A personal passion project I began a while ago, but abandoned because I got too busy 😢. But, now that I’m working on a novella, and not doing other stuff, there’s quite a bit of room in my brain for the things I care about!
Printable Sample Problems—lots of them
Generates a TON of SHSAT sample problems—along with answer keys and hints. Content is entirely math at the moment, but can be extended.
Printable Answer keys
Layouts should work on several common devices
How does it work?
Generated through the expansion of problem grammars, using Rita.js, Faker, and MathJax—
Done at the command line for now, but will be automated when I have a better idea of how to control the growth of the datasets. Example…
node generate.js --template=percents --questions=20
Can be hosted anywhere that enables CORS. I’m currently hosting some sample content on an aws S3 bucket
Handled by a super simple Vue.js single file component that queries and displays data with a bit of help from jQuery, Axios, and Anime.js
This component requires no build step, transpilers, complex web server setup (at the moment) just the Vue3 SFC http loader
Current Status
Still very scrappy, but is looking pretty good!
Many problems have been worked out
Several small issues have yet to be discovered (I’m sure of it)
Possible next steps
Containerize the app
Find a real place to host it
Use a legit content management system for the backend, rather than json files
Put some authentication behind it
Why I’m working on this
🗽You can read about it here.