
Zoom WOD 9

Friday, October 30, 2020 - the 9th installment of the ZOOM WOD (workout of the day). Today, we did 3 circuits, but did not go outside for the running portion because it was 38º in Detroit, 43º (and rainy) in Brooklyn. We decided to substitute 1 minute of high intensity toe-tap drills, which was a great alternative that allowed us to squeeze more work into a shorter period of time. Also, I got my early voting done yesterday!

Corona Virus Dispatch from NYC, Day 139

It’s been 139 days since the official start of New York City's covid-19 lockdown. Unlike a lot of people, I have access to a Crossfit Rig in my back yard. About a week ago, I started making it a point to track some of my foundational strength benchmarks – rope climbing, muscle-ups, and pullups. The last 2 were for the orphans and BLM.