Zoom WOD 6

Sixth installment of the semi-regular workout of the day over Zoom with my coworker Eli. Overall, I shaved 8 total seconds off the combined times of all 3 runs. Eli was able to set a PR with his 2nd and 3rd circuits, and says that his running mechanics have noticeably improved since we first started.

The cat is getting wise to my ninja entries, so this time, I snuck in through the tv room.

The cat is getting wise to my ninja entries, so this time, I snuck in through the tv room.

Sets and reps

Exercise Set #1 Set #2 Set #3
Jacks 45 45 45
Crunches 35 35 35
Pushups 25 25 25
KB Swings 35lbs x 15 35lbs x 15 35lbs x 15
Ring chinups 7 7 7
Run 02:37 02:27 02:45