SHSAT App Update (May 2023)

Finally, this thing is building SHSAT practice quizzes!

Using a combo of AWS lambda, Rita.js, TypeScript, and OpenAI API endpoints, I’m now able to generate SHSAT practice quizzes on an automated schedule (currently using a Github Actions build pipeline).

two-minute Spiel…

There’s a repo + some dumb AI & smart AI

High-level diagram of quiz generation, connecting Git, OpenAI, AWS, and Slack

In a nutshell…

My git repo runs a yarn script on a cron — this generates the quiz content

The content then runs through a validator, and gets synchronized with a private S3 bucket

There’s a notification that’s sent to a Slack workspace

The public quiz Viewer displays the content hosted on the S3 bucket by accessing an API gateway that allows this to happen

What the human beings see

A Slack notification that looks like this here 👇🏽.

And sample quizzes — like this one.

The Quiz URL’s

  • Answer the questions on a phone or a laptop, see how you’re doing in real time, view hints, etc.

  • Print the quiz + the answer key for later — it is not high stakes. Not at all. There’s no gold coins you’d be losing out on — it’s intended as a consistent source of low-stakes practice

  • Rinse and repeat — like brushing your teeth (just do it in small doses, every day)


  • I’ll work out the kinks with some of the more difficult problem templates. Math is solid, and will continue to grow/improve/stabilize at a fast clip.

  • There will be more variety, and better problem permutations — number theory, geometry, area, perimeter, volume, inequalities, etc.

  • People will be able to make their own quizzes 🤔