a source of food; bread; chow sounds like fad, fade, fed, feed, feud
  7. FO6 β€” a person who enjoys and cares about food very much; connoisseur; dilettante; bon vivant; epicure sounds like moody
  8. FO4 β€” a person who lacks good sense or judgment; a person formerly kept in a royal or noble household to amuse with jests and pranks; a person with a strong and habitual liking for something; berk; booby sounds like cool, fail, fall, feel, fell
  9. FO6 β€” to cause to believe what is untrue; to make jokes; to cause to believe what is untrue; bamboozled; beguiled sounds like cooled, failed, felled, field, filled


  1. LI4 β€” a history of a person's life; a member of the human race; active strength of body or mind; bio; biography sounds like knife, laugh, leaf


  1. OF5 β€” to put to death deliberately; to put to death deliberately; assassinated; bumped off; croaked sounds like tuft, upped


  1. VI8 β€” to make untrue and harmful statements about; to make untrue and harmful statements about; aspersed; blackened; calumniated sounds like mollified, nullified, verified
  2. VI8 β€” to give life, vigor, or spirit to; to give life, vigor, or spirit to; amped (up); animated; braced

defied, defile, defiled, deified, doff, doffed, edified, feed, feel, felid, fell, felled, fiddle, fiddled, fief, field, fielded, fife, fifed, file, filed, fill, filled, five, fivefold, fled, flee, flied, floe, flood, flooded, foil, foiled, fold, folded, folio, food, foodie, fool, fooled, life, offed, vilified, vivified