NYT 🐝 Clues—Wed. 7 September, 2022

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: r  a  d  i  l  n  o

  • Total Answers: 59
  • Pangrams: 2
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🤣


  1. AD5 — to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming synonyms—array, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon


  1. AN7 — either of a pair of metal supports for firewood used on a hearth and made of a horizontal bar mounted on short legs with usually a vertical shaft surmounting the front end sounds like—abdomen, adman, admiral, endurance, enlighten
  2. AN7 — a mobile robot usually with a human form sounds like—added, addled, address, adroit, arid


  1. AR5 — depth of feeling; urgent desire or interest; intense sexual desire synonyms—ardency, emotion, enthusiasm, fervency, fervidness sounds like—harder, larder, order
  2. AR4 — a melody in an opera sung by one person synonyms—art song, barcarole, blues, chanson, chant
  3. AR4 — causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest; marked by little or no precipitation or humidity synonyms—boring, colorless, drab, dreary, drudging sounds like—acid, added, avid
  4. AR4 — an exterior covering or appendage of some seeds (as of the yew) that develops after fertilization as an outgrowth from the ovule stalk sounds like—addle, agile, annul, apple, aural


  1. DA4 — the smallest amount or part imaginable synonyms—beans, bubkes, continental, damn, diddly sounds like—barn, don, yarn


  1. DI5 — a gold coin formerly used in countries of southwest Asia and north Africa; the basic monetary unit of Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Serbia, and Tunisia; a monetary subunit of the rial (Iran) sounds like—defer, demur, deny, deter
  2. DI6 — a dress style with tight bodice, short sleeves, low neck, and gathered skirt; a full skirt with a tight waistband sounds like—bundle, candle, colonel, dawdle, denial


  1. DO6 — a U.S. currency bill representing 100 cents synonyms—bone, buck, clam, one, smacker sounds like—collar, dealer, duller, holler
  2. DO5 — deep sadness especially for the loss of someone or something loved synonyms—affliction, anguish, dolefulness, grief, heartache sounds like—color, dealer, duffer, dull, dumber
  3. DO5 — one that helps another with gifts or money synonyms—angel, benefactor, donator, fairy godmother, Maecenas sounds like—diner, dinner, loner, owner, toner
  4. DO4 — a barrier by which an entry is closed and opened; the opening through which one can enter or leave a structure; the means or right of entering or participating in synonyms—gate, hatch, portal, **way, entrance sounds like—adore, boar, bore, chore, core
  5. DO8 — a large-headed nail —used chiefly in the phrase dead as a ** sounds like—corneal, derail, ornate
  6. DO6 — a city or country of fabulous riches held by 16th century explorers to exist in South America; a place of fabulous wealth or opportunity sounds like—board, border, bored, chord, cord


  1. DR5 — to remove (liquid) gradually or completely; to make complete use of; to use up all the physical energy of synonyms—bleed, draft, draw (off), pump, siphon sounds like—brain, crane, grain, rain, reign
  2. DR5 — an established and often automatic or monotonous series of actions followed when engaging in some activity; something done over and over in order to develop skill synonyms—grind, groove, lockstep, pattern, rote sounds like—dill, frill, grill, grille, rill
  3. DR5 — an*
  4. DR5 — causing or intended to cause laughter synonyms—antic, chucklesome, comedic, comic, comical sounds like—dole, role, roll
  5. DR5 — language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense; the fluid that is secreted into the mouth by certain glands synonyms—applesauce, balderdash, baloney, beans, bilge sounds like—rule


  1. IN6 — as in internal, interior synonyms—inner, inside, interior, internal, inward
  2. IN6 — a sudden attack on and entrance into hostile territory synonyms—descent, foray, incursion, invasion, irruption sounds like—erode


  1. IR4 — as in sand, grit synonyms—backbone, fortitude, grit, pluck, sand sounds like—burn, burne, churn, durn, earn


  1. LA4 — a place where a person goes to hide or to avoid others; the shelter or resting place of a wild animal; a place set aside for sleeping synonyms—concealment, covert, den, hermitage, hideaway sounds like—air, bare, bear, blare, care
  2. LA8 — the owner of land or housing that is rented to another; the owner or manager of an inn synonyms—lessor, letter, renter, boniface, innkeeper
  3. LA4 — as in weave, interline; as in pitch, tar synonyms—interfile, interline, weave, cut in, inlay sounds like—bard, card, charred, guard, hard


  1. LI4 — a person who tells lies synonyms—fabricator, fabulist, fibber, prevaricator, storyteller sounds like—buyer, fire, flier, flyer, higher
  2. LI4 — the basic monetary unit of Italy until 2002 sounds like—leery


  1. LO4 — a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular field; the being worshipped as the creator and ruler of the universe; a man of high birth or social position synonyms—baron, captain, czar, king, lion sounds like—board, bored, chord, cord, ford


  1. NA5 — the lowest point or level; the lowest part, place, or point synonyms—bedrock, bottom, depth, rock bottom, zero sounds like—neighbor, raider


  1. NO4 — a dry red wine produced from the same grape as French burgundy sounds like—afar, ajar, are, bar, car
  2. NO4 — dried laver seaweed pressed into thin sheets and used especially as a seasoning or as a wrapper for sushi sounds like—gory, nary, naughty


  1. OD4 — a special quality or impression associated with something; the quality of a thing that makes it perceptible to the sense organs in the nose; overall quality as seen or judged by people in general synonyms—air, ambience, aroma, atmosphere, aura sounds like—loader, ochre, older, over, owner


  1. OR4 — expressed or communicated by voice; made or carried on through speaking rather than in writing synonyms—spoken, uttered, vocal, voiced, nuncupative sounds like—aura, ch, c, laurel, m**
  2. OR6 — to determine the fate of in advance; to request the doing of by virtue of one's authority; to put into effect through legislative or authoritative action synonyms—destine, doom, fate, foredoom, fore** sounds like—arcane, brain, cordon, crane, drain
  3. OR7 — a book of rites for the ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops; *** number sounds like—arsenal, cardinal


  1. RA5 — a device designed to alert the operator of a vehicle when it has been targeted by a * beam (as from a police officer's * gun); * gun
  2. RA6 — a ** part; ray; a body part (such as an artery) lying near or following the course of the radius
  3. RA6 — a unit of plane angular measurement that is equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc whose length equals the radius or approximately 57.3 degrees
  4. RA5 — as in diameters synonyms—diameters, equators, perimeters, peripheries, waistlines sounds like—audio, bodied, body, oddly, readied
  5. RA5 — to send or communicate by *; to send a * message to; to send or communicate something by * sounds like—rodeo
  6. RA5 — a heavy radioactive gaseous element formed by the decay of radium
  7. RA4 — a sudden attack on and entrance into hostile territory; the act or action of setting upon with force or violence synonyms—descent, foray, incursion, inroad, invasion sounds like—aid, aide, bade, b**, fade
  8. RA4 — a protective barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and its supports; a roadway overlaid with parallel steel s over which trains travel synonyms—balustrade, banister, guard, ing, road sounds like—ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
  9. RA8 — a roadway overlaid with parallel steel rails over which trains travel synonyms—rail, railway, road sounds like—payload
  10. RA4 — a steady falling of water from the sky in significant quantity; a heavy fall of objects synonyms—cloudburst, deluge, downfall, downpour, fall sounds like—arraign, bane, b, cane, chain
  11. RA4 — Ayn 1905—1982 American (Russian-born) writer sounds like—and, band, b, canned, g
  12. RA4 — a Hindu queen : a raja's wife sounds like—rocky


  1. RI4 — the basic monetary unit of Iran, Oman, and Yemen sounds like—dial, royal, t**, vial
  2. RI4 — a natural body of running water smaller than a river synonyms—beck, bourn, brook, brooklet, burn sounds like—bill, chill, dill, d**, fill
  3. RI4 — a small piece of pig skin that is fried and usually eaten cold as a snack : chicharron sounds like—bind, find, g, hind, kind


  1. RO4 — a passage cleared for public vehicular travel; a way overlaid with parallel steel rails over which trains travel synonyms—arterial, artery, avenue, boulevard, carriageway sounds like—bode, code, erode, goad, load
  2. RO4 — as in blotchy, piebald synonyms—blotched, blotchy, piebald, pinto, chromatic sounds like—bone, cone, crone, drone, g**
  3. RO4 — a violent shouting; loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound synonyms—clamor, howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo sounds like—boar, bore, chore, core, door
  4. RO4 — to be in a state of violent rolling motion; to make angry synonyms—boil, churn, moil, seethe, anger sounds like—boil, b**, coil, foil, oil
  5. RO4 — to form into a round compact mass; to make a low heavy **ing sound; to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions synonyms—agglomerate, ball, round, wad, growl sounds like—boll, bowl, coal, dole, foal
  6. RO5 — an instrumental composition typically with a refrain recurring four times in the tonic and with three couplets in contrasting keys; the musical form of a * used especially for a movement in a concerto or sonata sounds like—condo
  7. RO4 — a cross or crucifix symbolizing the cross on which Jesus Christ died; specifically : a large crucifix on a beam or screen at the entrance to the chancel of a church; any of various units of land area; especially : a British unit equal to 1/4 acre; any of various units of length; especially : a British unit equal to seven or eight yards or sometimes a rod sounds like—could, good, hood, raid, read

adorn, andiron, android, ardor, aria, arid, aril, darn, dinar, dirndl, dollar, dolor, donor, door, doornail, dorado, drain, drill, droid, droll, drool, indoor, inroad, iron, lair, landlord, lard, liar, lira, lord, nadir, noir, nori, odor, oral, ordain, ordinal, radar, radial, radian, radii, radio, radon, raid, rail, railroad, rain, rand, rani, rial, rill, rind, road, roan, roar, roil, roll, rondo, rood