Zoom WOD 8

Friday, October 23, 2020 - the 8th installment of the ZOOM WOD (workout of the day). Today, we did only 2 circuits (at my request) because of me being completely wiped out from a heavy squat workout a day earlier. Chitchat recap is here.

Remembering an episode of Fight Science from 2010, I rigged up my own low-tech version of an oxygen-starved fine motor control test using darts.

Remembering an episode of Fight Science from 2010, I rigged up my own low-tech version of an oxygen-starved fine motor control test using darts.

Sets & Reps

Exercise Set #1 Set #2 Set #3
Jacks 40 40 --
Crunches 30 30 --
Pushups 20 20 --
KB Swings 35lbs x 10 35lbs x 10 --
Ring chinups 5 5 --
Run 03:07 02:57 --

Chit Chat Recap

Let’s waste some time before working out

Ben: Look at my jazz hands. No, wait… spirit fingers.

Eli: Sparkle motion?

Ben: Oh man, my cat has a gallstone.

Eli: Who does?

Ben: My daughter’s cat.

Eli: What’s his name?

Ben: DeSoto – like Hernando deSoto.

Eli: Does he have to get surgery?

Ben: Well, there’s a special kind of food that’s designed to dissolve it. There’s a chance it won’t work. Then there’s surgery.

Eli: Yikes. You ready?


Post Workout Chit Chat

Eli: What’s with the darts?

Ben: I saw this episode of fight science –

Eli: What show?

Ben: It’s an old show on… FX or something… I think it’s called Fight Science. So in the show, there’s a former Army Ranger… he’s in this bariatric chamber that’s simulating 30,000 feet altitude, and then he comes out, and he does a rifle accuracy test. And the point is, that fine motor control as well as concentration goes off a cliff as oxygen levels begin to dip below like… 97%.

Eli: Right

Ben: So right after that last run, I had five darts stashed in my running pouch. And as soon as I got through the door, still being winded, I did 5 consecutive dart throws to simulate the Fight Science episode, and I got a tight little cluster.

Eli: Oh. Does that mean that you weren’t really pushing yourself really hard in terms of oxygen?